
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



    Angela Fullmer already had enough to handle. She'd recently completed her bachelor's degree and she had given birth to her 1 baby Atreyu just three months before.

    So at 1:30 a.m. March 15, when her dog Capone was barking 2 in their home, she yelled, "Shut up! You're going to 3 the baby."

    He wouldn't 4.

    She called for Capone to come to her.

    He wouldn't come.

    The dog 5 comes, she said, ever since she and husband, Isaac, 6 the wandering animal from a busy highway 18 months ago.

    Capone just looked at her and ran back to the 7.

    Fullmer, 32 — who has a 8 about dogs — thought something wasn't 9. Tired as she was, she went to 10 what was going on in the kitchen.

    The plug for the microwave was on fire. The fire seemed 11 at first, but she knew she needed to get the 12 out fast. She scooped up her 13 baby Atreyu, and then grabbed her 20-month-old toddler Mondecai. She yelled for her oldest, Landon, 12, to help 14 the other children.

    By the time most of the children were heading out.15 shot up to the kitchen ceiling and the smoke alarm 16 went off. She called 911 and did a roll call. Her nine children were all 17 outside the house.

    Capone? He had barked and barked for two minutes before the fire alarm even 18. He had saved their lives.

    "He 19 his family," Fullmer said. "I'm glad we found him on the 20."

A、first B、ninth C、healthy D、sleepy
A、as usual B、on purpose C、like crazy D、at random
A、wake B、feed C、protect D、milk
A、shut up B、show up C、listen to D、wake up
A、seldom B、hardly C、always D、rarely
A、hunted B、purchased C、trapped D、rescued
A、garden B、kitchen C、bathroom D、bedroom
A、doubt B、curiosity C、sense D、puzzle
A、true B、sure C、strange D、right
A、check out B、set down C、tell about D、think up
A、fierce B、dangerous C、opened D、small
A、dog B、cookers C、kids D、plug
A、cleverest B、weakest C、youngest D、strongest
A、examine B、gather C、cure D、educate
A、flood B、fog C、clouds D、flames
A、finally B、immediately C、gradually D、causally
A、afraid B、present C、injured D、awake
A、went off B、broke down C、shut off D、turned up
A、misses B、loses C、raises D、loves
A、ceiling B、highway C、spot D、ground

Value Now No Longer Missed

    John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither(齐特琴)and played it in the crowded subway station. The music emanating from the zither was delicately streaming1the whole station. However, during the one-hour play, only six or seven people were truly2the charming music. John only got 52 dollars for his work that day.

    However, in normal days, when John is about to hold a 3, one ticket can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely 4to buy a ticket even at such a high price. Therefore, later, many passers-by in the station that day felt deeply5for not recognizing the famous musician and missing such a valuable but6music feast.

    I have a very7friend who had totally changed after knowing that his wife8an acute illness. He cooked by himself for the family and took a walk with his wife every day. Nonetheless, his wife still did not manage to9the illness and passed away after three months. After that, he often sighed 10that due to his past busy life, he had missed a lot of beautiful time with his wife. But now, it is  11to make up for it.

    It is no use crying over spilt milk. We have12a lot of precious things in our life without knowing how to 13them. Actually, I also missed something 14before. The reason is simple: we had thought that we could still own them tomorrow.

    Nevertheless, tomorrow is actually15reliable. There was a famous Buddhist monk saying that in many people's lives, they have only done two things: waiting and 16. The result is that they were always too late to cherish 17they had before they lost it. We would often claim to do something when we 18, or when we have money or when we become old, etc. However, when we reach the19, we could no longer realize our20, because we have lost it by then.


    I volunteer some of my time in order to give back just a little of what I am so blessed to have. This month. I had an unbelievable opportunity to 1 my dream, and step out of my 2 surroundings. I volunteered to go to Guatemale (危地马拉) with an eyeglass.

    Our 3 went to a small town in Guatemala. San Augustin. We 4 our tables and packages of pre-made 5in the dirt courtyard of a clinic, get up the Snellen chart on a wall, and began 6 people. Young and old, they came from many of the 7 town. Most had never had an eye exam before.

    They waited for hours8 in the sun, never complaining. If we could help them out with a 9 pair of glasses they would feel deeply 10. Some only left with eye drops or sunglasses, and 11 these people were grateful.

    We saw over a hundred 12 a day and a good part of those we saw got glasses. We 13over and over from people who knew their eyes 14help that they had not gone to a doctor because it was too 15, or had not got the glasses they needed for the same reason. We saw children who were16 out of school because they could not see the17, and we met women who could not see to thread needles, drivers with 18 seeing road signs.

      We are not doctors, and there were several people we could not help. But for those we could, we watched with pleasure as their lives19. What a gift sight is and what a difference it 20to see clearly.


    A Michigan man, named Bob, was alone when he left his farmhouse on New Year's Eve to collect firewood. Expecting a journey of only several meters, Bob was just 1 long johns (秋裤), a shirt and slippers (拖鞋) when he went outside,2 the temperature being around -4℃. 3, he fell down and broke his neck. He4 for help but his nearest neighbor is about a quarter mile5and it was 10:30 pm.

    6 , Bob's Kelsey, a five-year-old Golden Retriever (金毛寻回犬) came. She kept Bob warm by 7 on top of him, and kept him 8 by licking (舔) his hands and face. She kept barking for 9 but never left his side. Bob said: "With Kelsey keeping 10 with me, I knew I had to 11 this and that it was my choice to stay alive."

    By morning Bob's voice was gone, but Kelsey didn't 12 shouting still. Bob's neighbor  13 discovered him after hearing Kelsey's shouts and called 911. When Bob arrived in hospital, his temperature was14 21 ℃. Normal body temperature is 37 ℃, so Bob was 15 to find out that he didn't have any injury16 cold. "I'm sure it was because of Kelsey's 17to keep me warm and aware," said Bob.

    And to the surprise of doctors, Bob made a quick 18 from his neck injury. "I think animals can help and his 19 hero did keep Bob alive and really make a big 20 ," said Chaim Colen, MD, Neurosurgeon (神经外科医生) at McLaren.

