
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In cooperation with German experts, several scientists from the University of Bradford believe that they finally solved a mystery that has been confusing millions of people: why our hair turns gray with age.

    The researchers came up with their results by examining native hair and cells from human hair follicles(毛囊). They say the secret turns out to be hidden in catalase(过氧化氢酶), which is causing hair to turn gray.

    Catalase production goes down with age and stress, allowing hydrogen peroxide(过氧化氢) in the hair to do its favorite job—making hair gray, and then white, by blocking the normal production of melanin(黑色素). Melanin is our hair's natural pigment that is responsible for the color of hair. It also determines the color of our eyes and skin.

    Dr. Gerald Weizmann, an editor of a journal, says," All of our hair cells make a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide, but as we get older, this little bit becomes quite a lot, and our hair turns gray and then white."

    The new study brings hope for millions of people who have to color their hair: to finally obtain some shampoo that will decrease levels of hydrogen peroxide and therefore restore gray or white hair to its natural color or even prevent it from turning gray.

    The researchers are already conducting an experiment with such a drug on a few volunteers with gray hair and expect to get the results in the next two to three months. If everything works out, millions of people will choose between this drug and other previously used expensive dyes. However, even if the drug works, it will take at least several years before it can be brought to the market.

(1)、What is the passage mainly about?
A、The effect that gray hair has on people. B、The chemical elements of people's hair. C、The reason why people's hair turns gray. D、New drugs to prevent people's hair from turning gray.
(2)、According to the passage, people's hair turns gray because of______.
A、a decrease in catalase B、the death of hair cells C、the production of melanin D、a decrease in hydrogen peroxide
(3)、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A、The new study shows it's harmful to color our hair with dyes. B、Dr. Gerald Weizmann is in charge of the new drug experiment. C、Our hair cells make lots of hydrogen peroxide when we are young. D、We may restore our gray or white hair to its natural color with shampoo.
(4)、What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A、Only a small number of people can use the new drug. B、Most of the volunteers in the experiment are old people. C、The drug cannot be brought to the market soon even if it works. D、The researchers have already known the results of the experiment.

    Did you know that sixty percent of your body weight is water? However, a loss of only two percent of this water through dehydration (脱水) during exercise can significantly affect your performance. The more you sweat, the more your exercise performance declines, unless you drink enough to replace your loss of fluids (液体).

    When you lose too much water, you can overheat quite easily, especially in a warm environment. But this is not the only problem you may face. Dehydration leads to your heart pumping much faster, which means exercise becomes more difficult and requires more effort. Despite these problems, however, many of us simply do not take enough fluids in when we head for the gym or set out on a run.

    So why is this? How do we manage to lose so much water without simply drinking more to replace it? Well, it's easier than you think. When we are at rest, we quickly become aware that we are thirsty and will put that right by having a drink. When we exercise, on the other hand, our thirst mechanism (结构) does not work as effectively, so we don't notice early enough that we are actually thirsty. In fact, we only start to fed thirsty when we have already lost around two percent of our body weight.

    Another problem is that, the more dehydration we become during exercise, the more difficult it is to prevent further dehydration-because our stomachs become intolerant (不能容忍的) to fluids and we do not absorb water properly, just when we need it most.

    The key thing about fluids and exercise is to manage your intake properly-regular small amounts are preferable, and some should be drunk before the period of exercise begins. You also need to match your intake to the sort of exercise you are doing. For example, for one hour of exercise, such as taking part in a 10 km run, you need to drink about two extra litres of water. For longer periods of exercise, sports drinks are recommended.


    “A good book might clarify something you knew little about, transform your world view, or move you in ways you didn't think possible. The Soul of an Octopus(章鱼)delivers on all three, ”the magazine New Scientist commented.

    After writing about birds, pigs and tigers, US naturalist Sy Montgomery decided to choose these many-footed animals as the subject of her latest book, The Soul of an Octopus: a surprising exploration into the wonder of consciousness.

    “Here is animal with poisonous liquid like a snake,a beak(喙)like a parrot,and ink like an old-fashioned pen. It can weigh as much as a man and extend as long as a car, yet it can pour its baggy; boneless body through an opening the size of all orange. It can change color and shape. It has a tongue covered with teeth. It can taste with its skin.” Montgomery explained to the National Geographic on why octopuses inspired her.

    What Montgomery is able to show in The Soul of an Octopus is that octopuses are creatures who exhibit personality, intelligence and emotion, despite having nervous systems completely different from our own. She uses different experiments to show that they possess consciousness as well as individual personalities. For example, based on her research, she finds out that Octavia, an octopus caught in the wild, is friendly and good at multi-tasking. And Kali, another octopus,who has been living at the New England Aquarium, is playful and loves exploring.

    Montgomery is a good storyteller. Through her study of, and communication with, these extraordinary creatures she shares what she learns from both science and her experiences. Her skillful writing presents facts together with personal description, which makes the book very informative but easy to read.


    Two summers ago I was about to tum fifty and wanted to do something I'd never done before. My daughter Bailey thought skydiving (跳伞) would be perfect for me. I can promise you that of all the things I was thinking of doing, jumping out of an airplane never came close to making the list. As I age, I seem to have developed a growing fear of heights.

    After several requests from my daughter, I finally said yes and she looked almost shocked. I told a friend what we were doing, then we set off. We had a 3-hour drive to the jump site. We drove through some beautiful countryside, but then we passed a small cemetery (基地) Then we passed another cemetery and another one. I asked if so many people died jumping out of airplanes in this area that they needed to keep building more cemeteries to bury all the bodies!

    As we squeezed into the little plane, I tightly held the right hand of my partner Ronnie. The short ride to altitude was cruel for me. As Bailey stepped to the door, she looked back at me and said “Dad, I'm sure you can do it!” I said yes as she rolled out, I immediately looked behind me and said “RONNIEI AM NOT FEELING GOOD” He said, “It's going to be great. Besides, it's too late now anyway”, any we jumped out.

    The next five minutes were some of the most exciting of my life. It was so beautiful and peaceful—except for the parts where I was screaming. I prayed to God for the parachute(降落伞)to open, but mostly I told Him how thankful I was for my life and being with me through good and bad.


    There are two kinds of secrets: secrets of nature and secrets about people. Natural secrets exist all around us; to find them, one must study some undiscovered aspect of the physical world. Secrets about people are different: they are things that people don't know about themselves or things they hide because they don't want others to know. So when thinking about what kind of company to build, there are two distinct questions to ask: What secrets is nature not telling you? What secrets are people not telling you?

    It's easy to assume that natural secrets are the most important: the people who look for them can sound authoritative (权威的).This is why physics PhDs are difficult to work with—because they know the most basic truths, they think they know all truths. But does understanding electronic theory automatically make you a great marriage counselor? Does a gravity theorist know more about your business than you do? At PayPal, I once interviewed a physics PhD for an engineering job. Halfway through my first question, he shouted, "Stop! I already know what you're going to ask!" But he was wrong. It was the easiest no-hire decision I've ever made. Secrets about people are relatively overlooked. Maybe that's because you don't need a dozen years of higher education to ask the questions that uncover them: What are people not allowed to talk about? What is forbidden or taboo?

    The best place to look for secrets is where no one else is looking. Most people think only in terms of what they've been taught; schooling itself aims to spread basic wisdom. So you might ask: are there any fields that matter but haven't been standardized? Physics, for example, is a real major at all major universities, and it's set in its ways. The opposite of physics might be astrology, but astrology doesn't matter. What about something like nutrition? Nutrition matters for everybody, but you can't major in it at Harvard. Most top scientists go into other fields. Most of the big studies were done 30 or 40 years ago, and most are seriously flawed (有缺陷的). The food pyramid that told us to eat low fat and large amounts of grains was probably produced by Big Food(美国著名食品公司)than real science; its chief impact has been to worsen our obesity(肥胖)problem. There's plenty more to learn: we know more about the physics of far away stars than we know about human nutrition. It won't be easy, but it's not obviously impossible: exactly the kind of field that could produce secrets.


The outbreak of locusts, an insect that mainly lives in Africa and Asia, is the worst experienced by Kenya in 70 years. The crowds are some three times the size of New York City, eating their way through thousands of acres of crops and animal grassland and destroying livelihoods in the process.

"These hungry things are alarming," says Keith Cressman, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization's senior locust forecasting officer. "A crowd the size of Manhattan can, in a single day, eat the same amount of food as everyone in New York and California combined."

Desert locusts are infamous for their ability to breed(繁育)rapidly in large numbers every three months. And with some help from the wind, they can travel as much as 80 miles a day. Most years, the insects stay in African deserts. However, under the right environmental conditions, they can multiply quickly, spread as much as 400 times every six months and cause extensive destruction if left unchecked.

"The insect has the ability to take advantage of good conditions." Cressman says.

The "good conditions" the scientist is referring to began in mid-2018 when a rainstorm from the Indian Ocean struck a remote area of the Arabian Peninsula known as the "Empty Quarter". Normally, it would dry out within a short period, killing most of the locust population, which depends on green plants for food. However, in late 2018, a second rainstorm struck the same region. The huge sandy area got wet, which is exactly what desert locusts need to lay their eggs and breed. The extra food supply caused the population to explode for the second time in six months.

Luckily, the locusts, experts say, are easy to control with chemicals. Kenya badly needs equipment and a steady supply of chemicals to effectively wipe out the massive insects. Hopefully, leaders worldwide will recognize the tough situation and contribute generously to control the locust outbreak.

