
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    The new school year is right around the corner, and the adjustment to returning to school may take a few weeks. Kids today are faced with far more than learning new material. Interacting with teachers and other students, bullying (欺凌), peer pressure and school violence are just a few of the challenges children face. The Kern County Sheriff s Office would like to provide the following tips for parents on how to protect your children, and how to teach them to protect themselves.


    Map out a safe way for your children to walk to school or to the bus stop. Teach your children to always be aware of their surroundings.  Choose a different route or walk on the opposite side of the street.

    Bus Safety

    Make sure your children arrive at least five minutes early for the bus. Be aware that bullying often happens on the bus. Ask your children about their bus rides, who they sit with, and what goes on in the bus.

    After School

     It could be your parents or any of your neighbors who can take care of your children for you. Make sure they inform you of it the moment your children arrive home.

    At School

    Teach your children to resolve problems without fighting. Many parents mislead their children to solve problems by force in fear that their children may be bullied at school, which will only lead to more trouble. Anyway, encourage your children to report bullying behavior, either as a victim or a witness.

A. Getting to School

B. Preparing for School

C. Encourage them to report any bullying behavior on the bus.

D. Some kids just can't wait to return to school after a long holiday.

E. Have your children check in with an adult as soon as they get home.

F. Be aware of slow moving vehicles or parked vehicles that appear to be occupied.

G. Returning to school can be fun and exciting, but it can also be difficult for some children.


    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}The Christian Science Monitor became the first national newspaper to shut down its print edition, and recently, the world famous magazine Newsweek announced that it would soon cease publishing on paper and shift to an online-only format(版式). Will the printed newspaper one day be replaced by online newspaper?{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    People who believe that printed newspapers will disappear think the new media, such as the Internet and mobile phone applications, have a great influence on people's life. Online newspaper is fast, instant, and convenient, while the printed newspaper often responds slowly to the latest news. People are now used to reading online newspaper on their smart phones, and no one has the patience of waiting for the printed newspaper.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}The printed newspaper consumes a large number of natural resources, and will, in the long term, be gradually replaced.

    For those who hold an optimistic view, they have their own reasons{#blank#}4{#/blank#}For these people, printed newspaper is an important way to know about the latest events at home and abroad.

    Although the printed newspaper cannot be as fast-responding as the online newspaper, it still can provide many in-depth reports and analytical articles for readers. Many column writers are invited to write special feature reports for the printed newspaper.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    Many readers prefer to read the printed newspaper for they do not like staring at the computer or cell phone screen. Printed newspaper is also preferred by the elderly people.

A. Some believe so while many still hold an optimistic view on the future of traditional newspaper.

B. However, those who work for newspaper are finding work in other areas.

C. In recent years, traditional printed newspaper has faced a serious challenge.

D. Online newspaper is also environment-friendly, which consist with the trend of saving energy in today's world.

E. Increasingly, many audiences are turning to the Internet, which has become the primary location for finding news stories.

F. There are still a large number of people in the world who have no access to the Internet.

G. Online newspaper, on the other hand, is only suitable for fast reading.


    Perhaps you have heard the expression “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. So when you want to do business in France, you have to get to know French culture, make marketing plans, and run your business by local laws.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The French take great pride in their language, so anyone who does not speak it may run the risk of being disrespected by his French colleagues or business partners. Also, another reason why learning French is important is that it is a great way to show every possible French business partner that you care and respect their country's culture and language.

    The first thing that you should do when meeting someone new is to shake his hand firmly and always look at the person in the eye. In social meetings with friends, kissing is common.

    Use first names only after being invited to.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}The French will sometimes introduce themselves using their surname first, followed by their first name.

    Dress well.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Your business clothing is a reflection of your success and social status. Always try to be tasteful and stylish. Women are advised to dress simply but elegantly. Wearing make-up is practiced widely by businesswomen.

    The French are passionate about food, so lunches are common in doing business in France, which usually consist of an appetizer, main meal with wine, cheese, dessert and coffee, and normally take up to two hours.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Do not begin eating until the host says “bon appetite”. Pass dishes to the left, keep wrists above the table and try to eat everything on the plate.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}This may suggest that you find the food tasteless. If eating in a restaurant with the person who invites always pays.

A. Remember to be as polite as possible.

B. This is a time for relationship building.

C. Use Monsieur or Madame before the surname.

D. Be careful with adding salt, pepper or sauces to your food.

E. Make an appointment with your business partner in advance.

F. The French draw information about people based on their appearance.

G. Language should be the focus of anyone planning to do business in France.


    Sorry seems to be the hardest word. So sang Elton John on one of his biggest 1970s hits——but not every public figure seems to find it so tough to let out that powerful five-letter word.

    In recent months varieties of public figures, from politicians, to Hollywood actors and You Tube stars have all publicly expressed regrets.

    But with floods of regrets on the airwaves, just how can we tell a forced apology from a heartfelt expression?

    In its purest form, saying sorry should be an “act of regrets, a realization that something you have said or done has hurt someone and you want to repair it”, says psychologist Geraldine Joaquim.

    Made early, a sincere apology can be hugely beneficial and can “relieve the tension and takes the wind out of an accusers sails”, she says.

    A need to say sorry can arise in someone's public life and equally at home with their family and friends but, whatever the environment, how well it is received depends on how personalized it feels.

    From businesses, governments and organizations, a scripted response will fail to resonate (引起共鸣) as it will not convey empathy (同理心) and sympathy.

Whether online or in person, the timing and choice of language in an apology are decisive factors.

    “It is important to show that you understand and sympathize,” says Martin Stone, of PR agency Tank, “It is vital that any business or individual making an apology understands the focus- is it sorry for the way it's acted or is it sorry that the complainant feels the way they do?” Performed apologies always have a sense of being “acted out, and are often accompanied by too many theatrical gestures. If sincere, the person making the apology will be looking for listening clues to see if they are being understood, such as eye contact and facial expressions. They will provide “humbling (谦卑的) signals”, such as a lowered head, to indicate regrets.

    It is also important to avoid irresponsible statements or promises that can't be kept. “Don't say that you'll ensure that this will not happen again if you're not confident it won't. It could come back to bite you,” Stone explains.

    Equally, the use of “but” can hugely change the tone of an apology.

    As Stone points out. 'I'm sorry but... It sounds like you are making excuses and aren't actually taking any form of responsibility. It may be three letters but it can instantly make an apology seem hollow,”

Passage outline

Detailed information

Does sorry seem to be the most difficult word?

For some, it seems to be a {#blank#}1{#/blank#} nut to crack while for others, it is just a piece of cake.

Is it a heartfelt apology?

• There being a storm of regrets on the airwaves, it is hard to make a {#blank#}2{#/blank#} between a sincere apology or a forced one.

• In its purest form, apology means offering regrets, which can be hugely beneficial if {#blank#}3{#/blank#} early.

• A scripted apology from business, governments and organizations doesn't resonate, thus being {#blank#}4{#/blank#} to convey empathy and sympathy.

• Whatever the environment is, the {#blank#}5{#/blank#} to which an apology is received depends on how personalized it feels.

How can we make a heartfelt apology?

• {#blank#}6{#/blank#} you say sorry is one decisive factor. The earlier you say sorry, the sooner the complainant will feel it.

• The choice of your {#blank#}7{#/blank#} language is the other decisive factor. You're not {#blank#}8{#/blank#} out the apology. You should provide humbling signals to indicate regrets.

• Be {#blank#}9{#/blank#} for the statements or promises you make. Don't say anything that can't be kept.

• Never find {#blank#}10{#/blank#} for your wrong behaviors with “but”.


    The Panda Ant is a most unusual species with a lovely appearance. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} They look like ants but actually they belong to the wasp(黄蜂)family. The differences between the two sexes of the species are also very pronounced in both appearance and behavior. When fully grown, the male, possibly attaining a length of approximately 0. 8 centimeters, is several times larger than the female. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Cute as panda ants may look, they are dangerous and capable of knocking out an animal much larger than they are with a few stings(刺).

    Panda ants primarily depend on flowers sweet liquid as their food. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The female panda ant often lays its eggs in a bee or wasp nest. When the young ones. hatch, they will eat their pupa(蛹)hosts.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} So although a female panda ant lays approximately 2, 000 eggs a year, a considerable amount of eggs to support their survival, this species is still on the edge of dying out.

    This species was first discovered in the coastal region of Central Chile in 1938. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    Today, they are likely to be found in dry desert and sandy areas such as Southwestern United States and parts of Mexico.

A. It's a new fashion to raise panda ants as pets.

B. The name comes from their colors as pandas.

C. Yet young panda ants are meat-eaters.

D. No one believes the panda ant is the relative of bees.

E. Besides, the males are active at night while the females opposite.

F. Unfortunately, many panda ants are eaten for their bright colors.

G. Then little attention was given to it until recently.


A. What do we need the Scribble for?

B. What's the Scribble's best colour?

C. It's the best birthday gift you may choose for your kids.

D. Thank you so much for your concern about the Scribble.

E. There is 1 GB of internal memory that will store over 100, 000 colors.

F. We created the Scribble for YOU and want you to be a part of the process.

G. Once stored, that color can be used to draw on paper or on a digital screen.

A Pen That Draws in Any Color

    The Scribble is a magical pen that can scan colors and instantly reproduce the colors. Hold the Scribble's scanner up to any color, and within a second that color is stored in its memory. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Who can use the Scribble?

    Children will love the Scribble because it can create different colors, replacing even their biggest box of crayons. Besides, anyone working with color in their professional lives, such as artists, will be able to scan and reproduce colors instantly.


    Green! One of the most important characteristics of the Scribble is that, since it can reproduce any color, it replaces marking pens, greatly reducing the huge amount of plastic waste.

    What's inside the Scribble?

    There will be two different versions of the Scribble, the Scribble K and the Scribble S. The K will be able to reproduce exact colors on paper. It includes a color sensor and a rechargeable battery. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The S looks exactly the same as the K, but it is intended for use on screen.

    How did we create the Scribble?

    We've been in the design process for two years and the Scribble has gone through various design changes to get it to where we are now. Because of its small size we have created some ideas never seen before in the color reproduction industry. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Thank you for your support.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Thank you also for your support! Make sure to bookmark our website and check back often to see the progress as well as the updated times for production and delivery of your Scribble.


    The history of writing instruments, with which humans have recorded and conveyed thoughts and feelings, is the history of civilization itself. This is how we know about our ancestors and their life.

    The handy sharpened-stone was adapted into the first writing instrument. Around 24,000 BC, the cave man started drawing pictures with the stone onto the walls of his cave. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Walls at the Apollo site in Namibia are believed to be the oldest rock paintings to date.

    Before paper came along, people used clay or wax tablets on which they wrote with sharp objects such as metal sticks or bones. Around 6000 years ago, the Egyptians invented the first paperlike material called papyrus. The word "paper" actually comes from the word "papyrus".

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Bones or metal sticks were no longer useful as the papyrus could not be scratched. So the Egyptians created a reed-pen perfect for the papyrus. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} And thus, ancient Egyptians transformed bamboo stems (茎) into an early form of a fountain pen.

    Another writing instrument that remained active in history for a long period was the quill (鹅毛) pen. Introduced around 700 AD, the quill was a pen made from a bird feather. Goose feathers were most common. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} For making fine line drawings, crow feathers were the best.

    When writers had better inks and paper and handwriting had developed into both an art form and an everyday occurrence, man's inventive nature once again turned to improving the writing instrument. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Now something was needed to write upon the papyrus.

B. The papyrus became the most popular material at that time.

C. Swan feathers were of a high quality, being rare and most expensive.

D. Bamboo stems were better and much more expensive than goose feathers.

E. This led to the development of the modem fountain pen in the 19th century.

F. These were mostly the stems of grasses, especially from the bamboo plant.

G. These drawings showed events in daily life like the planting of crops or hunting victories.

