
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I have two younger cousins starting their “Third Year of High School.” Though I don't talk to them often, I'm both excited for them and also worried. Are they growing up too fast? Are they eating right?

    I throw myself into anxiety. But, today, I stepped back for a moment and came to this realization: my cousins are smarter than my 16-year-old self. If I could go back in time, here's what I would say to myself.

     There's a time for everything—don't speed it up. This is especially true for love. Life is much longer than the distance from now until tomorrow.

    Maintain your digital diet.  Being connected has benefits, but please don't become a victim of the internet.

    Study. You're just starting to define who you want to be and what you want to do. Make sure you study, get the grades, light the midnight oil.  Study the other things in life—the people who are transforming your community and the simple stuff that makes our world go round. You will discover that each bit of detail will change how you view life.

    Be an upstander, not a bystander. Your biggest childhood regret is not standing up for that kid. The kid is the one who was accused of not fitting in right; the one whose shirt was always stained and whose eyes were dull. Your biggest regret is walking away. And, it doesn't matter if you turned away from the taunting(嘲弄). It doesn't even matter if you were nice to him when the other kids weren't around.

A. Take your time.

B. You'll regret not being more sympathetic, more courageous, more of a leader.

C. Are they dating?

D. Don't be afraid of what will happen.

E. But, don't just study what teachers say you should.

F. Are you worried about your life.

G. You don't need to spend every waking moment on a device.


    All around the world, people are working hard to make their cities safer and more pleasant for pedestrians (行人). Cities havepainted crosswalks on their streets, made streets narrower, put in traffic lights and speed bumps (减速带) and madeplans to help more kids walk or bike to school.

    Many people have learned from a man from Brisbane, Australia,named David Engwicht. His book Reclaiming Our Cities and Towns has a simplemessage{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Kids playedthere, and neighbors stopped there to talk.

    But now, streets are just for cars and trucks. People stay inside to get away from the noise and dangerous traffic, and we lose contact with our neighbors{#blank#}2{#/blank#}.  People needto take back their streets. Engwicht travels around the world, helping people think differently about pedestrians, streets, and neighborhoods.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}. He has workedin neighborhoods from Honolulu to Scotland.

    While Engwicht was writing his book, he learned how neighbors in the city of Delft, in the Netherlands, stopped dangerous traffic on their street. They put old couches, tables, and planters in the street.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. When the police arrived, they saw how these illegal actions made the streets safer. Soon city officials started planning ways to make cars slow down, and“calm”thetraffic.

    Engwicht says we should think about streets as our “outdoor living room”.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

    In the future, streets will be safe places for children again,and our neighbors will become our friends.

a. Cars and pedestrians crowded the street.

b. Calming the traffic is just the beginning.

c. Cars could still pass, but they had to drive slowly.

d. He says that in the past, streets belonged to everybody.

e. It's hard to take measures to solve the traffic problems.

f. Besides his books and articles, he gives many speeches.

g..  Engwicht says that we should use streets for more than just transportation.


Your friends have one, maybe even two or three. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Does it seem that everyone has one but you? No, it is not the latest video game, but something much more fun—a family pet.

    Dogs and hamsters(仓鼠) are both fun to hold and pet, but they relate to people in different ways. For example, dogs enjoy human contact. They love to play with their owners. They also like to show affection(喜爱) and love licking(舔) their owners' faces. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They need fresh food and water every day, and they need exercise. They also need someone to take care of them when their owners go out of town.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Having contact with people is not important to them. They like to sleep when people want to play. Unlike dogs, hamsters do not like being petted. Many will hide when their owners want to pick them up. Hamsters are also very independent. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Hamsters may be low on affection, but they need less daily care than dogs do. An owner usually fills up the food and water dishes only once a week. Hamsters need exercise too, but they get their exercise by running on wheels in their “houses”. If their owners go out of town, hamsters can be left alone.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} The choice is yours.

A. Dogs like to be petted.

B. Your neighbors have one.

C. Hamsters are very different from dogs.

D. They like to spend their time exploring.

E. They need food and water just as dogs do.

F. However, dogs need a lot of daily care, too.

G. Dogs and hamsters both make good family pets.


    Do you know some surprising innovations (创新) came from World War I? Here are some introductions to you.

    ⒈Daylight Saving Time The idea of fiddling with (拨弄) the clock has been around since ancient times, but it was not until World War I that governments around the globe officially adopted daylight saving time. Why? To save resources such as fuel and extend the workday for the war effort. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, and the Allies followed shortly after. To clear up confusion about the concept, the Washington Times used a comic strip to explain the first “spring forward” in the United States in 1918.

    ⒉Blood Banks {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, but doctors rarely performed them before World War I, when they were accomplished by transfusing blood directly from one person to another. Captain Oswald Robertson, a U.S. Army Reserve doctor consulting with the British army, recognized the need to stock blood before casualties (伤亡) occurred. .

    ⒊Hollywood With so much of Europe in the line of fire, the European film industry had to scale back (相应缩减) dramatically. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Hollywood was still in its early stage, but its studios soon made fortunes producing wartime movies. The war itself provided material for countless movies in the 1920s and '30s, including Wings, the winner of the first Academy Award for Best Picture.

    ⒋Plastic Surgery {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. British army surgeon Harold Gillies and his colleagues performed more than 11,000 operations, mostly on soldiers suffering from facial wounds from gunshots. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

    There were other innovations made during World War I, such as wristwatches, modern passports, zippers, drones, etc.

A. The Germans did it first, in 1916

B. That opened the door for the Americans

C. Blood transfusions (输血) date back to the 1600s

D. Gillies' operation became successful immediately

E. World War I left thousands of men scarred and maimed (伤残的)

F. Gillies became known as the father of modern plastic surgery

G. After World War I the blood banks appeared in the United States.


    How can we keep safe personal information on our computers or cellphones? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}View emails with a careful eye

    It's best to view all emails with care. Hackers (黑客) can make emails look like real company emails. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It's best to search for the original source of the information, and try to find the direct link from the site instead of using the link provided in the email.

    Use two-factor authentication (双重认证)

    Two-factor authentication adds a second level of safety to an account. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It's a safety option that requires a password as well as an additional piece of information only the user would know.

    Update apps and operating systems

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} While these updates may appear to only change the way your phone's software looks, they often come with safety improvements. There may be a bug (软件漏洞). Those bugs are discovered by cell providers or smartphone makers, so it's a good idea to upgrade them.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}It's no surprise that changing your password has always been a basic form of protection. But what we pick as passwords and how we manage them are important. First, passwords should never include your personal information. So stay away from names and birthdates. Ideally, passwords are a combination of lowercase (小写) and uppercase (大写) letters and random characters. It could be a strong, long password that doesn't have any personal information, making it harder to remember.

A. Manage passwords safety

B. Here are some steps to make it.

C. It can trick readers into clicking on dangerous links.

D. Often users are unwilling to update their mobile devices.

E. Combine your personal information with random figures.

F. Here are some ways to create your online personal passwords.

G. Do it if there's an option for your email, banking site or social media site.


    Culture means any human behavior that is learned in human society. All of the meaningful parts of a culture are passed on to different generations through tradition or social learning.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Culture exists in agricultural as well as industrialized societies.

    Culture is necessary for the survival and existence of human beings as human beings. Practically everything humans know, think, value, feel, and do is learned through taking part in a sociocultural system.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Here is one of the cases of children growing up apart from human society. In the province of Midnapore in India, the director of a children's home was told by local villagers that there were “ghosts” in the forest. Upon looking into the case, the director found that two children, one about eight years old and the other about six years old, appeared to have been living with a group of wolves in the forest.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}In his diary, the director describes his first view of Kamala (as the older child was named) and Amala (the name given to the younger child):

    Kamala was a terrible-looking being, the head, a big ball of something covering the shoulders.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Their eyes were bright and sharp, unlike human eyes. They were very fond of raw meat and raw milk. Gradually, as they got stronger, they began going on all fours, and afterwards began to run on all fours, just like squirrels.

    Children learn human language in the same way they learn other kinds of human behavior--by taking part in a cultural community.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. From this viewpoint, all human groups have a culture.

B. These children were the ghosts described by the local people.

C. This statement is well supported by some well-written cases.

D. Human beings can only develop human abilities by the local people.

E. Culture refers only to the high art and classical music of a particular society.

F. Close at its heels there came another terrible creature exactly like the first, but smaller in size.

G. They learn a certain human languages as well as certain kinds of human behavior through their membership in a certain cultural community.


We know that choosing a college major can be stressful.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}! Here's what you need to know about college majors before you commit.

Career prep

Choose a major because it will prepare you for a specific career path or advanced study. Maybe you already know that you want to be a nurse, a physical therapist, or a web developer.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Make sure you're ready for the coursework required for the career of your dreams.

Earning potential

Future earning potential is worth considering. After all, college is such a big investment. The majors that lead to the highest salaries include just about any type of engineering, mathematics, computer science, and economics. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. That six figure salary may not be worth it if you're not happy at the office.


Some students choose a major simply because they love the subject matter. If your love is philosophy, don't write it off just because you're not sure about what the job market holds for philosophers. Many liberal arts majors provide students with critical thinking skills and writing abilities that are highly valued by employers.

Explore your interests

If you truly have no idea what you want to study, that's okay.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. That gives you four semesters to play the field. Make the most of any required general education courses—choose ones that interest you. Exploring your interests will help you find your best fit major—and maybe even your ideal career.

A. Many schools don't require students to declare a major until the second year

B. The most exciting aspects of college life is that it fosters new passions

C. A double major provides you with an understanding of two academic fields

D. However, keep your quality of life in mind, too

E. But have no fear

F. Before you decide, check out the curricula

G. Subjects you love

