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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I was a very lucky girl.Many girls didn't know they could take part in or even be good at sports,but I never needed to be told that because I grew up with my grandmother who was a great Olympian.Even today,many girls need that extra nod in sports,but where can they get it?

Winners Never Quit by Mia Hamm

This picture book is a great message about how important attitude is in sports.I especially love the main character who is a child.This makes little girls and boys find themselves in similarly frustrating situations.You will find yourself saying "Winners never quit" a lot after reading this book.

Wilma Unlimited by Kathleen Krull

It's the true story of Wilma Rudolph, the African-American Olympian who, despite having polio(小儿麻痹)as a child, became the first American woman ever to win three gold medals at one Olympic Games.What did Wilma have in her corner?Not much more than great determination.This story is incredibly inspiring and the illustrations(插图)by David Diaz bring the amazing facts straight to your heart.

Players In Pigtails by Shana Corey

This book takes the story of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League and personalizes it for young readers.Many young girls who love sports more than princesses will like the main character and hopefully understand her desire to do what she loves.

Basketball Belles by Sue Macy

This book is set in 189 the attractive illustrations by Matt Collins take readers back to that time.The author takes you back into that gymnasium and makes you see not only how amazing that first game was for those devoted women who played in it, but also how important it was to all the women that have played basketball ever since.

(1)、Which of the following is based on an African-American Olympian?
A、Winners Never Quit. B、Wilma Unlimited. C、Players In Pigtails. D、Basketball Belles.
(2)、The book whose main character may play baseball was written by________.
A、Mia Hamm B、Kathleen Krull C、Shana Corey D、Sue Macy
(3)、What do the four books have in common?
A、They are all about modern sports players. B、They all inspire girls to participate in sports. C、They all contain knowledge about the Olympics. D、They are all picture books intended for teenagers.
(4)、According to the text,Basketball Belles      .
A、tells girls how to play basketball well B、encourages girls do what they love and desire C、represents some attractive illustrations of women D、shows the importance of women's playing basketball

    A Spanish company Siesta &Go has opened the first public napping (小睡) space in Madrid. It promises people a quiet rest in the middle of the city's business center.

    Napping spaces are nothing new; places to rest are already set up in other big cities in the world. But the idea would appear to work well with the culture of Spain, where people traditionally take an afternoon nap, called siesta.

    The Madrid nap space recently opened with 19 beds. People can use them by the minute or by the hour, and they can also choose either a private or shared room. An hour of napping inside a private room costs about $ l5.

    Siesta &GO provides all bedding, clean nightshirts and other materials. Nippers can request to be woken up when their time is up. It also offers areas to work, with armchairs, newspapers and coffee for those not wishing to sleep.

    Philip &Go is one happy customer. Marco says he gets tired during the day because of hard work. He says a siesta is the perfect way to build up energy. “I come for about 30 minutes or something like that. That is usually enough for me to be full of energy.”

    While many Spanish people love their naps, others like Carlos Villarroja say they are just too busy to keep the tradition. “It's a Spanish tradition, but I think it's more of a legend (传说) than a tradition. Because of the lifestyle and the working hours, we have very little free time for a siesta at least during the week.”

    But many health experts believe there is evidence that taking a short nap can be very good for the body and mind. Scientific studies show that taking a siesta can also prevent illness and lower blood pressure.


    You may be familiar with the following famous people, but have you heard of their graduation speeches, in which they either share their unforgotten experiences or give you some great inspiration(启迪).

    Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin

    And now you've accomplished something great and important here, and it's time for you to move on to what's next. And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. ... You must also commit to the adventure. Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you've been blessed (赐予)with and go.

    J.K. Rowling, Harvard University

    Half my lifetime ago ,I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents who were not rich...But what I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty(贫穷), but failure. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you know little about failure, you might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford University

    Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith...Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle.

    Bill Gates, Harvard University

    We need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities ,smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches and deal with the world's inequities(不公平)like hunger, poverty, and so on.


    Have you ever noticed that the more you have the more you want? Let's face it. Thinking our life is good enough doesn't come naturally to many people. When we have high expectations of everything in life we will run into disappointment. Only when we are aware that needs are different from desires can we live with satisfaction. Here are a few ideas to help you be happier with what you have and who you are.

    Focus on what you are thankful for. Most people want things to be better than they are, or when things are going well, we forget to appreciate what we have. Learn to reflect(反映)on how much better things are than they could be. Focus on what you are thankful for. Write down 5 things you are grateful for right now.

    When we hold onto regrets from decisions we have made, it can realty poison our well-being. Many people regret something they can no longer change, which ends up holding them back from moving forward in a more positive manner. What happened in the past is done and gone, so work to stay present and be mindful of the current (目前的)moment to find more joy and fulfillment(满足).

    When we use other people as the measuring stick for our personal success and quality of life we are likely to be less satisfied. Social comparisons can provide useful information when we try to learn from others, but they also hold our perspective(观点)in a discontented position. Compare yourself less with others so you can be satisfied more.

    When you are focused on your big ambitions(抱负)and future goals you might elide the daily pleasures that surround you. Learn to slow down and absorb the wonder and beauty around you. Stay present and focus on the task you're doing at the moment. Don't let the life pass you by because you're always on the go and distracted(分心)by ambition.

    Practice looking at life through the lens of contentment(满意)and it will become more natural.


    Finding a mountain goat resting high on a cliff(悬崖) might thrill many of the millions of tourists who visit Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park every year, but park officials say it might be time for the bearded animals to go.

    The problem, according to the park, is that Grand Teton's 100 or so mountain goats threaten about 80 bighorn sheep. The bighorn sheep numbered as many as 125 just a few years ago. The strong goats spread disease and compete with bighorn sheep for food. Unlike small-sized bighorn sheep, Grand Teton's mountain goats aren't native to the park. They were introduced to the park in the 1960s.

    Grand Teton spokeswoman Denise Germann said, “We've got a management responsibility to protect the native species. After hearing from the public on the proposal (建议) in January, park officials expect to decide as soon as mid-February on what to do about the mountain goats.”

    The goats are reproducing rapidly. Now might be the best time to reduce the animals before they're too many to bring under control, according to the Park Service.

    One wildlife biologist who studies bighorn sheep praised the proposal. Mountain goats' original habitat is nowhere close to where they've been introduced in the U.S. to provide hunting opportunities, said Rob Roy Ramey II, with Nederland, Colorado-based Wildlife Science International, Inc.

    Wildlife managers should get rid of mountain goats not only in Grand Teton but elsewhere to help struggling bighorn sheep, Ramey said. “Unfortunately, state wildlife agencies sell nonnative wildlife viewing opportunities to the public,” Ramey said. “This is not a zoo in the wilderness. It should really be for native wildlife.”


    In 2001, British Prime Minister, Tony Blair said," We celebrate the diversity(多样性) in our country, get strength from the cultures and the races that go to make up Britain today."

    People from all cultures and races can be found in every corner of Britain and each person in his or her own way has contributed to making Britain the place it is today.

    If you walk down a street in Britain, especially in the bigger cities, you will usually see people with different hair, skin and eye colors. They may have white, brown or black skin and blonde, brown, black or red hair, with blue, black, brown or green eyes. Many of the people you will see will be British people but they all look different because the people of Britain are a mixed race.

    Britain is and has always been a mixed race society. Early in the British history they were invaded by Romans, Saxons, Vikings and Normans armies and later Africans were brought to Britain by force in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as slaves or servants. Over the years, thousands of people have been forced by persecution(迫害) or hunger to leave France, Ireland, Russia, and other countries, and have settled in Britain.

    About 8% of the population of Britain today are people from other cultures and races. That is 4.6 million people. According to a BBC report in September 2005, immigration (移民) made up more than half of Britain's population growth from 1991 to 2001.The Guardian newspaper reported in 2007 that the number of immigrants to the UK was 145,000 a year.

    People moving to Britain have brought their own cultures with them and try to keep them alive. An excellent example of this is the Notting Hill Carnival which celebrates the Caribbean culture and is now a very big part of British life today.


    The University of Birmingham is the first excellent UK Russell Group university to announce that it will accept the "Gaokao" exam for high­flying Chinese students wishing to join its undergraduate courses in 2019. High school students who complete the "National Higher Education Entrance Examination", or Gaokao, with top grades will be able to apply for direct entry onto Birmingham degree programmes without first completing a foundation year which is a routine for the freshman.

    Gaokao is usually taken by students in their last year of senior high school and, every year, each province in China sets the grades required to gain admission to its universities. It is usually held across China in early June. Students are tested in Chinese, Mathematics, a Foreign Language and social sciences or natural sciences.

    University of Birmingham Vice­Chancellor Professor Sir David Eastwood said: "The University of Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. We welcome people from around the globe to study at Birmingham and Chinese students form an integral part of our education and research community. We are further opening access to Birmigham's wealth of education opportunities for the brightest and most dedicated Chinese students by accepting this strict and important qualification. I look forward to welcoming these high­flying students to the University of Birmingham."

    Gaokao is increasingly accepted by universities in Australia, the USA, Canada and mainland Europe. Birmingham will only be considering high quality students who achieve a minimum 80% Gaokao score and meet additional academic and English language requirements.

    Professor J on Frampton, Director of the University of Birmingham's China Institute said: "The University of Birmingham has a long history of educating students from China and one of our most famous graduates is Li Siguang­the founding father of Chinese geology. I am delighted that the University is now accepting the Gaokao. This gives the brightest and best Chinese students an opportunity to move straight into the first year of our undergraduate programmes and experience the benefits of studying at a global Top 100 university, such as Birmingham."

