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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教版(新课程标准)2018~2019学年高中英语必修一Unit2 English around the world 训练卷(一)


    You signed up for soccer, and played every game of the season. Sure, you're not the best player on the team, but most days you gave it your all. Do you deserve a trophy (奖杯)?

    If the decision is up to Carol Dweck, the answer would likely be no. She's a psychology professor at Stanford University, California. She says a player doesn't have to be the best to get a trophy. But those who receive an award should have to work for it. She suggests trophies go to the most improved player, or the one who contributed most to the team spirit, as well as to those who play the best.

    “The trophy has to stand for something,” Dweck told TFK. “If we give a trophy to everyone, then the award has no value.” Dweck argues that giving kids trophies for particular reasons, such as improving in a sport, and teaches kids that adults value hard work and trying our best.

    Others say that there's no harm in giving awards to all kids who play a sport, regardless of how they played or whether or not they improved.

    “I think we should encourage kids' participation in sports,” says Kenneth Barish, a psychology professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, in New York City. “A trophy is one way to encourage kids' efforts.”

    Barish argues that when we only single out the best or even the most improved players with a trophy, we are teaching kids the wrong lesson. We are sending the message that winning is everything. “Winning is only part of the equation (等式),” Barish told TFK.“Playing sports also teaches kids about teamwork and the importance of exercise.”

    There will be plenty of opportunities for kids to learn about competition as they get older, says Barish. They'll soon realize that only one soccer team wins the World Cup and only one football team wins the Super Bowl. For now, he thinks there's nothing wrong with letting all kids who play a sport feel like winners. That means trophies for everyone.

(1)、According to Carol Dweck, which player should receive a trophy?
A、Tony, the most attractive player of the soccer team. B、David, a soccer player who is both clever and funny. C、Peter, who is ready to help his partners to score goals. D、Jim, a soccer player who tries his best to win the game.
(2)、Which of the following statements would Kenneth Barish agree with?
A、There is no sense in giving a trophy to everyone. B、Kids fond of playing sports should be rewarded. C、Kids should be given trophies for trying their best. D、It is necessary to encourage kids' participation in sports.
(3)、The underlined phrase “single out” in Paragraph 6 probably means “________”.
A、honor B、choose C、value D、stress
(4)、Which shows the correct structure of the text?
A、 B、 C、 D、

    Banker Chip Paillex had never planted so much until he moved to the countryside in Pittstown, New Jersey, seven years ago. Surrounded by working farms, he quickly became interested in the grow-it-yourself idea and rented a piece of 30-by-30-foot land. He planted tomatoes, eggplants and other vegetable—enough to feed his family of four for the summer. He ended up with so much produce; he couldn't give it away. He found a local food factory and donated 120 pounds of fresh vegetables.

    The following year, with a handful of volunteers and a memorable name—America's Grow-a-Row, Paillex harvested 1, 500 pounds of fresh vegetables, all of which he donated to area food banks--places that give food to poor people. Soon Paillex had a hundred volunteers and needed more land. He visited Meredith and Jeremy Compton, who farm Peaceful Valley Orchards in Pittstown. Could he work their land?

    “I guess we were feeling honored, " says Meredith. Not only do the Comptons welcome Grow-a-Row volunteers, they also work on the land.

    What began with a few empty fields has turned into a large local farm. This year, Grow-a-Row will deliver about 250, 000 pounds of fresh produce to food banks. Their secret for getting all of this done? Family power. " Each week, a couple of families 'own' the garden, " says Paillex." They water, pick, and deliver, and then hand it off on Sunday night to the next group of families."

    Paillex also welcomed local school kids. On a Friday morning in May, some kids worked on a field. "We' re growing food, " one fifth grader said proudly.

    "The program shows kids that there are people in need, " says Paillex. “When these kids become tomorrow's leaders, they'll be much more likely to encourage their co-workers or employees to get involved in something like this. “

    "Chip makes people want to help, " says Colleen Duerr, a mother of two. "And families love this. Chip has given us a way to raise our kids with a giving heart. "


    It was with heavy hearts that my son and I worked to prepare his car for a milestone journey—the day he moved across the country after twenty years of living under my roof.

    Our work went slowly into the afternoon.The Sunday baseball game came on.Our hometown Cardinals were playing the Atlanta Braves.I overheard bits of the TV broadcast—Atlanta took a two-run lead as we were packing the trunk.After that I became absorbed in glum thoughts about his departure and forgot about the game.Suddenly I heard the door open.“Dad,”he said,“let's watch the game.They're only down by a run.”

    His red-colored eyes instantly told me that he,too,found this to be difficult and wanted to share one last father-son moment.Without hesitation I led the way to the TV set.There,we found the Cards losing 3—1.“Oh,”he said,“they're down two runs.”His voice cracked with doubt.“I thought they were coming back.”“That's fine,”I said,wanting so much to string this moment.“Let's watch anyway.”

    The Cards got to bat last.First a single,and then another.Suddenly the game became very interesting.When David Eckstein parked the third pitch(投球)into the seats,we were transformed,jumping up and down.That's when the magic moment came.The sadness of that day was replaced by the exciting baseball game,something we had done many times together before.

    Then he left.It was a sad day when I helped my son pack and get ready to move away to college.But this moment of joy mixed with sadness made the day,the trip and our life seem so right.


    When you choose a friend, you should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).

    Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person's place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.

    At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults (过错) in others. He notices their good points. In short, good friends will be honest to each other and accept each other.

    Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.

    There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humor, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.

    When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I've found a friend!


    Wellington: Huawei has started a rugby-themed media campaign in a bid to win over New Zealand's public after the country's security agency blocked the Chinese technology giant's equipment from being used in a nationwide Internet network.

    "5G without Huawei is like rugby without New Zealand," ads in New Zealand's two largest newspapers read alongside a photo of players competing in a ball. Large posters also appeal to the country's love of the sport. In November, New Zealand's Government Communications Security Department (GCSD) told Spark it couldn't use equipment from Huawei-the world's largest telecommunication equipment company—in the building of its 5G network because an unspecific "significant network security risk was identified". Spark is now in the process of seeing if it can make changes to prevent those risks, although GCSD has declined to publicly say how that would happen.

    Huawei's newspaper ad goes on to argue the decision would mean less advanced technology and higher prices for New Zealand customers. The ads come after the company last month publicly offered to only use New Zealand, rather than Chinese, staff to build the network—in a bid to ease fears—and called for an urgent meeting with the government, denying (否认) there had been any wrongdoing.

    Western spy agencies have increasingly raised security concerns about Huawei—China's largest telecommunications company-over what they say are possible links to the Chinese government, with the United States reportedly pressing Five Eyes intelligence network allies (同盟国) to avoid the company. Australia and Canada were the first countries to ban Huawei from a building of 5G networks.

The company has repeatedly denied accusations.

    New Zealand's top politicians have repeatedly denied the GCSD decision was influenced by other Western powers and say it's about the particular technology being suggested, not China. They have also denied suggestions New Zealand's diplomatic ties with China have been tense over the decision, with the official promotion of a major China—New Zealand tourism project now postponed.


    Teenagers who talk on the phone a lot and hold their cell phones up to their right ears score worse on one type of memory test. That's the finding of a new study. That memory damage might be one side-effect of the radiation that phones use to keep us connected while we're on the go.

    Nearly 700 Swiss teens took part in a test of figural memory. This type helps us recall abstract symbols and shapes, explains Milena Foerster. She's an epidemiologist(流行病学家). She worked on the study as part of a team while Foerster was at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland. Teens participated memory tests twjce, one year apart. Each time, they had one minute to memorize 13 pairs of abstract shapes. Then they were shown one item from each pair and asked to match it with one of five choices.

    The study volunteers also took a test of verbal memory. That's the ability to remember words. The two memory tests are parts of an intelligence test.

    The researchers also surveyed the teens on how they use mobile phones. And they got call records from phone companies. The researchers used those records to estimate how long the teens were using their phones. This allowed the researchers to calculate how big a radiation exposure each person could have gotten while talking.

    All cell phones give off energy in the form of radio frequency electromagnetic fields, or RF-EMFs. Radio and TV broadcasts also use this type of energy. So do microwave ovens and some other gadgets(配件).

    "For a phone, that energy carries information, in the form of calls or texts between phones and cell phone towers. That radiation also can travel into people's bodies as they use their phones. And some of its energy can be absorbed by the body. So far, scientists have not shown that radiation from phones causes harm," says the Federal

    Communications Commission. Research is ongoing, this agency notes.


    Daniel stays home on workdays. He starts his personal computer in order to connect with the office which is about three hundred miles away in another city. After work, he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder, or plays baseball on the computer. On many days, Daniel doesn't talk to any other human beings, and he doesn't see any people except the ones on television. Daniel is imaginary, but his lifestyle is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.

    The world of business is one area in which technology is separating us. Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents, and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals (终端) in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people they're dealing with. In addition, the way employees are paid will change. Workers' salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts, making paper checks unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change, too. Customers will deal with machines to put in or take out money from their accounts. Many companies and consumers have already changed the way they sell or buy products. E-commerce, or business done on the Internet, is becoming more and more popular. This, therefore, makes it possible for people to do shopping without going out of their homes.

    Another area that technology is changing is entertainment. Music for example, was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now, however, music is an individual experience. Walking along the street or sitting in their living-rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them. Movie entertainment is changing as well. Movies used to be social events. Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living-rooms.

