
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    According to German researchers, forcing people to be happy and polite all the time is likely to make them sick. They believe most at risk are air hostesses, call center operators, waiters and other workers in close contact with the public.

    Professor Dicter Zapf, a researcher into human emotions at Frankfurt University, said false friendliness led to depression, stress and a lowering of the immune(免疫) system. This can lead to more serious illness such as high blood pressure and so on.“Every time a person is forced to repress his true feelings, there are negative consequences for his health,”said Professor Dieter Zapf.

    In order to reach these conclusions, for over two years, 4,000 volunteers including shop workers and air hostess, were put in an imaginary call center and abused by customers. Some of the participants were allowed to answer back, while others had to be polite and friendly all the time.

    Those who stood up to clients(顾客) had a rapid heartbeat for a brief period, but for those who had to remain friendly, their heart was still racing long after the client had hung up.

    The conclusion reached by the researchers was that“being friendly against one's will causes nothing but stress”.

    Professor Zapf said, “We are all able to control our emotions, but it becomes difficult to do this over a long period as air hostesses are forced to on long flights.”

    “These people need space away from the passengers where they can be on their own and let their feelings run free. We have to get away from the 'customer is king' attitude and show more respect to those working in the service industries.”

(1)、Who are most at risk when forced to be polite all the time?
A、Those connected with the public. B、Those in service industries. C、Those with high blood pressure. D、Those working at the airport.
(2)、According to Professor Dicter Zapf, false friendliness can _____.
A、cause conflicts among people B、improve people's relationship C、control high blood pressure D、lead to more serious illnesses
(3)、What can be inferred from the text?
A、About 4000 voluntary students took part in the research. B、Those allowed to answer back had a slow heartbeat. C、Those forced to remain polite are likely to have heart problems. D、Air hostess should be allowed to lose their temper on long flights.
(4)、What is the main purpose of this text?
A、To appeal to people to respect those in service industries. B、To persuade people out of working in service industries. C、To tell people to take the “customer is king” attitude. D、To remind people in service industries to control their emotions.

    If you're a high school student,you may tend to measure your self-worth based on your popularity and status.You may feel dejected or disappointed if you have a difficult time fitting in or if you lack the confidence to talk to others.If you want others to like you,you'll need to have a healthy understanding of how people think,what appeals to them and how you can gain their approval.There are four tips on how to be popular in high school.And if you are popular with your classmates,you can get many benefits from it.

    You must be yourself in order to gain any real popularity in high school.While imitation is the sincerest form of flattery(奉承),copying another's style and personality will have a negative effect on your popularity.If you're not comfortable enough to be yourself 100 percent of the time,others won't feel comfortable around you.If you establish your own style and finesse and stay true to yourself,popularity will soon follow.

    Make yourself approachable to appeal to others and be popular in high school.People love to be around others who are confident and ready to have a good time.Hold your head up high,keep your shoulders back,and smile as you walk with an air of confidence to instantly attract others and boost your popularity.

    Be friendly and kind to everyone you meet.It's not enough to gain the approval of the other popular students in your school.In order to gain real popularity,you'll need to be kind and polite to everyone you meet.Make an effort to talk to your classmates regardless of their popularity or economic status and try to develop friendships with them.The more people you appeal to,the more popular you'll become.

    Involve yourself in school activities that interest you.You can be popular in high school if you play an active role in your school's extracurricular activities(课外活动).The more you participate in group activities,the more popular you'll become.


Worlds of Fun

    Location: Worlds of Fun is located off Highway 435 in Kansas City, Missouri.

    History: Worlds of Fun was opened on May 26, 1973, at a cost of 25 million dollars. Loosely themed around the Jules Verne book, Around the World in Eighty Days, the park was founded by Hunt Midwest Company. In 1982, Hunt Midwest bought a nearby waterpark, Oceans of Fun. In 2013, Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun were combined to a one ticket admission, providing all guests with access to 235 acres of amusement and water rides.

    Hours: Worlds of Fun is open from April through Halloween.

    Tickets: Buy and print online. Always try to buy your tickets in advance, to save time when you get to the park.

    Reservations: Worlds of Fun sells “Fast Lane” cards that save riders' time by allowing them to bypass the majority of wait for most of rides and attractions including Mamba, Prowler, and Patriot. Ride as many times as you want all day long.

    Strategy: Most visitors tend to begin the day with Prowler, the hottest attraction in the park. Use that tendency to your advantage and head to the Patriot first. After that, try the Dragons. Then work your way back to the Prowler. After riding the Prowler, there is only one coaster left, Mamba. Hit it next. If the park is not very crowded, you can ride Boomerang on the way to Mamba. After riding Mamba, head back for a ride on the Wolf. By then you will have tried most of the popular rides and attractions in the shortest possible time.

    News: In 2017, Worlds of Fun is adding Steel Hawk, a ride that will take guests up 301 feet in the air and spin them at a 45-degree angle for a 60-second flight. Wait to have a try!


    Housework is a frequent source of disputes (争论) between lazy husbands and their hard-working wives, but women have been warned not to expect men to pull their weight any time soon.

    A study from Oxford University has found that men are unlikely to be doing an equal share of housework before 2050. Mothers, the researchers warned, will continue to shoulder the burden of childcare and housework for the next four decades, largely because housework such as cleaning and cooking is still regarded as “women's work”.

    The gap between the amount of time men and women spend on housework has narrowed slowly over the past 40 years. But it will take another four decades before true housework equality (平等) is achieved, the study concluded.

    The research found that in the Nordic countries, the burden of housework is shared more equally between men and women. In the UK, women spend an average of four hours and forty minutes each day on housework, compared with two hours and twenty-eight minutes for men. This is an improvement from the 1960s, when British women typically spent six hours a day on housework, while men spent just 90 minutes every day.

    But progress towards housework equality appears to be slowing in some countries. Dr Oriel Sullivan, a research reader from Oxford's Department of Sociology, said, “we've looked at what is affecting the equality in the home, and we have found that certain tasks seem to be given according to whether they are viewed as ‘men's work' or ‘women's work'.”

    Dr Sullivan said cultural attitudes taught at school may be responsible for the views of housework. “At school it is much easier for a girl to be a tomboy, but it is much more difficult for a boy to enjoy baking and dancing,” she said.


    If a stranger offered you money to keep a suitcase in your spare room,would you accept? How about the other way round:if you had too many belongings,would you consider trusting someone you met online with their safekeeping? Anthony Paine believed enough of us would answer “yes” to these questions to launch his own startup(新兴公司),Stashbee.His business links people with space to those who need it.

    And it's just one player in the booming “sharing economy”,an industry that relies on people renting out things like their beds,bikes and even parking spaces.Airbnb,a company valued at 200bn RMB,provides a platform for those renting property short-term.DogVacay pairs holidaymaking pet owners with pet-friendly hosts,and aims to be profitable by 2017.

    All their business models revolve around one simple word:trust.So,how does Stashbee measure up? BBC journalist Dougal Shaw decided to try it out for himself.He had some odds and ends to store while renovating his house,and met a host through the site who could keep them for 475 RMB for two months.All relatively smooth and painless.

    Heavyweights(行业巨头)in the traditional storage industry,such as Big Yenow and Access,aren't convinced.A representative from Access told Shaw he was skeptical about storing with “amateurs”.He considered 24/7(全天候) access to the items and better security as the main advantages of his service.

    Stashbee agree that dealing with security concerns is important,but say business success depends more on people overcoming a distrust of strangers we've been taught since childhood. They aren't alone.Companies such as Costockage,Roost and Spacer all run similar storage businesses,and are all relying on a shift in consumer attitudes.

    And the concept of social storage doesn't stop there.CityStasher believe there's a gap in the market for those who want to store things for extremely short periods of time.

    Would you try it out? It's a question of trust.


    It has been around for centuries, but up until very recently, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) wasn't fully accepted abroad. Proof of this can be found in The Treatment (《刮痧》), a 2001 film that tells the story of a Chinese man in the US who's accused of abuse after he uses guasha, a form of TCM treatment, to cure his grandson's disease.

    During the last 10 years or so, however, TCM has been getting increasingly popular all over the world. A report released by the State Council Information Office on Dec. 6 says this style of health care, which includes different forms like herbal medicine and exercise, has spread to 183 countries and regions.

    "We have set up 10 TCM centers outside China, and all of them are popular among locals," Wang Guoqiang, head of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said at a news conference on Dec 6. "Governments of 86 countries and regions have signed agreements with the Chinese government on TCM corporation."

    One of the reasons behind the growing popularity of TCM is the increase of scientific research into it. And after Tu Youyou, the Chinese scientist who discovered the anti-malaria (抗疟疾) drug qinghaosu (青蒿素), won the Nobel Prize in 2015, TCM became even more famous internationally.

    However, all these achievements in TCM don't mean that it's problem-free. Over the years, TCM has faced challenges in being able to prove that it has certain effects.

    Some researchers have suggested TCM should be more exact and work together with Western medicine.

    "Bringing together with Western medicine and TCM, rather than being in competition, is where the potential for great effects is," said Bernhard Schwartlander, the China representative of the World Health Organization.


One of the interesting things about languages is the way they change over time. In English, everything from spelling to vocabulary has 1  major changes over the years. In fact, to a modern speaker, the English of 1000 years ago looks like a 2  language!

The history of English dates back around 100 years. At that time, groups of Europeans 3  England, bringing their language with them. It developed into old English. Later in 1066, English was invaded by the Normans from France. The language went through an important shift leading to what we now call Middle English. Over the next 500 years, the language underwent 4  shifts, leading to modern English. As the language has developed over time, many things about it have changed.

5 is one of the most obvious areas. For example, in old English, people say "hus" and "mus". Now, we say house and mouse. These days there are many differences in the way English is pronounced in the U.S., India and elsewhere. When people live in groups separated by great distances, the 6 of change can be fast.

Vocabulary changes happen even more quickly. English has grown by borrowing words from languages such as French, Spanish and 7 , 8 . This often happens with types of 9 -for example, "tofu". Then there is slang which enters and 10 the language every year! Thirty years ago, one often heard people saying "groovy", meaning great. These days you rarely hear the word 11 on old TV shows or movies.

Because English is spoken by so many people worldwide, it really is an exciting time for the language. Just as American and British versions are always changing, so are versions 12  in Canada, 13  and elsewhere. At the same time, an entirely new version of English is appearing on the Internet with whole new 14  and writing styles. In a way, learning English is a never-ending process, even for native speakers! The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as 15  its soil and water of its lakes, rivers and oceans.

