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题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



Living aboard can help you make smarter career decisions

    Living in a foreign country doesn't just give you the opportunity to learn about different cultures, it can also boost your self-awareness and improve your career.

    That's according to a recent study 1 by the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    A team of researchers conducted six studies involving 1,874 subjects and found that living abroad increases 2 they call “self-concept clarity.” This is defined as the extent to which a person is able to clearly and confidently define their beliefs. It has been 3 with a slew of benefits, 4 mental well-being, better stress management and enhanced job performance, the 5 write in Harvard Business Review.

    In one of the studies, participants were asked to indicate how strongly they 6statements like, “In general, I have a clear sense of who I am and what I am,” and, “It is often hard for me to make up my mind about things 7 I don't really know what I want.”

    Those who had lived abroad, the research found, reported a 8 sense of self than those who had not.

    In another study, participants who had lived abroad were randomly assigned to two groups. Half were asked to reflect on the experience of living abroad while the 9 group was asked to reflect on the 10 of living in their home country. The study found that subjects who reflected on living abroad reported higher self-concept clarity than those who reflected on living 11.

    Living abroad also forces people to 12 against different cultural values and norms. Repeatedly having to do this allows people to 13which values and norms truly define who they are, the researchers explain.

    Finally, the study found that the length of time lived abroad had a far greater 14 than the number of foreign countries lived in. The longer people lived abroad, the more likely they were to develop a better 15 of themselves.

    As organizations become increasingly global, these findings have 16 implications in the workplace. When it comes to 17 talent, for example, recruiters(征募)highly value job candidates who have international experience because they appear more 18, outgoing and knowledgeable about global affairs, according to the Financial Times.

    Further, living abroad better 19 you to make challenging career decisions, according to the researchers.

    “It stands to reason,” they write, “that having a clear sense of self explains which types of career options best match one's 20 and fulfill one's values, thereby enabling people to be clearer and more confident about their career decisions.”

A、released B、removed C、requested D、replaced
A、that B、which C、what D、who
A、familiar B、associated C、content D、attached
A、contained B、included C、including D、holding
A、researchers B、professors C、judges D、participants
A、turned down B、dealt with C、argued with D、agreed with
A、until B、because C、if D、when
A、calmer B、falser C、firmer D、clearer
A、remaining B、remained C、leaving D、left
A、feelings B、belief C、experience D、lessons
A、at school B、at home C、abroad D、outdoors
A、protect B、defend C、go D、struggle
A、choose B、demand C、determine D、define
A、impact B、effort C、value D、experience
A、analysis B、understanding C、distinction D、changing
A、useless B、free C、practical D、important
A、finding B、employ C、contacting D、apply
A、modest B、discouraged C、puzzled D、confident
A、annoys B、prepares C、signs D、forgives
A、faults B、disadvantages C、attractions D、strengths

    Hello. I'm Jan from Mrs. Lake's class. My class wants to work together to help the public. We think we have found a great way to do this. Last month we did a class project on the highways near our town. We learned about the Adopt-a-Highway Program. This program brings people together to pick up litter along the roads. We think it would be a great idea for all students in our school to join the program and adopt(收养) a highway.

    Adopting a highway is not like adopting a pet. When a highway is adopted, only part of the highway is cared for by a group of people. The group agrees to work every week to keep its part of the highway clean. Each group gets its own sign that has the name of the group printed on it. The sign is put up at the side of the road. This sign lets drivers know who is keeping that area of the road clean.

    The Adopt-a-Highway Program is a great way for people to help their environment look nicer. Also, the government does not have to send out as many road workers. This saves money. Finally, people may try harder to keep roads clean if they see people, especially teenagers like us, cleaning them up.

    We will need helpers to care for our adopted highway. If you want to feel great and keep our roads clean,please come with your parents to the meeting next week. We will meet in Mrs. Lake's room on Wednesday at 6:00 P.M. At the meeting, we will talk about which roads are the dirtiest as a result of people's unkind acts. Then we'll try to pick an area to adopt and clean.

    I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Remember to keep our roads clean!


    Founded in 2010, Wall Street Daily is an independent, honest publisher of news and opinions regarding global financial markets. Its writing staff consists of gifted journalists and investment(投资) professionals. They provide original, practical ideas based on superior insights into value and where and how to find it. They learn facts others don't, they see things differently, and they do a better job to earn money. The following experts are most outstanding of them.

Robert Williams is the Publisher and Founder of Wall Street Daily. Before launching Wall Street Daily, he was the lead financial analyst for Forbes Top 50 private corporation and an analyst to one of the largest academic donations on Earth. Williams has worked alongside venture capitalists(风险投资商), bestselling authors, multi-million-dollar hedge fund(对冲基金)manager, and even billionaire owners of major professional sports merchants. Since launching Wall Street Daily, it's estimated that Williams has helped unlock $26 million in new investor wealth.

Louis Basenese helped direct over $1 billion in institutional capital at Morgan Stanley before leaving Wall Street for Silicon Valley. Now, as the world's premier venture capital analyst, Louis tracks early investment opportunities born from technological breakthroughs and new drug discoveries. Louis serves as the Investment Director for his wildly popular publications True Alpha, Extreme Alpha, and Venture Cap Strategist.

For 27 years, Martin Hutchinson was an international merchant banker in London, New York, and Zagreb. He ran trading platforms for two European banks before serving as director of a Spanish venture capital company, advisor to the Korean company Sunkyong, and chairman of a U.S. group building company company. In Zagreb, he established the Croation debt capital markets, set up the corporate finance operations of Privredna Banka Zagreb, and arranged for the management of 800,000 frozen Macedonian for eign currency savings accounts.


    The British economy is showing the greatest signs of stress since the Eurozone crisis and fears of a double-dip recession(衰退)six years ago, as worrying reports show the steepest fall in manufacturing(制造业)output and the greatest degrees of pessimism among employers since 2012. Concerns over Brexit(英国脱欧)and a slowdown for high street spending are among the major factors contributing towards 2018 being the worst time in six years for British firms planning to take on new staff, according to a closely watched survey conducted by the employment firm ManpowerGroup.

    Watched by the Bank of England and the government for early warnings of hiring increases or downturns, the quarterly poll(季度民意调查)of about 2,000 major employers from nine different industry sectors across the UK found a net balance of only 4% planning to hire more staff rather than cutting back.

    The weakest outlook from the survey was reserved for the banking and finance industry, which recorded the worst outlook since the depths of the financial crisis almost a decade ago, suggesting job cuts may be on the way over the summer.

    The barometer(晴雨表)of hiring sentiment comes as Britain's factories unexpectedly recorded the sharpest drop in output for more than five years in April. Pointing to fewer orders for steel used in infrastructure(基础设施)projects and a wider slowdown in demand for British goods at home and abroad, the Office for National Statistics said manufacturing output fell by 1.4% in April from the previous month. Economists had forecast modest growth of 0.3%.

    Although the situation does not appear to be as severe this year, forecasts issued by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research on Monday suggest the UK has done little to bounce back from heavy snowfall earlier in 2018. Putting the growth rate for GDP at only 0.2% in the three-month period to May, up from 0.1% in the same period ending in April, Niesr's head of UK macroeconomic forecasting, Amit Kara, said: “Economic growth has slowed materially since the start of this year and it continues to remain weak.”


    Do you like eating processed meat? If you do, think twice now if you want to eat such meat for the sake of your health. Why? It's because eating processed meat can cause cancer, World Health Organization (WHO) experts said last Monday.

    Processed meat is the meat that has been preserved by salting, smoking, drying or canning. Experts from the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France studied 800 patients. The experts connected processed meat, such as hot dogs and bacon, with at least three kinds of cancer. A person who eats 50 grams of processed meat per day—about two pieces of bacon—increases his or her risk of bowel(肠) cancer by 18 percent.

    The IARC has included processed meat in its Group 1 list, for which there is “enough evidence” of connection with cancer. Tobacco is also on the Group 1 list.

WHO experts also say red meat, including beef, lamb and pork, is “probably” carcinogenic (致癌的) to humans. Dr. Kurt Strait is with the IARC. He said in a statement that the risk of cancer increases with the amount of meat a person eats. Health experts in some countries advised against eating large amounts of red and processed meat. But those suggestions had been centered on the increased risk of heart disease and obesity.

    However, meat industry groups protest the result of the WHO study. They say that meat is part of a balanced diet. They also say the causes of cancer are broad, and include environment and lifestyle factors.

    The WHO report cites the Global Burden of Disease project, which shows that diets high in processed meat lead to 34,000 cancer deaths per year worldwide.


Internet time tied to teen depression(抑郁) symptoms

    Spending time online is normal behaviour for teenagers. But too much Internet use by teens —or too little, for that matter —might be related to depression, a new study finds.

    The findings, reported in the journal of Pediatrics, do not mean that the Internet is to blame. For one, teens in the study who spent no time online were also at increased risk of depression symptoms. Instead, the researchers say that both heavy Internet use, and non-use, could serve as signals that a teenager is having a hard time.

    For the study, Dr. Pierre-Andre Michaud and his colleagues at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, surveyed 7,200 individuals aged 16 to 20 about their Internet use.

    Those who were online more than two hours per day were considered "heavy" Internet users, while those online anywhere from several times per week to two hours per day were considered "regular" users.

    The teenagers also answered a number of health-related questions, including some standard questions about "depressive tendencies" that gauge(判定) how often a person feels sad or hopeless. Compared with regular Internet users, the study found, kids who were heavy users or non-users were more likely to be depressed or very depressed.

    Among male teens, heavy users and non-users were both around one-third more likely to have a high depression score, compared to "regular" users. Among girls, heavy Internet users had an 86 percent greater chance of depression, while non-users had a 46 percent greater likelihood compared to regular users.

    That was with factors like family income and any chronic health problems taken into account.

    Since teenagers typically go online to contact with friends, the researchers speculate(推测) that those who are never online may be more socially isolated.


    Whether you're on a long road trip or stuck in traffic while driving home from work, a low phone battery (电池) could mean disaster for the bored driver. At first, it may seem harmless to plug your phone into your car's USB port. But unless you're desperate, charging your phone in your car might be a big mistake.

    Why? First, the USB port in your vehicle probably provides less electricity than your phone really needs to charge. As a result, your phone might stop working while it charges, or worse—hardly charge at all.

    Brad Nichols, a technician at Staymobile, told Reader's Digest. “This is mostly due to the fact the phone is using more power than the car charger is supplying it.”

    Nichols also says that your phone could receive too much power, especially if you're using a “Cigarette Lighter” port to charge up. Most Cigarette Lighters can supply up to 10 amps (安培), while most chargers use one to three amps. A damaged charger can provide inconsistent power to the phone, leading to sudden power increase that could cause damage to the inside parts, or on the rare occasion, destroy it.

    Charging your phone while on the road could use up your car's battery, too. If your engine is off, but you still use the radio—the phone will draw power from your car's battery as it charges. This usually isn't a big deal for those who own new cars with healthy batteries Nichols says. But if your car is an older model, you might want to avoid charging your phone through its USB port.

    Most importantly, it, s not safe to use your phone while operating a vehicle. “Anytime a person's hands leave the wheel or eyes leave the road, it becomes very dangerous for them and the other people around them,” Nichols says. Bottom line: Play it safe, and wait until you get home to plug in.

