2025年高考英语一轮备考·考点专练 冠词

修改时间:2024-09-03 浏览次数:21 类型:一轮复习 编辑

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  • 1.  ____ unique project, ____ of a series of experiments, is designed to investigate the potential of AI in identifying medical conditions.
    A . An; consists B . A; consists C . An; consisting D . A; consisting
  • 2. In this picture, ____ young man in white shorts is ____ NBA player.
    A . the; a B . the; an C . a; a D . a; an
  • 3.  This is ____ story of friendship. Let's read ____ story together. 
    A . a; an B . an; the C . an; a D . a; the
  • 4.  Two years ago he bought ____expensive camera and then he persuaded me to buy____.
    A . the; one B . a; one C . the; the one D . an; one
  • 5. Being able to afford _______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times.
    A . the; the B . a; a C . a; 不填 D . 不填;a
  • 6.  The year of 2023 is coming to ____ end.
    A . a B . the C . / D . an
  • 7.  The year of 2021 is coming to ____ end.
    A . a B . the C . / D . an
  • 8. I'm a Party member; as ____ consequence, I'll take ____ lead in everything.
    A . a; the B . a; 不填 C . the; the D . the; 不填
  • 9.  Our English teacher is ____ kind-hearted lady, ____ lady who is loved by us all.
    A . a, a B . the, the C . a, the D . the, a
  • 10. We should protect wild animals from being harmed and live in _______harmony with them.
    A . / B . a C . the D . an
  • 11. What could I say to make ________ good first impression on my peers' mind?
    A . 不填 B . the C . a D . an
  • 12.  ____ new study says that going to ____ bed late is harmful for our health.
    A . The; / B . A; / C . A; the D . The; the
  • 13. Given these conditions, there will not be ____ room left in one's brain for ____ deeper thought.
    A . a; the B . I; a C . a;/ D . the; /
  • 14. Taylor said: "____ child as she is, Kate should put forward ____ most difficult question for us to answer."
    A . /; the B . a; the C . /; a D . the; a
  • 15. At the end of ______ 16th century, about five to seven million people speak ______  English.
    A . the; / B . the; the C . /; the D . /; /
  • 16. —I went fishing with my good friend yesterday.

    —Wow, it was really _________ enjoyable day.

    A . a B . an C . the D . /
  • 17. We each took a cup of ________ tea after having ________ wonderful supper at my aunt's yesterday.
    A . a; / B . /; / C . the; the D . /; a
  • 18. Jack was playing ________ guitar while I was playing ________ soccer.
    A . a; / B . the; / C . /; the D . /; a
  • 19. The secretary arranged ________ convenient time and place for the applicants to have an interview.
    A . an B . a C . the D . /
  • 20. Some researchers point out that _________ daydreaming is _________ means of relaxation.
    A . the; a B . /; the C . a; the D . /; a
