2025年高考英语一轮备考·考点专练 代词

修改时间:2024-09-03 浏览次数:15 类型:一轮复习 编辑

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  • 1.  I found ____impossible for ____to answer such a question in so short a time. 
    A . it;he B . that;he C . that;him D . it;him
  • 2. —Are those books ________?

    —No, they are not mine. They belong to ________.

    A . your; he B . yours; her C . your; hers D . yours; she
  • 3. The online game platform is crowded with teenagers, few of _______ enthusiastic about study.
    A . whom B . that C . who D . them
  • 4. Look! The woman over there is our teacher. She teaches      English.
    A . us B . them C . her D . him
  • 5. Please tell _____ about it if _____ doesn't know.
    A . her; herself B . she; she C . her; she D . hers; her




  • 16. For quite a few students, their teachers' advice is more important than ____ of their parents'.
    A . it B . one C . that D . this
  • 17.  A survey reveals that employees who regularly participate in team-building exercises tend to be more satisfied with their jobs than ____who do not. 
    A . it B . that C . those D . ones
  • 18. Few pleasures can equal ____ of a journey to Harbin, enjoying the fantastic icy sculptures as well as the enthusiasm of the local people.
    A . one B . that C . those D . ones
  • 19. Nature has inspired many of the most fascinating designs around us, including _______in architecture.
    A . those B . that C . this D . these
  • 20. Nothing taught by others has the same effect on you as ________ learned by yourself.
    A . one B . that C . those D . it
