
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通




    Fraser Dingo Four Wheel Drive Adventures cater for groups of up to five people. They can book all the permits and more, and provide all the information, maps and itineraries needed for your trip. Ever thought of taking an overnight walk/hike on Fraser Island? Fraser Dingo Four Wheel Drive Adventures offers the only way to do this. With an organised Four Wheel Drive drop off and pickup they can help you plan your through walk with ease.


    Whether you are taking the family on a camping trip to enjoy the nature and wildlife on Fraser Island, a couple looking for a romantic getaway or a group of friends planning an off-road adventure, Fraser Magic 4WD Hire can help. As well as Four Wheel Drive hire, comprehensive camping and accommodation packages for Fraser Island including flatboat crossings, camp gear and National Parks permits are available.


    Aussie Trax 4X4 Rentals not only supplies the four wheel drives, but also books all ferry transfers, organises National Park permits and has a wide range of camping and accommodated options to suit any guests wishing to package together their entire Fraser Island holiday. Through their two great locations at Hervey Bay or on the island at Kingfisher Bay, they can tailor a package to suit guests' requirements.

(1)、If Mr. Green wants someone to arrange all the details of his holiday on the Fraser Island, which one should he turn to?
A、Fraser Dingo Four Wheel Drive Adventures B、Fraser Magic 4WD Hire C、Aussie Trax 4X4 Rentals D、None of them
(2)、When visiting the Fraser Island, tourists are likely to experience all EXCEPT ________.
A、taking an overnight walk B、having a comprehensive camping C、getting close to the wildlife on the bay D、taking a flatboat crossing

    No poem should ever be discussed or “analyzed”,until it has been read aloud by someone,a teacher or a student.Better still,perhaps,is the practice of reading it twice,once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end,so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.

    All discussions of poetry are,in fact,preparations for reading it aloud,and the reading of the poem is,finally,the most telling “interpretation” of it,suggesting tone,rhythm,and meaning all at once.Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice,on records or on film,is obviously a special reward.But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and the teacher reading it or,best of all,reciting it.

    I have come to think,in fact,that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than “analyzing” it,if there isn't time for both.I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry.Poetry is “a criticism of life” and “a heightening(提升)of life”.It is “an approach to the truth of feeling”,and it “can save your life”.It also deserves a place in the teaching of language and literature more central than it presently occupies.

    I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry.Those who don't like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else.But those,who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature,about its sound as well as its sense,and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.


    While dog keepers realize their dogs can read their moods accurately,scientists have always been a little doubtful.Now thanks to some researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna,Austria,we finally have some convincing evidence.

    For their study,biologist Corson Miller and his team exposed eleven selected dogs to digital images of women that were either angry or happy.Half the dogs were rewarded for touching the screen when shown a happy face,while the other half got their treat for selecting those that appeared angry.

    Interestingly,the dogs were not provided with the entire face.Some dogs were shown only upper halves while the others observed lower halves.That's because the scientists believe humans show their emotions on their entire face.

    After some training like how to recognize small differences like the wrinkles between the eyes or the changes in their shape that accompany the happy or angry expressions,the dogs were mostly able to identify the correct expression not only on a familiar face but on a strange face.The researchers concluded the dogs were smart enough to read human emotions.

    They also found those being trained to read angry expressions took a longer time to learn.They guess it may be because dogs find angry faces disgusting,causing them to withdraw quickly.However,once the smart dogs realized they were getting rewarded,the trepidation seemed to disappear.In fact,the dogs had such a good time playing the computer "game" that scientists had a hard time keeping them away from the touch screens after the study was completed.

    The researchers also noticed only dogs with a male owner had a harder time understanding the expressions correctl. Since the touchscreen models were all females, this confirmed what has been observed in previous studies-dogs are more efficient at reading facial expressions of people that are the same gender as their owner.


    India has many festivals, with some celebrations that last for weeks. However, none of them come even close to Holi, India's most colorful and fun festival. Celebrated on the day following the full moon, this year's festival happens to be on March 19th.

    As with most Indian festivals, this one also has many different folk stories. Most of them center around the success of good over evil. The most popular one is about a king, who hates his son Prahlada for loving the creator of the Universe-Lord Vishnu. When every attempt to stop him fails, his sister, Holika believed to be immune (免疫的) to fire, joins in the effort by inviting the young boy to sit with her inside a huge fire. Helped by the power of Lord Vishnu, Prahlada escapes safely, while the evil Holika is burned to death. To remember this event, huge outdoor fires are lit in the night before Holi in order to clean the air of evil spirits and to celebrate the death of the evil.

    So what's so great about this day? While there are some fun parades (游行) and folk songs and dance performances, the most fun of all is walking to the streets and splashing (泼洒) people with water guns and dry colors and even covering them with entire buckets of colored water. On this day, everybody is fair game, no matter how old or how young.

    At about midday, the splashing comes to an end and people living close to oceans or rivers usually take a bath in the water to clean themselves before going home to a delicious home­made big dinner and a well­deserved short sleep, following this full day of fun and activities.


    As kids, my friends and I spent a lot of time out in the woods. "The woods" was our part-time address, destination, purpose, and excuse. If I went to a friend's house and found him not at home, his mother might say, "Oh, he's out in the woods," with a tone (语气) of airy acceptance. It's similar to the tone people sometimes use now a days to tell me that someone I'm looking for is on the golf course or at the gym, or even "away from his desk". For us ten-year-olds, "being out in the woods" was just an excuse to do whatever we feel like for a while.

    We sometimes told ourselves that what we were doing in the woods was exploring (探索). Exploring was a more popular idea back then than it is today. History seemed to be mostly about explorers. Our explorations, though seemed to have less system than the historic kind something usually came up along the way. Say we stayed in the woods, throwing rocks, shooting frogs, picking blackberries, digging in what we were briefly persuaded was an Indian burial mound.

    Often we got "lost" and had to climb a tree to find out where we were. If you read a story in which someone does that successfully, be skeptical; the topmost branches are usually too skinny to hold weight, and we could never climb high enough to see anything except other trees. There were four or five trees that we visited regularly-tall beeches easy to climb and comfortable to sit in.

    It was in a tree, too, that our days of fooling around in the woods came to an end. By then some of us has reached seventh grade and had begun the rough ride of adolescence (青春期). In March, the month when we usually took to the woods again after winter, two friends and I set out to go exploring. We climbed a tree, and all of a sudden it occurred to all three of us at the same time that we really were rather big to be up in a tree. Soon there would be the spring dances on Friday evenings in the high school cafeteria.


    A video of a three-year-old girl being kicked by her own mother during a photo shot went viral (疯狂传播) on Thursday, indicating China's under per forma nee in regulating the emerging child modeling industry.

    The girl, known as Niu Niu, was physically abused by her mother in several videos. The videos have annoyed Chinese media and Internet users alike. Many netizens and scholars call for local authorities to carry out further investigations into possible child abuse.

    In response to the public outcry (强烈抗议), Niu Niu's mother issued an apology via Sina Wei bo on Thursday, condemning accusations of abuse. She noted that she was merely guiding her daughter for better shots and the girl is well looked after.

    Despite her apology, many E-shops which used Niu Niu's images for brand promotion have canceled their cooperation with the mother, while over 110 well-known child garment shops on Taobao have signed up for a campaign to provide better protection for child models.

    "It is necessary to adopt comprehensive laws and regulations to further protect the kids, preventing their parents and companies from exploiting (利用) them," Fang Zhiqing, a lawyer and child protection expert, said.

    Niu Niu is not alone. In Zhili, a small town in Zhejiang province, thousands of children from across China are taken here by their parents to seize the chance of fame. With a population of 450,000. Zhili has over 13,000 manufacturers of child clothing. In 2017, the town earned over 7 billion yuan by selling do thing for children online, thus providing opportunities for child models.

    "China's current advertisement law isn't workable when it comes to the industry of child modeling, as it lacks clear supervision measures and clear legal punishment." Fang added. "It is important to issue new laws which regulate child modeling."


    Kakano means "seed" in Māori. For Jade Temepara, a Māori woman who was crowned New Zealand's Gardener of the Year in 2012, though, it means a lot more. Temepara owns Kākano, a Māori restaurant and cooking school in Christchurch, on New Zealand's South Island.

    Even a first-time tourist to New Zealand will notice the presence of the Māori culture and language everywhere. Now, so many non-Māori young people learn the language — a trend that picked up after the passage of the Māori Language Act in 1987 — that it's not unusual to hear teens and twenty somethings of European descent in Auckland asking their friends if they want to hang out and get some kai (food) later. That's a striking contrast from several generations ago, when New Zealand law banned Māori in schools, either in written or spoken form.

    While Temepara was happy to see the Māori language make a comeback, there were still parts of her native culture that were less present in New Zealand's daily life. She felt that too few Māoris of her generation were trained in their culture's traditional cooking methods and native ingredients (原料). That's when Temepara came up with the idea of launching a cooking education program that would go into Māori schools and other community gathering places to teach classes in traditional Māori cooking and food preparation.

    The idea was so successful that it eventually led to a brick-and-mortar cafe and shop in central Christchurch. There, Temepara trades in traditional kai — look for cold smoked mussels, karengo (a native seaweed), Manuka honey and a native variety of sweet potato called kumara.

    Although many of the ingredients grow wild in New Zealand, that doesn't mean just anybody can harvest them.

    "The Māori subtribe Katti Menguai are the only ones that are allowed to have some, if they come from a lineage of chiefs. It is by bloodline only. You can't even be invited. If you're not blood, that's it, you can't go. My family is of that lineage. And so, traditionally we would harvest the birds." This is both a tribal (部落的) practice and an accepted national law.

