
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    If you'd love to be more eco-friendly but don't know where to begin, start with a few small changes. 

    Adjust your thermostat(恒温器)to save on heating and cooling costs.  In summer, set your thermostat to 78 ℉when you're at home and raise the temperature when you're away. In winter, turn your thermostat to 68 ℉ and lower it by 5°-10° when you're sleeping or out of your house. To stay warm in winter, put on a sweater or another layer instead of turning up the thermostat.

    Turn off lights and unplug power strips that you're not using. Some devices can still use energy even when they're turned off. So, turn off the power strips at night to completely cut off energy use. If you need to leave your computer or TV on, try setting it to sleep mode.

    Make your taps and toilets low-flow. Cut back on water waste by installing flow restrictor(节流装置) inside your taps and installing a low-flow shower head in your bathroom. This can save 3 to 4 gallons of water for every minute. If you're replacing a toilet, look for a low-flow one to save thousands of gallons of water a year. 

     Adjust your washing machine to use cold water instead of warm. Since more energy is spent drying the clothes, skip the machine and hang your washed clothes on a clothesline. If you don't have space for a clothesline or can't hang clothes outside, set up a clothes drying rack that you can use inside. Try running your clothes through an extra spin cycle to remove even more water from the clothes. This will make them dry quicker.

A. Replace burned out light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.

B. By doing some small things at home, you can easily reduce your carbon footprint.

C. Remember to fix leaky taps or toilets as soon as you notice water dripping.

D. Choose sustainable options when you purchase things that are normally packaged in plastic.

E. This is an easy way to reduce energy use.

F. Use less energy during summer months and winter by controlling your heating and cooling bills.

G. Wash your clothes with cold water and line dry them.


How can I fight laziness?

    Lazy people will never amount to anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things. By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.

    Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task. Others take a more proactive approach, viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment, but watching too much TV often contributes to laziness. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a child to promote responsibility.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Spouses and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately. To fight household laziness, lead by example. Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task. It is difficult to practice laziness when your are surrounded by motivated people.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.

A. Knowing how to fight laziness is important.

B. One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.

C. Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home.

D. Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy, such as a good dinner or a film.

E. Finally, taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness.

F. With strong determination, you will be able to achieve your goal.

G. Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.


    Four benefits of writing by hand

    Today is National Handwriting Day! Although we don't write like we used to, here are four ways handwriting is still helpful.

    It's better for learning.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}That's because putting ink to paper stimulates (刺激) the brain.  One study from 2010 found that the brain areas related to learning “lit up” much more when kids were asked to write words like “spaceship” by hand versus just studying the word closely.


    Many famous authors prefer writing by hand to the use of a typewriter or computer. Writer Susan Sontag once said that she penned her first drafts (草稿) before typing them up for editing later. She said, “{#blank#}3{#/blank#}” A 2009 study seems to support Sontag's preference for writing by hand: Elementary school students who wrote essays with a pen not only wrote more than their keyboard-tapping friends, but they also wrote faster and in more complete sentences.

    It will prevent you from being distracted (分心).

    The computer in front of you is really a distraction.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}In 2012, scientists even suggested that taking five-minute breaks to browse Tumblr or BuzzFeed could make you a more productive worker. However, when it's time to work on that essay, have only a pen and paper in front of you.

    It keeps your brain sharp as you get older.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}According to The Wall Street Journal, some physicians say that the act of writing is good exercise for those who want to keep their minds sharp as they age.

A. It makes you a better writer.

B. Writing is good for your brain.

C. Of course, the Internet isn't all bad.

D. I like the slowness of writing by hand.

E. Try writing by hand at least 20 minutes each day.

F. Many writers have a preference for writing by hand.

G. One of the most effective ways to study is to rewrite your notes by hand.


How to protect your ears

    You and your friends are leaving a concert on a Friday night. When you get outside, your ears are ringing. You have to shout to be heard. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} So no harm done…right?

Not quite. Temporary buzzing may be easy to ignore, but repeated exposure to loud noise will eventually cause serious— and irreversible(无法治愈的)— hearing loss. A new study conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston shows that one in five people between the ages of 12 and 19 are experiencing slight hearing loss, and one in 20 have mild hearing loss. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}But the good news is that there plenty of ways you can protect your ears from further damage — and still listen to the music you love:

    Ask around. Put your earbuds in or your headphones on, and then ask a friend next to you whether or not he or she can hear what you're listening to. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Turn it down.

    Buy noise-canceling headphones. A pair of earbuds or headphones that fits comfortably will limit outside noise so that you can hear your music better at lower volumes.

    Take breaks.  {#blank#}4{#/blank#} So when listening to music, take your headphones off for 15 or 20 minutes and let your ears enjoy the quiet.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}You can buy a cheap pair at any drugstore as an easy way to lower volume at concerts — or while playing or practicing your own music — without changing the quality of the sound.

A. Use earplugs.

B. Keep the volume below 70 percent.

C. If the answer is yes, your music is too loud.

D. But by morning, your hearing is totally back to normal.

E. Like every other part of your body, your ears need rest.

F. Unfortunately, there's no way to get back hearing you've already lost.

G. The exposure to noise is louder and longer than in any previous generation.


How to stay focused in class

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}No matter how much you want to sit with your friends during the class, try your best to avoid them. Talking with friends is not going to help you stay focused in class and will cause trouble, too.

    Look at the teacher. Your teacher is not just standing up there talking — they're trying to give you an acceptable education. Show the teacher that he or she has your full attention, by looking him or her in the eye.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Take notes. By taking notes, you'll be able to "get into" the lesson.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Listen for key phrases such as, "This is important," "This is the main idea," etc. This can help you listen more intently (专心地); you'll have something to do and focus on.

    Get involved (参与) in class discussions. This is a wonderful way to become a more focused and successful student. When a teacher asks a question, offer to answer it.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}This shows the teacher that you're listening intently during the class.

    Ask a question.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}This really shows your teacher that you want to be better, and can recognize the things you're having difficulty with. Chances are, someone else in the class has the same question (and is too afraid to ask!). They'll be relaxed — and so will you.

A. Do your best.

B. Avoid sitting with friends.

C. Don't try to finish your old notes in class.

D. Write down key points as your teacher speaks.

E. If he or she asks for an opinion, share your own.

F. If you don't understand something, never be afraid to ask.

G. This person should have your full attention at all times in class.


Improve your memory

    Some people often complain about their poor memory. Actually there are several ways to keep your memory sharp. This article will show you some simple tips.

    ♦{#blank#}1{#/blank#}When you say these things, you begin to plant the thought in your mind and it may become true. Tell yourself you can remember anything as long as you put your mind to the task. You will see an improvement in your memory.

    ♦{#blank#}2{#/blank#} If you have trouble remembering phone numbers or other blocks of numbers, it can be really helpful to try this method. If you remember them in smaller groups, like two or three digits (数字), it will also be much easier to remember the number.

    ♦ Be sure to see a doctor if you really are losing your memory. A poor memory can be a sign that you are in low spirits. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    ♦ Playing games also helps improve your memory. Any type of games that involves remembering things is wonderful. Try and rem{#blank#}4{#/blank#}ember it when you have nothing better to do. A useful tip for anyone interested in games is to often work on solving word puzzles and similar types of games.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Not only will your memory probably improve, you will also have a great deal of fun.

A. Take a right attitude.

B. Remember numbers in small groups.

C. Stop telling yourself you have a weak memory.

D. If you don't know your condition, you won't go to hospital.

E. If you don't like games, you can go over a list of "to-do things".

F. If so, treating it could be the key to getting your memory back.

G. Such games use the same skills to remember facts and help keep the mind sharp.


    When I was 16 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school, and my old school was far away. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone.

    Every time I listened to other students talking and laughing, I felt my heart break. I couldn't talk about anyone with my problems. And I didn't want my parents to worry about me.

    Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk unhappily as usual. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} I didn't know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He looked at me, with a smile on his face.

    Suddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy, lively and warm {#blank#}4{#/blank#} I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now! {#blank#}5{#/blank#} I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think it lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will smile back.

A. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom.

B. He's living in Australia now and he loves it.

C. It doesn't matter because all the dark days have gone.

D. It was a smile.

E. That smile changed my life.

F. It's practically impossible to make friends here.

G. As a result, no one knew who I was.

