
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通




    The animal kingdom lost a beloved friend when poachers(偷猎者)in Kenya killed the world famous elephant named Satao solely for his ivory(象牙), experts say.

    Satao was considered by some to be the largest and oldest elephant left in Africa. His tusks having grown long enough to reach the ground. Wandering around Kenya's Tsavo National Park, he was easily recognizable(可辨认的)by staff and visitors. Sadly, despite conservation efforts, he was killed on May 30, his body identified by park staff on June 2. His head was severely damaged and there were two holes left where his great tusks had

    “There is no doubt that Satao is dead, killed by an ivory poacher's poisoned arrow to feed the seemingly greedy demand for ivory in far off countries,” wrote Richard Moller of The Tsavo Trust. “A great life lost so that someone far away can have a trinket(饰品).

    Satao isn't the first elephant—and far from the last—to pay the ivory price. Just last month, Mountain Bull, another Kenyan elephant, was killed by poachers.

    Kenya Wildlife Service(KWS)says 97 elephants and 20 rhinos have been killed this year, but others say the real numbers are much higher.

    The national park in which Satao lived is roughly 386 square miles—a massive land for already thinly-stretched resources to cover. Reports indicate that Satao had started to migrate towards the park's border-areas known by conservationists(野生保护人士)to be highly active for poaching.

    In the late 1960s, more than 275,000 elephants lived in Kenya. Now, that number has dropped to around 38,000, and continues to fall fast.

    “If Satao's death can cause the focus on what's actually happening here in terms of poaching, then he won't have died in vain,” said nature documentarian Mark Decble, according to The Dodo.

(1)、What is the main idea of the passage?
A、Satao is the largest and oldest elephant. B、Many wild animals are killed in Kenya every year. C、Elephant Satao was killed for his tusks. D、Satao's tusks are worth so much money.
(2)、What can we know about the elephant named Satao?
A、He had a pair of remarkable tusks. B、He was the most popular animal in the park. C、He used to be the largest elephant in the world. D、He tried to escape from Kenya's Tsavo National Park.
(3)、When Satao was found by the park staff       .
A、he was just at his last gasp B、he was barely recognizable C、he was bleeding seriously D、his trunk(象鼻)was cut away
(4)、What is the author's attitude towards Satao?
A、Unconcerned. B、Doubtful. C、Indifferent. D、Pitying,

On Christmas Eve, 1944, my grandmother urged my uncle, then 12 years old, to slip out of the concentration camp where they were imprisoned near 15 miles east of Vienna to go to Deutsch-Wagram. “People are charitable around Christmastime,” Grandma Lili said to her son, Gyuri. “Ask for some food. Anything they can spare. Tell them that we're on the edge of starvation. Tell them that your 3-year-old sister can not get off the bed because she's outgrown her shoes.”

    In the dark of that night, Gyuri secretly left the camp and walked nearly four miles to Deutsch-Wagram, the closest town. He happened upon a house and knocked on the front door. A woman opened that door. She was probably alone, her man far away, fighting in the war, her children asleep in their beds. The 12-year-old pieced together in German exactly what his mother had told him to say.

     “Come back tomorrow," whispered the woman. The next day, my uncle returned. The woman opened the door with a smile. She piled his hands with bread, clothing, a pair of shoes that her child had outgrown and a pair of socks. The woman had knitted warm socks for my mother. After putting on the socks and shoes that fit, my mother got off the bed in delight. Her ragged shoes were passed on to a younger child who was also living in the camp. They shared their unexpected harvest with the entire camp. It was a quiet celebration of human kindness around Christmastime.

    In April 1945, my mother, uncle and grandmother were liberated. And it was those very socks and shoes that my mother wore as she walked some 28 miles over two days to Bratislava on her walk to a new life.

    To the unknown giver, I thank you. In the desperation of a cold and snowy land, when many hearts were closed and death was more likely than life, especially for Jews, you gave them hope and comfort.


                                                                                       Official Historical Tour of Harvard

    Student-Led Public Walking Tour

    Please note: Due to ongoing construction, our tour schedule will be limited. Please check our updated tour times on the calendar. In the event of bad weather, please check the calendar or call regarding a scheduled tour time.

    The tour is student-led and includes an outdoor walk(please dress appropriately)through Harvard Yard, providing a history of the university, general information, and a unique view on the students' individual experience. The tour is around one hour long, and completely free of charge. There is no pre—registration for general visitors, and we begin registration for each tour one hour before departure time. Currently we are only able to accommodate groups of up-to 14 people on our free, public tour. If you have a group of 15 or more, reservations are required (please see below).

    Group Tours and Reservations

    Reservations are required for tours of 15 or more people, with an absolute maximum of 125 people. We request 2 weeks' notice to schedule a tour. Please note that we cannot accommodate groups that arrive without a reservation.

    A Self-Guided Walking Tour of Harvard Yard

    If you are interested in touring the campus on your own,you may want a self-guided walking tour. These tour pamphlets(册),offered in nine different languages, can be purchased from our office for a minimal charge.

    You may also download audio files of historical information on each of the buildings in Harvard Yard. These files, together including an Audio Tour, can also be obtained here with a simple click.


Drinks Have No Wings

    You may have heard that "Red Bull gives you wings". But while most people take the advertising slogan as a metaphor(隐喻), some Americans seem to have taken it very seriously.

    Benjamin Careathers had been drinking the drink for 10 years, expecting to at least feel more energetic, but nothing happened. Feeling fooled by the ad, he took the issue to court.

    In October, the Austria-based company agreed to pay $ 6.5 million (39.7 million yuan) to customers who have bought the drink since 2002. People in the US can apply for a share through energydrinksettlement.com before March 2015.

    But is the case really that ridiculous?

    Red Bull said they had done nothing wrong and they only paid the money to save the cost and trouble of legal action.

    However, the suit(诉讼) told a different story. Even though there is no evidence that Red Bull energy drinks provide more benefit for consumers than a cup of coffee, the company markets their products as a superior source of energy that costs little.

    "Such conduct means that Red Bull's advertising and marketing is not just 'puffery' (吹捧) but is misleading and therefore actionable (可诉讼的) ," the suit said.

    The company said that the drink could promote healthy joints and reduce the risk of eye diseases. However, according to the organization, the product contains a lot of sugar, which could actually lead to many health problems.

    Coca-Cola agreed to pay $ 1.2 million in compensation in July. But to fully stop the company from linking the drink to health benefit, Truth in Advertising, another non-profit organization, took the issue to court again in late October.

    False advertisements have become a common problem around the world. China changed its consumer rights last year to ban advertising companies and media from making or publishing false advertisements. Celebrities are also made responsible if they endorse (代言) false or substandard products.


    Have you ever spent an afternoon in the backyard, maybe grilling or enjoying a basketball game, when suddenly you notice that everything goes quiet? There is an old phrase "calm before the storm", often used in a situation—a quiet period just before a great activity or excitement. According to our own experience, we know there is actually calm before the storm. But what causes this calm? And is it always calm before the storm? Let's hear what scientists have to say.

    A period of calm happens in a particular kind of storm, the simplest kind of storm—a single-cell thunderstorm. In this type of thunderstorm, there is usually only one main updraft, which is warm, damp air and drawn from places near the ground. Storms need warm and damp air as fuel, so they typically draw that air in from surrounding environment. Storms can draw in the air that fit their need from all directions—even from the direction in which the storm is traveling.

    As the warm, damp air is pulled into a storm system, it leaves a low-pressure vacuum(真空) coming after. The rising air meets the cold dry air that has already existed in the storm clouds, thus the temperature of the warm, damp air drops, and the water vapour (水蒸汽) in it changes into tiny drops that are a precondition of rain. These drops accumulate and build on larger particles like dust, until they grow large enough to form raindrops.

    This warm, damp air keeps moving upwards, but it becomes cooler and drier during its trip through cloud. When it reaches the top of the cloud, the air gets spit out(被挤出) at the top. This air is sent rolling out over the big thunderclouds. From there, the air goes down. Warm and dry air is relatively stable, and once it covers a region, that air, in turn, causes the calm before a storm.

    Most thunderstorms, though, don't start with calm. That's because most are actually groups of storms with complex wind patterns. There's so much air moving up and down storm groups that the calm before the storm never happens. Instead, before the storm, it might be really windy!


    When I first married my wife, I lived and worked in Ontario, moving from small town to big city as I pursued my career as a radio broadcaster. We have two sons, both of whom were born in Toronto and moved with us to Ottawa. They went to school, grew up there, and then pursuing their own careers, they also moved. One went to Canada's east coast near a city called Halifax and the other headed to the west coast Vancouver. We had a dilemma; we were left in the middle.

    The problem wasn't pressing at the time because I was still working and my job was in Ottawa. However, as we began to considering retirement we wondered where we should spend our final years. We couldn't be close to both of our children and there was no telling when they might again relocate. For several reasons, we settled on a small town on Vancouver Island. At least we were close to one of them. However, he had his sights set on Hollywood and, when an opportunity presented itself, he left Canada and headed south. So, there we were, and still are, in our little west coast town. We love our little corner of paradise (乐园)but we paid a price. We have not been there for some important events such as the births of two of our grandchildren. We have missed watching them grow up, backyard barbecues, and the normal, noisy households. Our home, while comfortable, is also very quiet.

    Every fall we travel to see the children and try to spend a week or more with them and we make the even longer trip to see our grandchildren, who are now teenagers, actually into their twenties. They seldom come to visit us. The distances are just too great and it is costly.

    Fortunately, both our boys are doing well and our grandchildren are growing straight and tall. We love all of them and they love us but the reality is that they don't need us. We have done our jobs and at least in theory,we can sit back, relax and enjoy the time remaining to us. In fact, we're happy but there were times I think about the things we didn't see. They have also missed having a set of parents and grandparents around.

    Life has been good for our family but we have paid a price.


    When to go: The Magic Kingdom, which was opened in 1971, was the first theme park at Walt Disney World. All Disney World theme parks are opened 365 days a year, although opening and closing time for each park changes from day to day. If you plan to make a trip to the Magic Kingdom without kids, try to visit on a school day to avoid the largest crowds. If you need to visit during a school vacation, try at least to avoid the week between Christmas and New Year's Day and the fourth of July.

    If you are not staying at a Disney World hotel, avoid visiting the Magic Kingdom on its Extra Magic Hours days, as Disney's hotel guests get into the park early on those days, and visitors who arrive at the Magic Kingdom's normal opening time have to wait for a long time.

    Before you go:Buy your Walt Disney World tickets online at Disney World's website. For advice on picking the right ticket, see our guide to Disney World tickets.

    You will also need to call in advance to make lunch or dinner reservations. Disney accepts reservations(预订)up to 180 days in advance, but you need to contact 1-407-WDW-DINE.

    When you get there: Plan to arrive at the Magic Kingdom's front gate before the park opens in the morning. Keep in mind that to reach the Magic Kingdom, you must park at Disney World's Transportation and Ticket Centre parking lot, ride a tram (有轨电车)to the TTC, then take a ferry boat across the Seven Seas Lagoon to the Magic Kingdom. It makes a fantastic approach, but takes extra time. Give yourself an extra hour in the summer and half an hour during the school year.

