
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Today is a perfect day that can leave you with good memories you may someday share with your friends. Here's how:

     You can see or do something a million times, but you can only see or do it for the first time once. As a result, first time experiences usually leave a deep mark in our minds for the rest of our lives. So try to experience something different and you'll have more memories.

    Work on something that's great to you. Life is short. Today is the day to take action. Smile and notice what's right. Everything that happens in life is neither good nor bad. And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should. Either you succeed or you learn something.

    Be true to yourself. The only shoes you can wear are your own. If you aren't being yourself. You aren't truly living.

    Make a new friend. People are interesting creatures, and no two people arc exactly alike.Find out what makes them different. They'll likely open your eyes to wonderful ideas. And you never know, they just might change your life.

Be present. Be here now. Remember, right now is the only dear moment to you. Right now is life. Don't miss it.

A. Learn a new skill.

B. Try something new.

C. It just depends on your opinion.

D. So meet someone new today.

E. And in fact, you're only existing.

F. Pay close attention to what you're doing.

G. Make yourself busy with something meaningful.


    Thinking about a career in public safety or law enforcement? Statistics show that these careers are growing, have great benefits, and can be very rewarding. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But there are hundreds of public safety jobs to think about-everything from police officer who protect people to driver's license examiners who test driving skills.

    For example,Angela Bloom is an animal control worker for the city.She and her co-workers pick up animals that are lost, sick, or dangerous. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}For this job, being in good physical condition is important and a high school diploma is required.It may be necessary for candidates to have received on-the-job training and hold certification.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}He looks for health problems in places where people prepare and serve food.There are many kinds of jobs for inspectors.For example,public safety inspectors look for safety violations or dangerous workplaces and fire inspectors look for problems in buildings that could cause fires. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}A college degree is often necessary. Actually, applicants with a bachelor's or master's degree,related experience or training in a foreign language may have the best job prospects.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}For those interested in working in this dynamic and rewarding field,a wide variety of options are available.So remember,if you like working with the public,and are looking for a good job,a career in public safety might be perfect for you.

A.Martin Lee is a health inspector.

B.You can come and apply for the degree.

C.They also investigate reports of animal abuse.

D.These are only a few of the job options available.

E.Problems solving skills are important for these jobs.

F.Their job is to find a person to adopt the homeless animals.

G.Police officer and firefighter are two of the most popular safety jobs in this field.


    Less is more. This is why we say: reduce things by half instead of doubling them, relax instead of stressing, and slow down instead of speeding up. Apply these principles(原则) in your everyday life. You will then find yourself well along on your journey to simplification.

Separate Your Actions

    When you concentrate on one task, you find you have energy that you didn't even know you had. Just imagine: you have to carry two heavy pigs over 100 yards. If you carry two, it will take forever. But if you tie one pig in a place, pick up the other, gather all your strength and make a dash for the finish line, pause for a moment, run back and get the other one, and carry the second pig to the finish line, then you can be sure of success.

Say “No” Firmly

    If you have the feeling that 24 hours per day are not enough for all the things you need to do, then it's not because the day has too few hours, but because you have too many activities. The solution is equally simple: say no to accept so much work in your private life or your working life.

Allow Yourself to Be Weak

     “I can deal with stress” is regarded as a positive statement in the world of work. People who can deal with stress are given more and more to — until one day they break.

Pay careful attention to the signs that tell you that you are under more stress than you can deal with. If you become ill, or your work efficiency decreases, change your life goals. Say quite openly, “I can't manage that.”

Stop Expecting Everything to Be Perfect

     “If only I were slimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever, then I would be happier.” This is a dream that makes a lot of people ill, and unhappy. Life is imperfect. Only those who accept this reality can lead a really full life.

    Of course there are activities in which errors are dangerous: driving a car; crossing the road. But life doesn't entirely have these things. In among them there is possibility that you may make small and large mistakes.

Escape Now and Then

    Successful people all have their own places where they can be left alone in order to work. Find out which places improve your creativity. For me it's the train. When I know that I'm going to be traveling for four hours without phone calls or people knocking on my door, I find my mind is free and I can read or write articles.

How to {#blank#}1{#/blank#} your life


Less is more, which helps you {#blank#}2{#/blank#} a simpler life.


to apply

Concentrate on one task, and you will find you are more {#blank#}4{#/blank#} than you know and achieve {#blank#}5{#/blank#} more easily.

{#blank#}6{#/blank#} to accept too much work in your life.

Change life goals if you are under more stress than you can {#blank#}7{#/blank#}.

{#blank#}8{#/blank#} yourself to make mistakes since life is not perfect. {#blank#}9{#/blank#}, you will be unhappy.

Find out where you can be left {#blank#}10{#/blank#} to improve your creativity.


    People in the United States have many ways to get news, some of which are available 24 hours a day. In a recent survey(调查), about 15 percent of American interviewees said that they spend less than one-half to two hours per day watching, listening to, or reading the news. News comes from every source, not only from printed ways, but from TV, radio, and the Internet as well.

    With the increased availability of news, serious questions have been raised about the role of the news media in society. Should the media report every detail about every story, even when the information does not seem timely or valuable? Some researchers are concerned that by focusing on everything at once, the media increasingly ignore the more important social, political and economic problems that we face. We cannot concentrate on what's important by reading about what is not. One extreme example of this is the type of information covered by the tabloid(小报)media, which focus on negative stories of violence and crime.

    How can people deal with all the news that is available to them? Some become “news resisters” and choose to turn their backs on news, resisting their desire to turn on the TV and read the paper every day. They argue that although daily news reports may provide us with many facts, they do not include the background or some information that we need to understand news events. They suggest that, instead of daily reports, we look for information that has more in-depth analysis of the news, such as monthly magazines.

    How do you stay true to yourself when you're surrounded by friends and / or family that have an opinion on everything you do? It's not easy!{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here are 4 tips which can help you live a dynamic (充满活力的) life.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}
    Stay true to yourself by listening to the only opinions that really matter—your own and those from people who believe in and encourage you. Deep down you know yourself better than anybody else.
    Don't fear people.
    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The reason most people don't take risks, or live on the edge is the fear of what others might think of them. If you want to live the life you truly deserve, you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.
    Value yourself and your choices.
    When you do, others will too. Own the choices you make in your life.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}
When you believe in yourself, in time, others will believe in you too. Show confidence in your choices, and what you stand for whether others agree or not.
    Focus on appreciation.
    No matter what the circumstances are, there is always something to be grateful for. All successful people ask, “What am I grateful for? How can I improve my situation and use these tough times to inspire others?”{#blank#}5{#/blank#}
    These steps, if applied, will help you transform your lifestyle and productivity.
A. Focus on your own talents and strengths.
B. Never let others' opinions guide your choices.
C. Treat every person equally as they are important.
D. When you doubt yourself others will doubt you.
E. Stay fearless in everything you will have to do.
F. Be thankful to life and be helpful to others, and you'll lead a successful life.
G. However, there are great possibilities that you can lead the life you really want.

    Information Overload

    In modern society,if we're trying to make a decision,we often have so much information that we get confused,and we don't know what to do.This state is known as information overload.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} It can cause stress,frustration and reduced productivity.But what can we do in the face of information overload?

•Plan for only one time each day to check e-mail,social messaging sites,Wechat,etc.Don't allow yourself to check multiple times,unless you truly are waiting for an important e-mail.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}And that eats up your valuable time before getting away.

    If you are suffering from too many electronic interruptions during the weekday,ask people to call or text you during work hours only if it's really an emergency.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Remind yourself that it's okay to not know everything.In fact,it's impossible to keep up with the pace of the information superhighway.The sooner you accept that,the happier you'll be.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} It is good to fall behind on the information that really isn't worth your attention.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Set aside a regular time each week where you and other family members do not use any kind of electronic media technologies,including television.It could be something you do every weekend,or perhaps an hour or two every evening.

A.Just catch up with the happiest moment.

B.Know what's worth knowing and what isn't.

C.Each time you go online,you run the risk of being addicted to it.

D.Spend time with your family free from electronic products.

E.We need to find some effective ways to process the information.

F. Almost everyone suffers from it to some degree.

G.Otherwise they and you end up stealing time from your employer.


    Imagine that you're an actor or actress performing in a play for the first time. You've learned all your lines and you know where to walk on stage. Waiting behind the closed curtain, you can hear the audience whispering. Then your big moment arrives! The curtain goes up, and the crowd falls silent. All you can see is the spotlight shining down on you. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}The inside of your mouth is dry, and your hands are wet.

    If you've experienced a moment like this, you know all too well what it means to have stage fright. It's one of the most common types of fear.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}You can experience this kind of fear when playing sports, giving a talk, or even speaking in class.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}The experience differs from person to person, but the same chemical process occurs on each of us. In reaction to anxiety, our bodies produce a chemical that prepares us to either fight or run away quickly. Scientists refer to this as our bodies' “fight for flight” reaction. As a result, we feel the great energy that makes our hands sweat, our hearts race and knees shake.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Practicing your performance and following some simple tips can help you calm down and manage the feelings caused by anxiety. Firstly, dress comfortably and appropriately. Secondly, before the performance, take deep breaths and stretch to help relax your body. Thirdly, stay away from drinks that contain caffeine(咖啡因).{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Instead, try a banana! Some doctors believe that eating a banana can help calm your heart and the rest of your body. Finally, when you look into a crowd, try to focus on particular people rather than the whole group. These tips have helped many people learn to deal with their fears.

A. These might make your heart race even faster.

B. Maybe you don't have to be onstage to get stage fright.

C. Stage fright is really part of the body's reaction to stress.

D. With practice, we can learn how to relax while playing sports.

E. Then you try to speak your lines, but nothing seems to come out.

F. There's a time when stage fright prevents you from stepping onstage.

G. However, the good news about stage fright is that there are a way to deal with it.

