
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Could smells affect your lifespan? Female fruit flies (果蝇) without the ability to smell food live longer than other fruit flies.The sense of smell may be connected to the cellular ageing (细胞老化) process in many other living things  even people.Such connection has recently been found in both worms and flies.For example, scientists found that removing fruit flies' ability to smell made them live nearly 20 percent longer than flies with a sense of smell.

    They confirmed that food smells were the ones most likely to affect ageing, as nutrition (营养) and lifespan are known to be connected in many living things.To test the idea that food smells affect lifespan, they removed flies' ability to smell carbon dioxide, which is produced by some fly foods.They left the rest of the smelling system.

    This action had no effect on male flies, but the females lived 30 percent longer than normal.Removing the ability to smell CO2 may stop flies getting information about food availability.This could mean that food is not enough, causing processes that encourage flies to survive.Scientists found that the female flies from stored extra fat and that both males and females immune (免疫) to CO2 were stronger against the stress than normal flies.It is suggested that females may simply be easily influenced by the smells of CO2

    Scientists point out that people don't know whether ageing and smell are connected in animals and humans.But they clearly experience physical changes after smelling food.

(1)、From the passage, we learn that what scientists found is to ________.
A、show there is the best way to make lifespan longer B、tell us we should remove our smell ability to live long C、show the sense of smell can affect the cellular ageing process D、explain fruit flies without ability to smell can live longer
(2)、Scientists do some research to prove
A、the immune system of flies to CO2 B、the connections between nutrition and lifespan C、the importance of food smells to our humans D、the connections between food smells and lifespan
(3)、According to scientists' opinion, we can see that ________.
A、flies without ability to smell is encouraged to store extra energy B、male flies in general can live longer than female ones C、both male and female flies can live longer without the ability to smell D、flies without ability to smell can also get information about food availability
(4)、Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole?
A、CO2 has few effects on female flies. B、The sense of smell might have an effect on living things. C、The sense of smell is necessary to humans' health. D、Female fruit flies can always live longer than male flies.

    Do equations and historical( 历史的) facts give you a headache? A change in the school timetable(课程表) may be the cure.

    This  suggestion  is  based  on  a  recent  study  carried  out  by  scientists  from  Royal  Holloway, University of London, the UK. They found that teenagers could get higher marks in math if they studied in the mornings and better grades in history if they were taught in the afternoons.

    The researchers studied students' grade reports, class timetables and absence rates( 缺席率) at a middle school in Bulgaria over nine years. The results showed that when teenagers had math classes earlier in the day, they scored about 7 percent higher in tests than when taught in the afternoon. Lower-ability students feel stressed most when they were studying math in the afternoon. In history, students taught in the afternoon scored about 6 percent higher than when they were taught in the morning. However, there was no sign that similar patterns( 模 式 ) work for other subjects such as languages or geography.

    Velichka Dimitrova, who did the study, said the findings show that we perform( 表 现 ) better at different times of the day. “In the morning, our brains are better and fresher, so we are better at doing something like problem solving, where we require more speed and attention” Dimitrova told The Telegraph. “In the afternoon, it seems that this process slows down. On the other hand, history is more suitable for the afternoon, when we are more creative and open to discussion,” she said. Subjects such as foreign languages require both memory and creativity. This is perhaps why the time of day had no influence on language learning.

    Time-of-day influences such as these are believed to have something to do with the body clock.

    This is the system in our bodies that controls when we need to sleep. Some schools in the US and UK have tried later school starting times for teenagers, whose body clocks change as they grow into adults. Dimitrova believes schools should jump at this chance to improve their students' performance just by changing their timetables.


    The world has a plastics problem. And not just with bottles. Straws (吸管), toothbrushes, toys—all kinds of plastics are placed in landfills. There are 5 billion tons of plastic waste in the world. Landfills have a large part of it. By 2050, they could have 13 billion tons.

    Much of plastic rubbish finds its way into the ocean. Scientists say 165 million tons of plastic pieces are floating around out there. And most plastic won't disappear itself. It will remain in the ocean forever. Whales get caught in plastic fishing nets. Birds die because of eating plastic straws and bottle caps. It endangers ocean life. Plastic rubbish even ends up in the food we eat.

    Governments are realizing that recycling may not be enough. They are taking more actions. Though it is hard work, it is still a solvable problem. In Britain, people are not allowed to use plastic bags except in hospitals. Scotland and several coastal cities in the US stop people from using plastic straws as well. The US alone throws away some 500 million plastic straws a day. That's enough to circle the Earth twice. "Saying no to a plastic straw is an easy way to make a big difference," Diana Lofflin who started www.strawfree.org said. "'Do we really want to pass on to our children a world harmed by plastic?"

    People have found some tasty ways to reduce waste. A company in India made the first-ever spoon that people can eat. You don't have to eat the spoon. You can throw it away. It decomposes (分解) in just a few days. David Edwards, a scientist at Harvard University, designed an eatable bag which can protect the food or drink inside. It is a delicious replacement for plastic ones.

