
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    It could have been any of us, but it happened to be me. I received a brief 18-months of undivided attention and love as the only child, before three more appeared. The second was a severe blow. No doubt, learning the need to share was important, but I had tasted the life of an only child.

    Then came years of requests to look after the siblings(兄弟姐妹), being urged that, You should be setting a better example, “Again and again the others got away with doing wrong but I didn't. We each played our roles; the second one who later skipped school to meet boys; the ever so attractive third, the boy who could do no wrong; and finally the surprise appearance of the fourth, seemed certain to be spoiled even now. So that left me: the reasonable, quiet one who got the grades, did the housework and became a chameleon(变色龙)—skilled at reading a situation and being what was needed.

    Then eventually came the chance to be the first to leave and experience life on the outside, not defined(定义)as the eldest. The moment I had waited for. But now, many years later, being the eldest matters again. It's down to me; it seems, to take the lead in caring for our parents, AH the time I was made to learn about sharing; however, when it comes to responsibility, it no longer seems to apply. The others are too busy, too far away, or too unconcerned. So dutifully I travel many times across the country for hours to provide care and support. Requests to my siblings to help out more fall on deaf ears. To me, the dutiful first born, it feels like the right and only thing to do; to be there for our parents as they were for us. Sadly, that feeling isn't shared by the second, third or fourth.

(1)、How does the author comment on the four children in the second paragraph?
A、Angrily and Bitterly. B、Angrily and proudly. C、Bitterly and humorously. D、Humorously and proudly.
(2)、How did the author develop his social skills?
A、Through hard work. B、With the parents' help. C、At the parents' request. D、In practice for effectiveness.
(3)、What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to?
A、To care for the old. B、To help the young. C、To live outside alone. D、To travel nationwide.
(4)、What can we learn from the text?
A、The writer hates to be the eldest. B、The writer feels proud of his role. C、The writer is satisfied with his attempt. D、The writer is regretful about the siblings.

One of the interesting things about languages is the way they change over time. In English, everything from spelling to vocabulary has 1  major changes over the years. In fact, to a modern speaker, the English of 1000 years ago looks like a 2  language!

The history of English dates back around 100 years. At that time, groups of Europeans 3  England, bringing their language with them. It developed into old English. Later in 1066, English was invaded by the Normans from France. The language went through an important shift leading to what we now call Middle English. Over the next 500 years, the language underwent 4  shifts, leading to modern English. As the language has developed over time, many things about it have changed.

5 is one of the most obvious areas. For example, in old English, people say "hus" and "mus". Now, we say house and mouse. These days there are many differences in the way English is pronounced in the U.S., India and elsewhere. When people live in groups separated by great distances, the 6 of change can be fast.

Vocabulary changes happen even more quickly. English has grown by borrowing words from languages such as French, Spanish and 7 , 8 . This often happens with types of 9 -for example, "tofu". Then there is slang which enters and 10 the language every year! Thirty years ago, one often heard people saying "groovy", meaning great. These days you rarely hear the word 11 on old TV shows or movies.

Because English is spoken by so many people worldwide, it really is an exciting time for the language. Just as American and British versions are always changing, so are versions 12  in Canada, 13  and elsewhere. At the same time, an entirely new version of English is appearing on the Internet with whole new 14  and writing styles. In a way, learning English is a never-ending process, even for native speakers! The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as 15  its soil and water of its lakes, rivers and oceans.


At the age of 12, I started playing golf when my parents enrolled me in a junior camp at the local public course. From that moment, much of my life has been 1 the game. The aspect of golf that attracted me was the sense of 2 . There's always a chance of making something 3 happen, maybe breaking a personal record or potentially making a hole-in-one. 

When I decided to pursue journalism in college, I had to take a 4 from the game. I'd still go out 5 to play with friends, but for the first time since my teens, I was away from my community. 

My 6 for playing golf reawakened when a friend invited me to the Langston course, which 7 me of the courses where I grew up: a 8 spot for people of all working-class backgrounds, and a far cry from the private golf 9 , in which expensive memberships are a basic 10 . When I get paired up with strangers to play, it's usually more of a 11 crowd. 

Some of the best walks I've taken have been out on the golf course. It's where I 12 with old friends and meet new ones, who 13 me to practice and get better. We share experiences on the golf course that are 14 and laugh about for days after our rounds. 

The sense of community I've regained with golf goes beyond my imagination. My circle only seems to be 15 , and I'm eager to see what the future holds.


During China's dynastic period, emperors planned the city of Beijing {#blank#}1{#/blank#} arranged the residential areas according to social classes. The term "hutong", {#blank#}2{#/blank#} (original) meaning "water well" in Mongolian, appeared first during the Yuan Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, the center was the Forbidden City, {#blank#}3{#/blank#} (surround) in concentric (同心的) circles by the Inner City and Outer City. Citizens of higher social classes {#blank#}4{#/blank#} (permit) to live closer to the center of the circles. The large siheyuan of these high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen often {#blank#}5{#/blank#} (feature) beautifully carved and painted roof beams and pillars (柱子). The hutongs they formed were orderly, lined by {#blank#}6{#/blank#} (space) homes and walled gardens. Farther from the center lived the commoners and laborers. Their siheyuan were far smaller in scale and {#blank#}7{#/blank#} (simple) in design and decoration, and the hutongs were narrower.

Hutongs represent an important cultural element of the city of Beijing. Thanks to Beijing's long history {#blank#}8{#/blank#} capital of China, almost every hutong has its stories, and some are even associated with historic {#blank#}9{#/blank#} (event). In contrast to the court life and upper-class culture represented by the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven, the hutongs reflect {#blank#}10{#/blank#} culture of grassroots Beijingers.


Norwegians would perhaps highlight their custom of "gå på tur"— going on a journey on foot or on skis. In Denmark, everyone knows what "hygge" is — to freely enjoy the good life with the people you love. They're the issues of "intangible cultural heritage", things that cannot be physically touched such as traditions, stories, music, dance and craft skills.

In 2003, UNESCO, the education, science and culture organization of the United Nations, adopted an agreement to "preserve the intangible" and many developing-world countries were quick to get their traditions included on the official list. But it would take almost 10 years for "Agreement for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage" to be approved by the Scandinavian countries.

Annika Sjöberg is responsible for managing the work of the agency in Sweden. She has been, and continues to be, flooded with suggestions of intangible cultural heritage worthy of protection, submitted by committed citizens and organizations wanting to see their particular traditions included on the list that should be ready sometime in the next couple of years.

Suggestions have also been received concerning various maritime traditions: old shipwright skills such as the building of wooden hulled vessels, are in decline and at risk of being lost forever.

"Our work has attracted considerable attention as it is regarded as being a little out in left field," says Sjöberg. "In addition, it's also opened people's eyes to the fact that the things we can't physically touch indeed have a major bearing on the way in which we live. Even in an urbanized society, there is knowledge we carry with us that we've inherited from previous generations-knowledge that's important to preserve and take care of."

Sjöberg explains that the point is not to preserve this cultural heritage in a stony rigid form, as traditions must be allowed to change and evolve. She also emphasizes that her work should not be interpreted as a nationalistic project, rather as a means of multicultural spreading.

It's actually a matter of documenting the knowledge that exists in the various traditions. What is most exciting is the diversity that now exists and the ways in which different cultures interact with each other.

