
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    US student Vanessa Tahay stands out from the other teenagers in her school. Her skin is dark, her accent is thick, and if you ask her, she will tell you these are the things she is proudest of. Tahay is a poet, and at 18 she was considered among the best in Los Angeles.

    When she is on the stage, audiences often go silent. They also laugh, shout and cry. But this doesn't come easily for someone who comes from a village that sits at the base of a huge mountain range in Central America. When she first appeared at school, she was teased by others for being short and different. She never spoke, so they called her “mouse”.

    “How do I defend myself?” Tahay thought. “I don't know how.”

    “Keep going,” her mother would tell her. “At some point, you'll learn.”

    She spent hours after school and on weekends watching the same DVDs: English without Barriers.

    Tahay's elder brother, Elmer, persuaded her to go to the after-school poetry club. In the last six years, her English teacher Laurie Kurnick has turned Cleveland Charter High School's poetry program into one of the most respected in the city. Her team draws from the likes of D.H. Laurence, Pat Mora and Kendrick Lamar to create poems about their own lives. The poems focus on many things —some funny, some painful.

    The first time Tahay read the group's poems, chills went up her spine (脊柱). “I wish I could write like that,” she thought. “I want to say something.”

She wrote her first poem about her first year in America. She called it Invisible. The day her turn came to recite in front of the team, she broke down crying. She cried for 15 minutes. “I had so much held in,” Tahay said. “I couldn't even finish it.”

    But she kept at it despite her less-than-perfect grammar, spelling and diction (措辞). Still, she wouldn't tell her friends about her poetry because she worried they would make fun of her.

    But with time, her poems changed her. “They gave me pride,” Tahay said. “They told me that I'm worth something.”

    “She had this innocence,” Kurnick said. “This willingness to be genuine and show you things you don't ever see.”

(1)、What did Tahay's mother suggest she do when she was teased by others?
A、Fight with them bravely. B、Report them to her teachers. C、Ignore them and keep going. D、Try hard to make friends with them.
(2)、What are the themes of Tahay and her team's poems?
A、Their admiration for the great poets. B、Their appreciation of natural beauty. C、Their expectations of a better future. D、Funny and painful stories about their lives.
(3)、How did Tahay probably feel when she first read the group's poems?
A、She was cold. B、She was excited. C、She was nervous. D、She was frightened.
(4)、How did Tahay benefit from writing poems?
A、She felt more confident about herself. B、She won many national poetry competitions. C、She became the first student poet in the city. D、She improved her grammar and spelling greatly.

Dear Kids Club Applicant:

    Thank you for expressing interest in the Kids Club.Staff members are hired twice a year: November and December for the spring semester,and April and May for the fall semester.

    November 20th is the application deadline for the spring semester of 2017.Applications can be submitted(提交)in person to the Community Education Office,located at 1812 Welsh Avenue,during the hours of 8:00 am-4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

    If you have any questions you may contact my office at the number below.

    Thanks again,Jana Church Program Director.(979)764-3831

    All applicants must meet the following requirements to be considered for hire:

    Available Monday-Friday,2:45 pm-6:15 pm

    Attend Training December 17,2016

    Attend Training January 4-15,2017 (we receive children January 5,2017)

    Commit to work through May 28,2017

    Rate of Pay: $8.00-$8.75/hr

Minimum Requirements:

1).All Kids Club staff members must be currently Red Cross certified in First Aid.

2).All staff members must be available to begin work on January4,2017 and continue through May 28,2017.

3).Staff members must attend specified training sessions throughout the year.

4).Staff members must attend weekly site meetings and monthly staff meetings.


1).Staff members assist the supervisor in performing his/her duties as necessary,such as:

a.Plan,coordinate and apply appropriate activities each day.

b.Lead group games,art projects and other similar activities.

c.Play with the children during free time.

d.Influence children in a positive manner.

2).Participate in all daily activities. (BE POSITIVE)

3).Assist in the daily,as well as weekly,clean-up of the facilities.

4).Other duties considered necessary by Site Supervisor or Program Director


    Rick Garcia is going to play outside with his friends. He is taking out his reliever inhaler (缓解物吸入器) and taking two puffs (吸). Five minutes later, he's on the field with his friends, running after a soccer ball. Rick has asthma (哮喘), but he knows how to control it.

    Asthma is a lung disease. A person with asthma may cough or suffer from shortness of breath. Asthma can begin at any age. Childhood asthma, often beginning when a child is younger than 10 years old, is one of the most common childhood diseases. Doctors report that the number of young people with asthma is increasing. It is the number one cause of absence from school. If parents have asthma, their children are more likely to develop the disease. Children in homes where an adult smokes are more at risk.

    It is important to find out the triggers for asthma. As we know, dust, pollen, or animals often make people suffer from asthma. Once a child learns the triggers, he can help prevent future attacks. About half of all children outgrow asthma and then asthma attacks stop when they are teenagers. However, many people live with the disease into adulthood.

    Children often take control drugs once or twice a day to help prevent asthma attacks, if a child begins to have an asthma attack, a quick-relief drug is also necessary. This is often an inhaler. School-aged children usually carry their inhalers with them. This medication works quickly and children begin to breathe more easily in a few minutes. If a child has a serious asthma attack, he may need full-time care at a hospital or a doctor's office.


    While all cultures share the same basic emotions, the body language used throughout different countries of the world varies(变化)greatly. What can mean one thing in one country can often mean something completely different in another.

    For example, in North America and Europe people tend to prefer direct eye contact(接触). But in some Asian countries longer eye contact is considered rude.

    So when communicating with people, always be aware of different cultural customs that may exist.

    A V sign in the US could mean victory, but in England, it stands for a rude challenge, which has the same meaning as showing the middle finger in the US.

The OK gesture(手势)in America and England is given to mean everything is good or well. But in Latin America is looked on as a rude sign.

    The thumbs(拇指)up sign in America and most of Europe means that something is good or well done, but it is considered rude in many Asian countries.

    Putting your feet on the table is generally not thought to be rude in America and England. However, in Thailand(泰国)it is really rude.

    Telling someone to come to you by curling your index finger(食指)is acceptable in America and England, but this gesture signifies death in Singapore.

    Raising your hand up means stop in America and England. In some Asian countries this gesture is used when asking for permission to speak.

    In most westernized countries it is considered normal for two men to shake hands. In some Asian countries it is quite normal for men to kiss each other, while in most westernized countries men kissing in public would be viewed as homosexual(同性恋)behavior.

    If you would like more information on different cultural gestures all over the world, see this site on non-verbal (口头的)communication.


    If you have a chance to take a walk in a park, look carefully at the people walking their dogs. You'll probably find friendly-looking people with friendly dogs; quiet people with quiet dogs; large men with oversized dogs and long-haired women with long-eared dogs. As you've probably noticed, dogs and their owners look alike. Have you ever wondered why?

    These similarities are so common that researchers have tried to explain them. There are two theories (理论): the convergence (趋同) theory and the selection theory. The convergence theory says that as the owner and the dog spend more time together, they influence each other to the point where they grow similar. In other words, they “converge.” The selection theory, on the other hand, says that owners are interested in dogs that look like them, so they choose those dogs as pets.

    Recently, researchers at the University of California decided to test the two theories by taking pictures of 45 dogs separately from their owners. Then they asked some students to match the dogs' photos with their owners. The students were quite successful with purebred (纯种的) dogs: they correctly matched 16 out of 25 with their owners. However, they had almost no success connecting mixed-breed (杂交的) dogs with their owners. When owners select a purebred dog, they can easily predict (预测) what it will look like later. But that is not true with mixed-breed dogs because it's hard to predict what a mixed-breed dog will look like when it grows up. And since it was the purebreds not the mixed-breeds that looked like their owners, the research seems to prove the “selection theory”.

    But one bit of warning. Although many people look like their dogs, not all dog owners enjoy having the similarity pointed out to them. So, even if the similarity is amazing, don't go up to a stranger and say, “Wow, you look just like your dog!”


    Montreal, Quebec is a great vacation destination with a number of annual and on-going activities and events in the area. Find a variety of area activities and attractions, lodging options and complete vacation packages conveniently online!

    Winter in Montreal: Ice Skating

    The skating experience starts with a guide who will bring your group to a rink (溜冰场) that is best for learning. You can rent skates, and you will be taught how to skate comfortably whether you are a beginner or an expert. The skating experience lasts 3 hours and an extra hour when you are allowed to take pictures and truly enjoy the rink experience.

    Montreal Tower Observatory

    This 4-hour tour will take guests to the tallest inclined tower in the world, complete with an added tour of the botanical garden. You'll notice that the city is actually quite beautiful especially from such a tall building. If you are bringing children along they will get a kick out of how unique the structure of the building is in the skyline of this big city. The trip to the top takes only approximately 2 minutes.

    Flavors of Old Montreal Walking Tour

    This is a 1.5-hour food walking tour. You'll basically explore all of old Montréal and you will see a place that has a rich culture and rich history. You will see what it was like in the olden days. You will see the life of the first and only French province in Canada. You will eat delicious foods like cheese, macaroons, and even more.

    Montreal Half-Day Bike Tour

    Montreal half-day bike tour is family friendly which lasts almost 3 hours. This ride is acceptable for any skill level and any age. There are three routes to choose from including the city tour, the Vista architecture tour and the city of contrast tour. Each course will have a tour guide who will introduce the sightseeing during the trip.


    I start every summer with the best of intentions: to attack one big book from the past, a classic that I was supposed to have read when young and ambitious. Often the pairings of books and settings have been purely accidental: "Moby Dick" on a three-day cross-country train trip: "The Magic Mountain" in a New England beachside cottage with no locks on the doors, no telephones or televisions in the rooms, and little to do beyond row on the salt pond. Attempting "The Man Without Qualities" on a return to Hawaii, my native state, however, was less fruitful: I made it through one and a quarter volumes (册), then decided that I'd got the point and went swimming instead.

    But this summer I find myself at a loss. I'm not quite interested in Balzac, say, or "Tristram Shandy." There's always War and Peace, which I've covered some distance several times, only to get bogged down in the "War" part, set it aside for a while, and realize that I have to start over from the beginning again, having forgotten everyone's name and social rank. How appealing to simply fall back on a favorite-once more into "The Waves" or "Justine," which feels almost like cheating, too exciting and too much fun to properly belong in serious literature.

    And then there's Stendhal's "The Red and the Black," which happens to be the name of my favorite cocktail (鸡尾酒) of the summer, created by Michael Cecconi at Savoy and BackForty. It is easy to drink, and knocking back three or four seems like such a delightful idea. Cecconi's theory: "I take whatever's fresh at the green market and turn it into liquid." The result is a pure shot of afternoon in the park, making one feel cheerful and peaceful all at once, lying on uncut grass with eyes shut, sun beating through the lids...

