
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Johnny Smith was a good math student at a high school. He loved his computer. He came home early every day, and then he worked with it till midnight. But Johnny was not a good English student, not good at all. He got an F in his English class. One day after school Johnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students: the math grades, the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and the grades in English. He found his English grade. An F! Johnny changed his English grade from an F to A. Johnny' parents looked at his report card. They were very happy.

    "An A in English!" said Johnny's Dad. "You're a very clever boy, Johnny."

    Johnny is a hacker(黑客). Hackers know how to take information from other computers and put new information in. Using a modem(调制调解器), they join their computers to other computers secretly. School headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers. So are the police, for some people even take money from bank computer account and put it into their own ones. And they never have to leave home to do it! They are called hackers.

(1)、Johnny changed his English grade with the computer in _______.
A、the classroom B、the school office C、a bank near his house D、his own house
(2)、When Johnny's parents saw the report, they were happy because _______.
A、Johnny was good at math B、Johnny loved computers C、Johnny could join one computer to another D、they thought Johnny was not poor in English any longer
(3)、Who are worried about hackers in the story?
A、Johnny's parents B、School headmasters, teachers and the police C、Only the police D、Many school headmasters and teachers
(4)、What should the hackers know well, do you think, after you read this story?
A、Information B、Bank computer accounts C、Computers D、Grades
    Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown. "There's so much to learn," he'd say. "Though we're born stupid, only the stupid remain that way. " He was determined that none of his children would be denied an education.
     Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. Though, as children, we thought this was crazy, it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request. And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly. Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the point.
    Then came the moment—the time to share the day's new learning.
    Papa, at the head of the table, would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen.
    "Felice," he'd say, "tell me what you learned today. "
    "I learned that the population of Nepal is .... "
     Papa was thinking about what was said, as if the salvation of the world would depend upon it. "The population of Nepal. Hmm. Well . . . . " he'd say. "Get the map; let's see where Nepal is. " And the whole family
went on a search for Nepal.
     This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.
     As children, we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing together, sharing experiences and participating in one another's education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, affirming our value, giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.
     Later during my training as a future teacher /1 studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting what Papa had known all along—the value of continual learning. His technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.

The Yale Peabody Museum is open:
Monday through Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sunday noon to 5:00 pm
The Museum is closed on New Year's Day,Easter Sunday, Independence Day,Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
Admission Fees:
$ 9.00—Adults
$ 8.00—Senior citizens 65 years and over
$ 5.00—Children ages 3 through 18, and college students with ID
$ 4.00—Group admission
To receive this reduced admission, groups must make a reservation at least 2 weekdays in advance.
More attention:
    Some halls may be closed to the public on weekday mornings for school group programs, so we recommend visiting after 1 pm on weekdays or at any time on the weekends.
    There is no canteen or lunchroom at the Peabody. Information on local eating places is available through our Restaurant Guide. Visitors are welcome to picnic on the lawns (草坪) around the Museum, Photography with handheld cameras is permitted in exhibition halls for personal use only; photography in The Ancient Age is prohibited (禁止) at all times.
    Highlights Tours of the Museum are offered every Saturday and Sunday at 12:30 and 1:30 pm. These 45-minute tours of the Yale Peabody Museum's exhibition halls are led by one of our specially trained volunteer guides.
    The Museum offers free individual admission on Thursday afternoons from 2:00 to 5:00 pm during the months of September to June.
    Admission is free to any individual with a valid Yale ID. Check out a Peabody Museum pass at your local library. A Museum pass will give you $ 5 off each admission for up to 4 people. Ask for it at your local library.

    Before a new type of airplane goes into service, every part of it is tested again and again. But there are two tests that are more important than all the others.

    The first is called the "tank test". A modem airplane must fly very high in the sky. Air must be pumped into the plane so that the passengers can breathe. The metal structure (结构)of the plane has to be very strong for this reason. When the plane is filled with air, the air presses against the skin of the plane inside. The pressure (压力) on a small window is like a huge foot that is trying to get out. If a small part of the plane were to fail, the plane would explode in the sky. To test the structure of the plane, the plane is lowered into a huge tank or container of water. Then it is filled with air. Vne pressure inside the plane is greater than it ever will be when it is high up in the air. Finally, there is an explosion. This does not cause so much damage inside the water tank as it would anywhere else. Engineers can discover which part of the plane has broken. Then that part is made stronger.

    The most dangerous test happens when the new plane is going through test flights in the air. The test pilot must find out exactly what happens when the engines (发动机) are all shut off at once. The plane begins to fall like a stone. It is the pilot's job to find out how he can get control of the plane again. These two tests are examples of how planes are made safe before they ever carry passengers.


    Phillip Island is a small island and nature reserve off the coast of South Australia, about 140 km from Melbourne. On the island you can see koalas, kangaroos and the main attraction, the Penguin Parade(归巢)on Summerland Beach.

    As dusk was approaching, we made our way down to the beach, as did everyone else. On the beach was a stone grandstand, rather cold on the behind, so bring a coat or blanket to sit on. As it got darker, people talked less, keeping an eye out on the beach to see the arrival of that first penguin.

    Suddenly there was movement at the edge of the surf and all heads turned as one. There, standing by the edge of the water was the smallest penguin we had ever seen. He looked left, then right, as if he was considering crossing a busy road and then he ran quickly across to the sand dunes and the penguin holes.

    He must have been the scout(侦查员), because after him, there came groups of penguins, some consisted of two or three penguins, and some had about ten or fifteen, but they all made the same mad dash across the sand into the holes, as if they couldn't get there fast enough. The groups started to lessen and finally no more penguins emerged from the sea.

    We sat on the grandstand for a while, not talking, just feeling awed(敬畏的) at what we'd just seen. Neither of us had ever seen penguins in the wild before, only in zoos and it was an amazing feeling.

    You could see the penguins here every evening and morning, but they weren't in cages or in small pools. The sea was their playground and it is a sight we would definitely recommend to anyone.

    You weren't allowed to take flash photographs as it scared them. After the penguins had gone to their holes, you could walk along boardwalks and see them there. That's got to be worth a look.


    Spending money on time-saving services reduces stress and boosts(增进)happiness, according to a new research, but shockingly, few of us do it.

    Whillans, a professor at HBS said, "Buying time helps to protect us from the stress in our lives caused by time pressure, and the feeling that we don't have enough minutes in the day to complete our tasks."

    The effect was clearest in the Canadian experiment, in which 60 working adults were given $40 to spend in two different ways. One weekend, they were told to spend the money on a material purchase—a gift for themselves. The next weekend, they were instructed to spend the $40 on anything that saved them time, from paying the neighbor ' s kid to run errands (跑腿)to taking an Uber instead of a bus.

    〇n the day they made the time-saving purchase, they felt happier, in a better mood, and lower feelings of time stress than on the day they bought a material purchase," said Whillans.

    The biggest surprise to the researchers was how few people would spend money on time-saving services. When they asked 98 working adults how they would spend a "windfall" of $40, only two percent named a purchase that would save them time.

    "One reason," said Whillans, is that we're very bad at remembering how much we hate doing certain tasks once the suffering has passed. That makes us less likely to take active steps to avoid that overburdened feeling in the future. "But another possible cause is good old-fashioned guilt." If you feel guilty about getting someone to clean your house for you, then you might get less happiness from outsourcing (夕卜包)that task," said Whillans, "or you might just be less likely to spend your money in that way."

