
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通




I am a book lover and I love reading. I often travel to different cities and like to go to bookstores there to buy books I like. But sometimes, I don't know where these bookstores are and I don't want to ask people the way.


With this app, you can read books whenever you like. Some books are free and others requires payment. If you are quite busy and don't have enough time to hold a book, you can try this app.


I am a businessman and love reading books. The problem is that I don't really have much time to walk in a bookstore to find the books that fit me. And I don't like to read e­books either. I think it is bad for my eyes.

B.Baidu Map

It is a map app that can give directions to wherever you want to go. You just need to type in the address or the name of the building, it will show you the way by drawing a line on the map. It is useful, especially when you are in a strange city.


I am a movie fan. But I hate waiting in a long line to buy tickets. Sometimes, when a famous movie is on, I have to wait for 1-2 hours before I can get a ticket to the next round. I really hope there is an easy and quick way to do this.


Dangdang is a useful app for customers to buy different goods, especially books. If you like books and don't want to spend much time walking in a bookstore, looking for books, you can download(下载) this app.


I am really interested in mobile phones. My friends often ask me for advice on buying different mobile phones. I need a helper to provide me with ideas about these products.


If you are a fan of modern science and technology on mobile phones and other IT products like this, you can't have never heard of Zealer. This is an app of a company which does tests on different products and introduces them to the customers for them to make buying decisions.


I like to read novels. But all the novels are very long and I really don't have a long spare time to read books. All I have is when I am on the bus, sit in the dining room and so on. I need an app to offer me novels to read anytime I like.

E.Maoyan Movie

This is an app for tickets. The tickets for movies, shows and performances. You can buy or order tickets with this app. And then, all you have to do is to put the QR codes(二维码) under the scanner of the cinema, then you can get the ticket you've ordered.


Do you like to make your own movie? Try this app. It has many ways of making movies and it is quite professional. Remember to share your own movie with your friends.


    We often dine out with others, but do you know some basic etiquette (礼节)? If you behave well at the table, it will make your partners happy. But if you don't know how to behave yourself, you will feel embarrassed. Here are some tips for the table etiquette.

    When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don t shove(碰撞)it against the back of her legs.
     If you're seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone to be served and for the hostess(女主人) to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it's OK to start when several people are seated and served.

    If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don't turn your glass upside down, and don t make a big deal of saying you don't drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim(边缘) of the glass and say" Not today, thanks."

    When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say" Please excuse me."

    When out with friends or family—even at a fancy restaurant –it's OK to ask for your leftovers(吃剩的饭菜) to be wrapped. But don't do it at a business lunch or dinner.

Information Card

The feeling you may get if you don't behave well at the table


The number of the guests when waiting for everyone to be served


The reason why you place your fingertips on the rim of the glass


The time that don't ask for your leftovers to be wrapped


The number of suggestions for the table etiquette



    Farming in the USA today is very different from that 100 years ago. In those days, farmers did not have many machines to help them. They had animals. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}This meant that farms were smaller than they are now. Farmers also worked in a different way in the past. In those days, farmers grew fruits and vegetables and kept cows, pigs and chickens to feed their families. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Farmers have a very special life in many ways. First of all, they can't leave the job at the end of the day. They live on the farm and there is always work to do. Second, a lot of farm work is outdoors, so the weather is very important for farmers. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} A lot of bad weather means farmers will lose money. Finally, farmers work with plants and animals. They understand nature better than other people do.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Spring is a time for planting. Farmers are busy getting the fields ready and then planting the seeds(种子). In summer, farmers must take good care of the plants. Some may need water. Other plants may have problems with insects or diseases. Then in fall, the fruits or plants are ready for picking. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Winter is a time for rest or for work on the farm machines.

A. Farm work changes with the seasons.

B. That is a very busy time for farmers.

C. But animals work slowly compared to machines.

D. It is also important for the success of their farms.

E. Today farmers grow things on the farms so they can sell them.


    Mr Smith was ill and he went to see a doctor. The doctor asked him to put out his tongue(舌头), and then he said," OK, You can put your tongue back now. There's nothing wrong with you, but I'm afraid you have a problem. You hardly ever take exercise."

   "But, doctor," Mr Smith said," I don't think so."

   "Don't tell me what you think," the doctor said," I know what you need. I see a lot of people like you. None of them goes any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front of the television in the evening. You must walk quickly for at least(至少)20 minutes a day."

   "I don't want to hear any excuse," the doctor said." You must find time for exercise. If you don't, you will get fat and have health problems."

   "But I walk every day," Mr Smith said.

   "Oh, yes, and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk a few meters to the bus stop from your house, a few more meters from the bus stop to your office, and a few more meters from your office to your dining—room for lunch and back. That's not a real walk. I'm talking about a walk in the park or by the lake for twenty minutes every day."

   "Would you please listen to me, doctor? Mr Smith said, getting a little angry with his doctor.

   "I'm a postman," Mr Smith went on," and I walk for nearly(几乎)seven hours every day."

    For a moment the doctor was silent(沉默的), then he said quietly," Put out your tongue again, will you?

Information Card

The way

The doctor looked over (检查) Mr. Smith's tongue {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

The activities

The doctor believed Mr. Smith had a problem and told him to {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

The feeling

Mr. Smith was {#blank#}3{#/blank#} with his doctor after hearing his words.

The job

Mr. Smith is a {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

The period

Mr. Smith walks for nearly {#blank#}5{#/blank#}every day.

