
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    When I was ten years old I went to the USA to visit some family friends. I noticed something funny about the way everyone spoke English.

    One moment! I remember very clearly was at the beginning of the holiday, when my friend asked me if I wanted to order “French fries”. I couldn't imagine what they were. She was amazed that I had never tried them and she ordered a portion for us to share. When the waiter brought us some chips, I asked her where the French fries were. She pointed at the plate of chips! Later that week she said she was going to buy some “chips” from the supermarket. She came out with a packet of crisps(薯片)! How come?

    During that holiday we were also offered “biscuits” with our lunch. This was a very strange idea to me, because in England biscuits are sweet. I later realized that “biscuits” in America are salty snacks. What we call “biscuits', they call “cookies”.

    I was also embarrassed when a stranger told me she liked my “pants”. I wondered how she could see them! My mum then told me that they call “pants” what we call “trousers”, the outer clothing that you wear on your legs instead of inside clothing!

    I was disgusted when I saw an “eggplant” pizza on the menu in a restaurant. But I was puzzled how eggs can grow on plants. My dad ordered this pizza and it was covered in aubergines(茄子). “They call aubergines 'eggplant' in America!” he told me.

    I think part of the excitement of learning a language is learning about the differences that exist in how it is spoken in different places.

(1)、What is the text mainly about?
A、A visit to the United States. B、Difficulties in speaking English. C、Ways to speak English correctly. D、Different English in different places.
(2)、How did the author feel when his friend bought crisps?
A、Excited. B、Puzzled. C、Embarrassed. D、Disappointed.
(3)、What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4?
A、Legs. B、Jewels. C、Trousers. D、Underclothes.


    If ever a drink were invented to satisfy the thirst of social media, this may be it.

    With its fantastic name, bright pink and blue twist topped with a pillow of whipped cream, Starbucks' new Unicom Frappuccino(独角兽星冰乐) practically asks to be posted on social media.

    And a glimpse at Twitter shows Unicom Frappuccino is indeed gaining attention.

    So what's in it? As Starbucks describes it: “A sweet dusting of pink powder, mixed into a Frappuccino with mango syrup and layered with a pleasantly sour blue drizzle. It is finished with vanilla whipped cream and a sprinkle of sweet pink and sour blue powder topping.”

    A look at the ingredients reveals a list less fantastic. The pink powder is actually sugar and "Fruit and Vegetable Color.”

    Starbucks advertises the drink “,as rare as a unicorn." But unicorn food is actually a thing. The BBC reports, it's fashionable to post pictures of rainbow colored food which reminds of the fairy tale creature.

    Rainbow sushi, anyone?

    As for the Unicorn Frappuccino, Lori Aquino said the drink caught her eye on social media. Then people at work were talking about it. “I saw it was coming out today, so I decided to try it,” Aquino said at a Washington D.C. Starbucks. “I'll probably put it on Snapchat or Instagram.”

    She bought one to share with her two coworkers.

    And the opinion?

    “It's kind of nasty,” Aquino said.

    Letitia Winston agreed: "Nope. That will not be something I come looking for."

    But Moriam Animashaun was more forgiving. "It's not bad,” she said, “It's just really sweet.”

    A 16-ounce medium, or a grande in Starbucks speak, comes in at 410 calories, 59 grams of sugar and 16 grams of fat.

    One thing the women agreed on was the drink's appearance. “It's pretty," said Animashaun.

    “It looks nice," agreed Winston.

    And in the age of likes, snaps and tweets, the fantasy image may be all that matters.

    The Unicom Frappuccino is available April 19 through April 23 at participating stores in the United Stales, Canada and Mexico.


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C  和 D )中,选出最佳选项。

    In an ideal world, people would not test medicines on animals. Such experiments are stressful and sometimes painful for animals, and expensive and time-consuming for people. Yet animal experimentation is still needed to help bridge vast gaps in medical knowledge. That is why there are some 50 to 100 million animals used in research around the world each year.

    Europe, on the whole, has the world's most restrictive (严格的) laws on animal experiments. Even so,its scientists use some 12 million animals a year, most of them mice and rats, for medical research. Official statistics show that just 1.1 million animals are used in research in America each year. But that is misleading. The American authorities do not think mice and rats are worth counting and, as these are the most common laboratory animals, the true figure is much higher. Japan and China have even less comprehensive (全面的) data than America.

    Now Europe is reforming the rules governing animal experiments by restricting the number of animals used in labs. Alternatives to animal testing,such as using human tissue or computer models, are now strongly recommended. In addition, sharing all research results freely should help to reduce the number of animals for scientific use. At present, scientists often share only the results of successful experiments. If their findings do not fit the hypothesis (假设) being tested, the work never sees the light of day. This practice means wasting time, money, and animals' lives in endlessly repeating the failed experiments.

    Animal experimentation has taught humanity a great deal and saved countless lives. It needs to continue,even if that means animals sometimes suffer. Europe's new measures should eventually both reduce the number of animals used in experiments and improve the way in which scientific research is conducted.


    Our mother earth is going through a very tough situation and we, the entire human race, are destroying our environment or unconsciously without even realizing its consequences. Now we have to act very smartly and plan something to sustain what we still have, getting all necessary support from nature to lead healthy lives.

    Gardening is always an excellent and environmentally friendly idea. If you can go for sustainable gardening, then it will be even more useful for all. Gardening is a favorite hobby for many. It is time to channelize your hobby towards a more meaningful motivation.

    When we do gardening we need to use different ingredients to grow plants. Some of them are natural resources like water, soil, sunshine, and many things like this. Using these resources smartly is a part of sustainable gardening. Some simple techniques include: use less water and organic things to grow plants; try to store rainwater so that you can use them for gardening; try using less energy to drive devices; avoid using plastics in any form while gardening; reuse the leaves from your garden to fertilize them. These are the basic sustainable measures. To do so we need to have proper knowledge about gardening and its requirements so that we can use proper resources without wasting any of them.

    In today's busy life we don't get much time to spend on our environment. Gardening gives us a chance to do so. We can also have some pesticide-free and fresh food if we grow them in our garden. This is the right time to do some good to protect our own environment and gardening is one of the easiest ways. Do you want to start gardening, but you're not sure how? Click here: http://www. Garden how to.come.


    When I was a little child, my parents divorced, making my mother a single parent. We had little money, but my mom gave me a lot of love. Each night, she sat me on her lap and spoke the words that would change my life, "Kemmons, you are certain to be a great man and you can do anything in life if you work hard enough to get it."

    At fourteen, I was hit by a car and the doctors said I would never walk again. Every day, my mother spoke to me in her gentle, loving voice, telling me that no matter what those doctors said, I could walk again if I wanted to do it badly enough. She drove that message so deep into my heart that I finally believed her. A year later, I returned to school—walking on my own!

    When the Great Depression(大萧条)occurred, my mom lost her job. Then I left school to support the family. At that moment, I was determined never to be poor again.

    My real change occurred on a vacation I took with my wife and five kids in 1951. I was angry that the second-class hotel charged an extra $2 for each child. That was too expensive for the average American family. I decided to open a motel(汽车旅馆)for families that would never charge extra for children. There were plenty of doubters at that time.

    Not surprisingly, mother was one of my strongest supporters. We experienced a lot of challenges. But with my mother's words deeply rooted in my soul, I never doubted we would succeed. Fifteen years later, we had the largest hotel system in the world—Holiday Inn. In 1979 my company had 1,759 inns in more than fifty countries with an income of $ 1 billion a year.

    You may not have started out life in the best situation. But if you can find a task in life worth working for and believe in yourself, nothing can stop you.


    Think plants are just boring green things that you use for food and decoration? Think again! Plants are able to do some pretty awesome things that you're probably totally unaware of.

    Researchers have discovered that plants have the ability to communicate with an underground network made up of fungus (真菌) , which serves the plants in many ways. Tomato plants use the fungus web to warn each other of their own unhealthy conditions. Trees connected through the fungus network could move nutrients (养分) to and from each other. It is believed that larger trees move nutrients to smaller ones to help them to survive.

    Not only that, but they can also damage unwelcome plants by spreading poisonous chemicals through the fungus. It sounds like the plant world had the Internet before we did.

    Some plants have a rather impressive line of defense against being eaten. When sensing they are being swallowed, they give off a chemical into the air that attracts the insect's natural enemy. The enemy attacks the bug, thus saving the plants. This is basically the plant kingdom version of getting your older brother to beat up that kid who steals your lunch money.

    You might be aware that humans and animals have an internal clock. But did you know that plants also have this clock? This means they can prepare for certain times of day just like we do. Is it because they can react to light at sunrise? In a study, scientists found that plants use the sugars they produce to keep time, which help to regulate the genes responsible for the plant's own internal clock. So, in a sense, wake up with petunias (矮牵牛) is just as valid as ―wake up with the chickens.

    Nature is full of surprises. So for those of you who didn't know the wonders of plants, now you do.


    A typical school day in the UK starts around 8:30 am. This is often even earlier elsewhere in the world, with students sitting down to their first lesson at 7:30 am in the US. The average teenager ideally needs eight to nine hours' sleep each night, but in reality a lot of teenagers struggle to get this much. A lot of the problems happen because our sleep patterns are not fixed, and they change as we grow.

    So a later school start time could help to solve this problem, by ensuring to get their eight plus hours of sleep and react properly to their body's natural rhythms(规律). There has been a general change over the past 25 years to shorten the school day. This is not at the cost of teaching time (which has remained constant) but at the cost of natural breaks, which has led to reduced lunch time and lesson breaks.

    Later start times could help teens' grades and health. This is mainly because it makes the management of children easier. Managing hundreds of children "playing" requires effective staffing. And there is always the fear that behavior worsens during breaks. So the theory goes that having them in class and strictly managed must be better.

    But this means that students barely have enough time to absorb what they were doing in maths before suddenly they are forced to study ancient history. And teaching staff also move through from one class to another, with hardly a rest or time to refocus.

    Clearly rethinking the school day could benefit everyone included. Anyway, it could also lead to better achievement in teenagers and less of a struggle for parents in the mornings. For teachers, it could also mean a less stressful day all around and what could be better than that?

