
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The following are several summer programs for children.

    Duke University ADHD Program

    Academic Summer Program is used to help 6th to 8th graders with ADHD(注意力缺乏多动症). The program uses techniques to teach study strategies, academic support skills, and cooperative learning activities.

    Phone: 919-416-2096

    Location: Durham, North Carolina

    Eagle Hill School(Connecticut)

    The Summer Academic Day Program at Eagle Hill School is designed for children experiencing academic difficulty. Open to boys and girls ages 6 to 12. The summer program immerses(使沉浸)kids in a total language environment specifically tailored to meet his or her needs.

    Phone: 203-622-9240

    Location: Greenwich, Connecticut

    The Gow School

    The Gow School offers a traditional summer school program experience for boys and girls ages 8 to 15. The 5-week session offers a specially designed curriculum for students who have experienced academic difficulty or have language based learning disabilities. Summer Program learners can be day students or live on campus(校园).

    Phone :716-652-3450

    Location: South Wales, New York

    The Kentwood Summer Camp Program

    The Kentwood Summer Camp Program is a school program catering toward children, teens, and their families who are not being successful in the traditional school environments socially, and or at home. It is for children and teens in grades K(Kindergarten) to 12.

    Phone: 954-581-8222 or 954-634-0601

    Location: Davie, Florida

(1)、Which number may parents of children with ADHD call?
A、954-634-0601 B、919-416-2096 C、716-652-3450 D、203-622-9240
(2)、What is special about the Gow School Summer Program?
A、It is for successful students B、Learners are limited to boys C、It allows students to live there D、Learners are interested in language
(3)、Which program should a less sociable child attend?
A、Duke University ADHD Program B、The Gow School Summer Program C、The Summer Academic Day Program D、The Kentwood Summer Camp Program

    This March is a busy month in Shanghai.There's a lot to do.Here are the highlights.

Live Music — Late Night Jazz

    Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player.He's coming with his new 7-piece band, Herbie's Heroes . Herbie is known to play well into the early hours, so don't expect to get much sleep.This is Herbie's third visit to Shanghai.The first two were sold out, so get your tickets quickly.

PLACE: The Jazz Club DATES: 15—23 March

PRICE: ¥80,120        TIME: 10:00p.m.till late!

TEL: 6466—8736

Scottish dancing

    Take your partners and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn.Instructors will demonstrate the dances.The live band, Gordon Stroppie and the Weefrees, are also excellent.

PLACE: Jack Stein's            DATES: every Monday

PRICE: Y60 including one drink TIME: 7:00 —0:00 p.m.

TEL: 6402-1877

Exhibitions — Shanghai Museum

    There are 120,000 pieces on show here.You can see the whole of Chinese history under one roof.It's always interesting to visit, but doubly(加倍地) so at the moment with the Egyptian Tombs exhibition.There are lots of mummies and more gold than you've ever seen before.Let us know if you see a mummy move!

PLACE: Shanghai Museum    PRICE: ¥30 (¥15 for students)

TEL: 6888-6888             DATES: daily

TIME: Monday — Friday 9:00a.m.— 5:00p.m., Weekends 9:00a.m. — 9:00p.m.

Dining — Sushi chef in town

    Sushi(寿司) is getting really big in Shanghai.In Japan, it's become an art form.The most famous Sushi "artist" is Yuki Kamura.She's also one of the few female chefs in Japan.She'll be at Sushi Scene all of this month.

PLACE: Sushi Scene in the Shanghai Hotel      DATES: all month

PRICE: ¥200         TIME: lunch time

TEL: 6690-3211

For a full listing of events, see our website.


    The quick action of Nick helped five people escape a fire on Hope Road. Nick said he usually left his house about 5:30 a.m. to do morning exercises, but that day he decided to stay at home to get his daughter ready for school. As he looked at his neighbor's house, he realized that it was on fire. “I saw smoke and flames and ran over and started beating on the side of the house shouting, 'Your house is on fire! Your house is on fire!'” Nick remembered it was at about 9 a.m. that the firefighters put out the fire.

    Beverly Penny and her husband, Clark, along with their younger daughters, were sleeping in the living room, next to the kitchen, when they heard Nick beating on the walls. She opened the bedroom door and black smoke came in. She managed to get her kids out. Her dog tried to hide under the bed, but Penny caught it by the leg and threw it out of the door. However, chickens in one of the rooms weren't so lucky.

    Firefighters got the call at about 7:05 a.m. “When we arrived with our fire trucks, there were heavy flames outside on the house,” Jerry said. He called Nick a hero, saying that without his quick responses(回应) the result could have been much worse. “The firefighters were fast,” Nick said. “They arrived here within about three minutes.”

    “They did a great job, and I can't thank them enough,” Penny said, then looked at what remained in the house and shook her head as tears rolled down in her eyes. “Everything I have is gone. Luckily nobody was hurt in the fire.” She said the fire could have been caused by an electrical problem. “We've been having problems with mice, so that we could have had something to do with it,” she added.


    Have you ever had your hand held during a dental procedure you feel uneasy about? What about a dental office that mimics(模仿) the spirit of Disneyland? If you're looking for a dental office that provides the best care and the best environment, you're looking for Dr. Licking's office in Sunnyvale.

    Office manager Judy, who has worked with Dr. Licking for 38 years, speaks highly of his kindness. She believes that the office is “the Disneyland of dentistry”. Everyone from children to their grandparents loves the environment and care they receive from this welcoming office.

    Dr. Licking is known as the best dental care provider for anyone who fears facing appointments with the dental office. The staff goes out of their way to make patients feel comfortable and at ease. Dr. Licking and Judy set the standard with their saying, “when someone comes to your home, you stand up and welcome them, like an old family friend.”

    Dr. Licking's office has all. They recently relocated to put the new equipment into their practice. The office is equipped with an intra-oral video camera, and as a patient you can get pictures of your teeth as you're walking out the door.

    Setting himself apart from other dentists, Dr. Licking continues his education beyond what is required. For this reason, he is one of few dentists in the country who offers ozone treatment. Ozone can naturally stop decay (蛀蚀) in its tracks. For more information on this new technology, visit their website at www.drjohnlicking.com.

    Dr. Licking's office is Diamond Certified, an honor given only to companies with the higher quality after extensive and continual research. Dr. Licking's office extends an invitation to you to meet their gentle staff and offers you a free office visit, including x-rays and an exam.

    The office holds extended hours ranging from 7 a. m. to 8 p, m., Monday through Thursday. Don't worry if you have an emergency. Dr. Licking's office responds to all emergencies and urgent calls.


    Cosmetic & Family Dentistry since 1970



    877 W. Fremont Ave. Suite C3, Sunnyvale


    Eudaimonia is an Ancient Greek word, particularly stressed by the philosophers Plato and Aristotle, which deserves far more attention than it has because it corrects the shortfalls (缺失)in one of the most central, but troubling words in our modem language: happiness.

    When we nowadays try to clearly express the purpose of our lives,it is the word "happiness" that we commonly turn to. We tell ourselves and others that the most important principle for our jobs, our relationships and the conduct of our day-to-day lives is the pursuit of happiness. It sounds like an innocent enough idea, but too much reliance on the term means that we frequently unfairly tend to quit or, at least, heavily question a great many challenging but worthwhile situations. The Ancient Greeks did not believe that the purpose of life was to be happy; they proposed that it was to achieve Eudaimonia, a word which has been best translated as "fulfilment".

    What distinguishes happiness from fulfilment is pain. It is very possible to be fulfilled and—at the same time—under pressure, suffering physically or mentally, overburdened and, quite frequently, in an irritable (易怒的)mood. This is a slight psychological difference that is hard for the word "happiness" to capture, for it's tricky to speak of being happy yet unhappy, or happy yet suffering. However, such a combination is readily accommodated within the respected and noble-sounding idea of Eudaimonia.

    The word encourages us to trust that many of life's most worthwhile projects will sometimes be in conflict with contentment, and yet will be worth pursuing. Properly exploring our professional talents, managing a household, keeping a relationship going, creating a new business venture or engaging in politics... none of these goals are likely to leave us cheerful and grinning on a daily basis. They will, in fact, involve us in all manner of challenges that will deeply exhaust and weaken us, provoke (激怒)and wound us. And yet we will perhaps, at the end of our lives, still feel that the tasks were worth undertaking. Through them, we'll have achieved something deeper and more interesting than happiness.

    With the word Eudaimonia in mind, we can stop imagining that we are aiming for a pain-free existence—and then blaming ourselves unfairly for being in a bad mood. We'll know that we are trying to do something far more important than smile all the time: we're striving to do justice to our full human potential.


    March 21 has been declared World Sleep Day, a time to recognize and celebrate the value of sleep. Many sleep experts hope it will be a wake-up call.

    According to a poll (民意调查) by the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 4 in 5 Americans don't get as much sleep as they should during the workweek. On average, adults are thought to need at least eight hours of sleep a night, although some can manage with less and some won't do well without more. But the survey found that, on weekdays, only 21% of Americans actually get a full eight hours of sleep, and another 21% get less than six hours.

    To many of us, the thought of spending more time sleeping is, well, a big yawn. On the other hand, the thought of being smarter, thinner, healthier and more cheerful has a certain appeal. And those are just a few of the advantages that can be ours if we consistently get enough sleep, researchers say. Also on the plus side: We're likely to have better skin, better memories, better judgment, and, oh, yes, longer lives.

    “When you lose even one hour of sleep for any reason, it influences your performance the next day,” says Dr. Alon Avidan, director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Center.

    A study published last year found the same to be true even of children. When kids aged 8 to 12 slept for just one hour less for four nights, they didn't function as well during the day.

    But sleeping has an image problem.“We see napping or sleeping as lazy,” says Jennifer Vriend, a clinical psychologist in Ottawa, Canada, and the leading author of the study with children.“We put so much emphasis on diet, nutrition and exercise. Sleep is in the back seat. In fact,”she adds,“no matter how much we work out, no matter how well we eat, we can't be in top physical shape unless we also get plenty of sleep.”

