
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    You may have grown up living with sisters and brothers, or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else. Having a roommate surely has its challenges. Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year.

    Be clear from the beginning.

    Maybe you hate it when someone interrupts you when you are sleeping every morning., Let your roommate know about your preferences. It's not fair to expect him or her to pick up on them right away, and communicating what you need is one of the best ways to get rid of problems before they become problems.

    Respect your roommate's things.

    This may seem simple,but it's probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflicts. Don't you think he'll mind if you borrow his shoes for a quick soccer game for all you know, you just stepped over an uncrossable line.

    Be open to change.

    You should expect to learn and grow and change during your time at school. And the same should happen to your roommate, if all goes well.. Be comfortable addressing things that unexpectedly come up, setting new rules, and being flexible to your changing environment.


    Treat your roommate like you'd like to be treated. No matter what your relationship is at the end of the year, you can take comfort knowing you acted like an adult and treated your roommate with respect.

A. Don't borrow, use, or lake anything without getting permission first.

B. As the term progresses, realize things will change for both of you.

C. Getting along well with a roommate is really a difficult job.

D. Maybe you need moments to be silent after you wake up.

E. You should correct your bad habits first.

F. Follow the Golden Rule.

G. However, it can also be a great part of your college experience.


    To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Try the following steps:

    Calm yourself. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. Don't wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don't see things the same way. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

    Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who causes you pain. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.

    Don't forget to forgive yourself. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don't do it.

A. Why should you forgive?

B. How should you start to forgive?

C. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

D. Try to see things from your offender's angle.

E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.

G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.


    How to Have a Good Teen Life

    As a teenager, you'll be starting high school, making new friends, and most likely dating.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Then you can remember good things from the past when you are an adult. You will be an adult soon enough, but you will experience many different changes on the way!

    Have a healthy social life. A healthy social life is the key to enjoying your life in spite of the stress of school. Shop with friends and enjoy buying clothes. Go to a theme park or take a few trips. Try to make at least two best friends. Go to pleasure ground, bowling, or teen clubs and such places.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Have hobbies at home. Sew, read, play computer games, draw, or do yoga.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Get a Facebook account, but try not to get addicted to it. Make videos with your friends and post them on YouTube. Check online to see the hottest new music and the coolest new artists and songs of your type of choice. You don't have to be a fan of pop music only; if you like to listen to some nice relaxing smooth jazz or Bob Marley, go ahead. Be a fan of your favorite sports team.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Always turn in your homework on time and do well in tests. Education is the most important thing in your life. Doing poorly, not trying, or dropping out of school can hurt your future in a significant way. If you are getting bad grades because you are struggling with something, get help.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    Be creative. Show off your talents. Write music, write stories and poems, create cool drawings, learn how to create web pages and computer programs, create your own clothes, cook, bake, work on a car, play an instrument, etc.

A. Think on your own.

B. Study hard at school.

C. Find whatever you enjoy doing and do it.

D. Make the best of it by taking the advice below.

E. But you have to work hard and learn from your mistakes.

F. This is the best way to communicate with other people around your age.

G. But if you are lazy, it can affect your college opportunities in the future.


    The UN has recognized the contributions of volunteers on Dec.5, International Volunteer Day. Here, the four things are offered to consider before taking the leap into overseas volunteering.

    Choose your organization carefully

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. volunteering may be a fundraising mechanism(筹资机制) for a development project. For others, volunteering is fundamental to their programs, and those serving take on professional roles in longer-term development.


    Volunteers want to help and make a difference, but most know this isn't a purely selfless act. You will learn new skills, broaden your horizons and come to better understand yourself and the world. You want to help reduce global poverty or protect the natural world, and that's all OK. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}? Have you always wanted to travel, but not as a tourist? Work with kids? When you understand your motivations, you'll be in a better position to choose the option that is right for you.

    Work alongside the local community

    Often times, travelers volunteer in isolation(隔离) from the local community in which they are working in. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. This enables you to ensure you are committing to a project that promotes long term and sustainable change.

    A volunteer trip is just the beginning

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Further ignite(点燃) the global change maker in you by taking your experience one step further when you return home. Spread the message of your transformative experience to others, helping to spark the change within them.

A. But what else

B. Know why you are going

C. Believe you know it all

D. Communities always welcome volunteers

E. Volunteer travel is a life-changing experience

F. Some organizations require you to pay your own way, and often include a fee

G. Make sure to travel with organizations that have strong partnerships with local communities


    Schools consume a large amount of energy, which has a bad effect on the environment.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}, there are lots of ways that you can help your school save energy. Look for simple changes your school can make and band together with others to make an even bigger effect.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Even something as simple as turning off the lights when you leave a room can help to save energy. Turn off the lights in classrooms that are not being used and in other areas, such as empty bathrooms and unoccupied multi-purpose rooms.

    Use natural light when the sun is bright. It may not always be necessary for you to have the lights on in your classroom. There may be times of day when the sun is especially bright and enough for what you are doing in your classroom. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Set up a recycling station at your school Recycling is a great way to save energy because it reduces the need to produce new materials.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}, then ask your school principal if you can set one up.

    Get others involved.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Either as an individual or as a team, you can create and put up signs around your school. Try using signs that remind people of things they can do to save energy and also some signs that raise awareness of saving energy.

A.Postsigns about conserving energy

B.Whether you are a teacher or a student

C.Ifyour school does not have one

D.Turn off your computer when it's not used

E.Shut down the lights when rooms are not in use

F.Other times of day you might only need half of the lights

G. If your school's garbage company offers recycling services


How to Make Friends

    Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leave us without a friend.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

    ⒈Associate with others.

    The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

    ⒉Start a conversation.

    Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.


    Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together. Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

    ⒋Let it grow.

    It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.

    ⒌Enjoy your friendship.

    The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Be cheerful.

B. Do things together.

C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

E. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

F. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.

G. Making new friends comes easy for some people.


Critical thinking is the process of carefully and systematically analyzing problems to find ways to solve them. It involves identifying several possible solutions and then logically evaluating each one, comparing them to one another, and then selecting the one that you conclude is the most promising

{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Employers prefer job candidates who can demonstrate a history of using critical thinking skills. They want to have employees who can solve problems quickly.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

You may think there isn't enough time to take a slow and measured approach to problem solving. After all, time is limited, and quick and easy answers are appealing.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

Critical thinking is one of several life skills you should try to develop while still in school.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Your assignments will require you to generate hypotheses (猜想) and then test them before coming to conclusions. Students taking art classes also use critical thinking. To complete projects, you will have to select media and techniques that will best allow you to achieve your artistic vision

Graduates aren't out of luck. Practice your critical thinking while performing everyday activities.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}When deciding where to have dinner, weigh your alternatives regarding the type of food, healthfulness, and cost. If making a purchase, do your research and read reviews of different brands.

A. Sign up for science classes, for example.

B. Choose a lesson that benefits your critical thinking.

C. The ability to think critically is a valuable soft skill in the job market.

D. But more importantly, they want ones who can solve them effectively.

E. We all need some critical thinking skills living in this challenging world.

F. For example, before going out, learn about each means of transportation.

G. However, rushing to make a decision is less productive than using critical thinking.

