
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Schools consume a large amount of energy, which has a bad effect on the environment., there are lots of ways that you can help your school save energy. Look for simple changes your school can make and band together with others to make an even bigger effect.

    Even something as simple as turning off the lights when you leave a room can help to save energy. Turn off the lights in classrooms that are not being used and in other areas, such as empty bathrooms and unoccupied multi-purpose rooms.

    Use natural light when the sun is bright. It may not always be necessary for you to have the lights on in your classroom. There may be times of day when the sun is especially bright and enough for what you are doing in your classroom. .

    Set up a recycling station at your school Recycling is a great way to save energy because it reduces the need to produce new materials., then ask your school principal if you can set one up.

    Get others involved.. Either as an individual or as a team, you can create and put up signs around your school. Try using signs that remind people of things they can do to save energy and also some signs that raise awareness of saving energy.

A.Postsigns about conserving energy

B.Whether you are a teacher or a student

C.Ifyour school does not have one

D.Turn off your computer when it's not used

E.Shut down the lights when rooms are not in use

F.Other times of day you might only need half of the lights

G. If your school's garbage company offers recycling services


    Lots of people stress out about talking in front of the class or getting laughed at if they make a mistake in front of an audience. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The “stress hormones" that your body produces at times like these can actually help you focus.

    But when worry and stress about performing get to be too much, these hormones give people that “red alert(紧急状态)” feeling—the one that causes you to feel cold or sweaty, or get butterflies in your stomach. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Be prepared. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Rehearse(排练) as much as you can and practice in front of others at every opportunity. Most of all, think positively. Tell yourself “I'll be OK" or “I can do this" even if you are not 100% sure of it

    Look after yourself. Before big performances it's easy to let taking care of yourself slip as you spend too much time on rehearsals and practice. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Exercise can also help you feel good, and along with sleep and nutrition, is an excellent way of keeping those stress hormones from getting out of control.

    Find out what the experts do. You can find books, DVDs, and online information about how to give your best when you perform, depending on what type of performance you're preparing for {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Or ask the cast of your school play or your drama or music teacher how they beat stage fright. And if your parents or grandparents ever performed, they may have their own secrets to share.

A. Confidence helps beat stress hormones.

B. The following tips can help you avoid that feeling.

C. You're less likely to freeze up if you're well prepared.

D. You can do this whether you're performing alone or as part of a group.

E. Check out stories about Olympic gymnasts or your favorite star to get their tips.

F. Feeling nervous before a performance is part of your body's way of helping you do your best.

G. You'll look and feel your best if you get enough sleep and eat healthy meals before your performance.


    People Are People

    Globalization has brought different cultures together in a way unimaginable one hundred years ago. Today, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Africans, Anglos, and Hispanics may all work in the same offices, attend the same schools or live in the same neighborhoods{#blank#}1{#/blank#} And our society has lately emphasized(强调)the importance of diversity.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Take the following old proverbs for example.  

    “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Thomas Jefferson, American President

    “One falsehood spoils a thousand truths.” African proverb

    “Be honest to those who are honest, and be also to those who are not honest.” Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

    “A sacrifice is written off by a lie and the merit of devotion by an act of cheat.” Hindu saying

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} These seems to be a sort of cultural unity.

    We don't wish to imply all cultures are the same. Cultural diversity is real, and people from different cultures view many situations in different ways. However, historically, different cultures seem to share many common values. They are justice, courage, patience, generosity, equality, mercy and kindness, respect for the elders, and many more. Lying and stealing appear to be wrong no matter where you go. Perhaps some cultures make room for extenuating(情有可原)circumstances more than others; perhaps cultures apply these virtues in different ways; and when values disagree, different cultures may place different levels of importance on them{#blank#}4{#/blank#} But both cultures may still value both.

    To us, it seems as if there is some sort of code of right and wrong that everyone everywhere seems to understand, regardless of culture. It is almost as if, behind all of the diversity, one finds a common understanding – a human culture, if you will – that goes beyond racial, social, and political boundaries.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. All people seem to agree that we should tell the truth.

B. As cultures meet with each other, many differences stand out.

C. Each value supports many more sayings from different cultures.

D. We want to show, however, that there is more to these cultures than diversity.

E. These sayings from four separate cultures all support the same value – honesty.

F. It is almost as if, despite all our differences, we are all still the same – we are just people.

G. In other words, one culture may lean more toward justice and another culture more toward mercy.


I Think I Can: How to Push Yourself to Success

    “Because I can” has magic power. It pushes us to leave our comfort zones. It gives us a reason to do the things that we think we can't. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.


    Whether it is to get to the store or work, climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Break the “I'm tired” or “It is too hard” or “It is too far” cycle. Increasing your activity level will provide enormous benefits, both physically and mentally.

    Try Something New

    It is easy for us to make excuses for why we shouldn't try new things.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Maybe it seems too difficult. Or maybe, it is just inconvenient. Reminding yourself that You Can try something new will help you to move past these roadblocks and discover new things about yourself and possible new interests.

Speak Up

    Often, we dare not address(处理)things that bother us or make us unhappy.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.Use that voice “because you can.” Communicating to loved ones, co-workers, and even your boss as to how you feel, what your needs and expectations are and what you are thinking can help you develop deeper, more meaningful and rewarding relationships. Further, you will be truer to yourself, thus making you a happier individual.

Increase Your Willpower

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. However, developing a strong willpower, whether it is in response to our favorite chocolate cake or to over-shopping is something that we can all benefit from. Next time you are tempted to do something you think you might regret, try reminding yourself that you can say no. You have the power.

A. Saying “No” to our favorites can be challenging

B. Here are a few ways to apply this positive thinking to your own life

C. You have a voice

D. Be More Active

E. “Because I can” is an easy way to include more activities into your life

F. Maybe you think it is out of your comfort zone

G. A strong willpower can keep us motivated(有动机的)and reach our goals


    “Hot potato” is a children's game similar to musical chairs (抢座位游戏), in which participants sit in a circle and pass a potato or any other object to others around the circle as quickly as possible.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} This game is popular for entertaining large groups of kids at parties, school, or other events that include children.

    “Hot potato” was originally played with a real potato.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} No single version is the right way to play. Changes can be made to suit nearly any theme and any situation.

    The game of “hot potato” is easy to play with large groups of kids outdoors.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It's common for physical education teachers to play this game with smaller children, using a ball in order to help children improve their catching skills.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Variations, also called passing the potato or passing the pumpkin (南瓜), are great school party ideas. You can easily create a themed version of the game for Halloween. Have children sit in a circle indoors and hand one child a small pumpkin. The teacher can play Halloween music, but he or she should not look at the circle of kids.

    You can create similar versions for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving Day, or a birthday party.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} It is highly suggested that all players receive a small prize for playing, such as a piece of candy, and the winner can be provided with a slightly larger prize.

A. Above all, laughter is the goal.

B. Players can even stand up if space permits.

C. Hot potato isn't limited to outdoors by any means.

D. In fact, hot potato can be adapted to any children's party.

E. But today there are many other versions of hot potato.

F. Of course, that person singing or calling should not watch the game.

G. The aim of the game is not to be the one holding the potato when music stops.


    The correct way to brush your teeth is to use short, gentle strokes on the teeth, You should pay special attention to the gum (牙龈) line. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Pick the right toothbrush.

    Most dentists say that a soft-upraised toothbrush with a small head is best for removing dirt and rubbish while getting into those hard-to-reach places. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They have limited skills in their hands and thus they can do a better job at cleaning teeth.

    Pick the right toothpaste.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And some are tailored (特定需要) specifically for dental issues such as sensitivity, dirt, holes or gingivitis (齿龈炎). Each person's mouth is different, and it is advisable to talk to your dentist about what toothpaste is best for you.


    Hold your brush at a 45 degree angle, and use short, circular cleans or back and forth movements on your teeth. Brush the gum line in a pattern that pushes rubbish away from it. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Make sure that all chewing surfaces are clean, and brush the surface of the tongue too.

A. Clean the teeth.

B. Pick a double-duty toothpaste.

C. There are many types of toothpaste.

D. However, this step often gets ignored.

E. An electric toothbrush is best for those.

F. Here are some basic ideas to help you clean your teeth well.

G. Gently brush the inside and outside of each tooth using this motion (动作).


    It's sometimes hard to understand a teenager. It's even harder if a teenager doesn't agree with you.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Listen to what the teenager has to say. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} While you may not entirely agree with what he's saying, the tension will be lessened if the teenager feels like you are listening and trying to understand him. Also, he might return the favor and give you the chance to talk as well. It's best to have a conversation where both of your opinions matter rather than fight and possibly hurt each other in the process.

    Understand that while teenager may appear grown up and perhaps even sound matured, his mind has not fully developed, and he cannot think like an adult all the time. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} However, this doesn't mean you're completely right or he deserves to be ridiculed or treated like a child.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} However, remember that the teenager should understand when "no" is "no". Avoid bringing up a compromise every time you disagree on something. This might teach him that he can always get away with what he wants, whenever he wants it.

    If the conversation launches into an argument, stop it. Tell him that you both need to calm down and think clearly or the problem will never be solved. If he refuses to listen and continues arguing, step out of the room and allow time for both of you to settle down. Do not scold him or shout back. Your words will possibly be lost on the teenager since you both are too angry to listen to each other. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. He still needs to learn, and he doesn't know everything.

B. Avoid having a bad tone, including accusations in your words.

C. Find the good points the teenager has and mention the negative points too.

D. This article tells you how to disagree with a teenager in a kind manner.

E. People like being listened to, so give him the chance to express his opinion.

F. Come up with a compromise if the situation allows one.

G. Bring up the topic after a while and make sure you listen to each other patiently.

