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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    George Aldrich, whose official title is chemical specialist, works at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico. He uses his nose to protect astronauts from unpleasant or harmful odors (气味). His near four-decade career has involved smelling objects from technical handbooks to astronauts' personal things.

    It's crucial that all items taken aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are odorless. Since astronauts are allowed to bring personal items aboard, all their objects must be smell-checked before leaving Earth. In a video provided by Science Channel, Aldrich relates one specific occasion when an astronaut wanted to build a ship in a bottle in space. Everything in the ship-building process had to be sniffed—right down to the glue.

    Aldrich and his team are responsible for making sure that objects are not only odorless but also harmless to astronauts. When the ISS heats up, a process called off-gassing occurs, which means chemicals flow out from certain substances (物质). Objects that would be safe on Earth could give off unpleasant odors or become dangerous when exposed to high temperatures in the ISS's unique environment.

    Of course, humans aren't the only testers or the first to be exposed to potentially dangerous objects. Before Aldrich sticks his nose into a substance, it has been examined by machines. Even though machines can detect unsafe substances, computers cannot tell exactly how things smell to humans. While something could be technically fine, it could be smelly to an astronaut.

Aldrich's nose is not alone there. He is the head of a hard-sniffing team of smell testers. Together they smell each object and rate it on a scale (等级) of 1 to 4. According to NASA, 1 cannot be detected, and 4 is considered not bearable. After the scientists conclude their tests, the scores are averaged. If an item is rated more than 2.4 on the scale, it fails the test and is not allowed on the flight.

(1)、Which can describe the smell check from Paragraph 2?
A、Quite dangerous. B、Extremely strict C、Rather boring. D、Very complex.
(2)、What is a threat to astronauts' safety at the ISS?
A、Negative emotions. B、Odor-related disease. C、The off-gassing process. D、Changes in temperature.
(3)、What should be done before Aldrich and his team start their work?
A、Using machines to test objects. B、Having a meeting to make the scale. C、Using computers to examine their noses. D、Listing potentially dangerous substances.
(4)、What is the text mainly about?
A、An unusual smell tester. B、Astronauts' life at the ISS. C、Strong odors in a spaceship. D、The smell of personal items.

    Believe it or not, school uniforms are absolutely not only clothes for students. They stand for the culture or beauty appreciation standard of a country. Let's take a look at school uniforms in different nations.

    School Uniforms in England

    Style of English school uniforms is rather classic, simple and elegant. Boys wear conventional western-style clothes, regular leather shoes and must wear neckties. Girls also wear western-style clothes, regular leather shoes and must wear bow-ties. This classic clothing style unconsciously affects English students' temperament (气质) and also sense of beauty.

    School Uniforms in Korea

    Do you still remember the classic scenes in My Sassy Girl? If you've watched it, you will know how stylish Korean students' uniforms are. Boys wear nice white shirts and western-style trousers. Girls wear white shirts, lovely skirts of latest design and bow knots.

    School Uniforms in Malaysia

    Students in Malaysia obey rather strict rules. Girls' dresses must be long enough to cover the knees. Shirts must cover the elbows. Compared with Thai students, they are much more conservative.

    School Uniforms in Japan

    For students, school uniforms in Japan are not only symbols for schools, but also symbols for the current fashion trends, even affecting students when choosing a school. Japanese school uniforms for girls originate in sailor suits. So they are also called sailor suits or sailor uniforms. Cartoon elements are used on them. Japanese school uniforms for boys are classic dark-colored clothes with stand-up collars, similar to Chinese tunic suits.


    There are countless short videos on YouTube. It's a website for people to post video made by themselves. Many people make a lot of money through doing so. Then, who made the most over the past year?

    YouTube's top-earning celebrity is a 25-year-old video-game-playing young man who shows a strong sense of humor in his videos. He earned $12 million over the past year. Forbes magazine says Sweden's Felix Kjellberg, better known by his handle "PewDiePie", tops its first list of people who have turned short videos into huge piles of cash.

    YouTube stars make money mainly by getting paid to interact with products on their channels and sharing ad revenue(收入) with YouTube. Some also star in movies, write books, go on tour, or sell music. They're a hit with younger audiences and brands trying to reach the next generation of consumers.

    Two acts tied for the second place on Forbes' list, both earning $8.5 million: comedy prankster(搞恶作剧的人) duo Smosh(Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla) and the Fine Brothers(Benny and Rafi Fine). Dancing violinist Lindsey Stirling ranked fourth with $6 million. Tied for fifth were comedians Rhett and Link(made of Rhett McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln III) and video game commentators(解说员) Olajide Olatunji, known as "KSI," with $4.5 million. Make-up artist Michelle Phan was seventh at $3 million. The No. 8 place was a three-way tie at $2.5 million shared by comedian Lilly Singh, or "Superwoman;" prankster Roman Atwood; and chef Rosanna Pansino.

    Forbes is best known for its list of billionaires and this list marks its first attempt at ranking YouTube stars. It says it measured earnings before management fees and taxes and came up with the figures based on data from online sources such as Nielsen, IMDb and interviews with managers, lawyers, industry insiders and the stars themselves.


    The concept of good manners varies a lot when we compare different cultures, values and ways of living. However, when we talk about the western part of the world, the differences are not so big. In my opinion, going to a restaurant in Brazil will rarely be an embarrassing situation. But there are some basic and necessary rules of etiquette(礼节)that Brazilians usually respect every day. They are:

    ●Being on time is polite, but it is not a strict rule in Brazil. Being late for up to 15 minutes probably will not make a Brazilian angry.

    ●When you go to a restaurant, be careful to greet the people who work at the place, and don't forget to greet the people who are already waiting for you at the table. It's not necessary to hug or kiss everybody if they are already seated.

    ●You can ask somebody about how the food is prepared and also about prices or tips if you are not sure about them.

    ●Before they start eating, Brazilians usually say “born appetite” to their friend.

    ●You should never talk to another person while you still have some food in your mouth.

    ●Making noise while eating is also considered really rude. Avoid doing it.

    ●Be careful not to put your elbows on the table while eating. It is not terrible, but it can be considered a little bit rude by some people.

    ●Don't worry about the time. Usually people in Brazil stay seated for a long time, especially when they have interesting things to talk about.

    ●It's not necessary to talk in a really low voice because people there usually talk in a little loud voice. But please, don't exaggerate.

    ●Finally, saying “thank you” and “bye” are always seen in Brazil.


    Over the past 10 years, developments in technology have moved the dream of personal fling vehicles closer to reality. The British company Malloy Aeronautics has developed a model of its flying bicycle. The company says its Hoverbike will be a truly personal flying vehicle.

    The company's marketing sales director Grant Stapleton says the Hoverbike is able to get in and out of small spaces very quickly and can be moved across continents very quickly because it can be folded and packed.

    Safety was the company's main concern when developing the Hoverbike. The designers solved this problem by using overlapping rotors(重叠旋翼) to power the vehicle. With adducted rotors(内转旋翼) the rider immediately not only protects people and belongings if he were to hit them, but if the rider ever were to crash into somebody or something, it's going to bring the flying vehicle out of the air. The company is testing two models of the Hoverbike.

    In New Zealand, the Martin Aircraft Company is also testing a full-size model of its personal flying device, called Jetpack. It can fly for more than 30 minutes, up to 1,000 meters high and reach a speed of 74 kilometers per hour.

    Peter Coker, one officer from the company said Jetpack “is built around safety from the start.” In his words, “Reliability(可靠性) is the most important part of it. We have safety built into the actual structure itself, very similar to a Formula One racing car.”

    Jetpack uses a petrol-powered engine. It also has a parachute(降落伞) that can be used if there should be an emergency(突发事件). It opens at very low altitude(纬度) and actually saves both the flying vehicle and the pilot in an emergency.

    Mr. Coker says Jetpack will be ready for sale to the public by the end of 2019. He adds it'll have a price of about $200,000.


    Naturalist John Muir called the Marin County woods named for him "the best tree-lover's monument that could possibly be found in all the forests of the world."

    Located only 11 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge near San Francisco, California, USA. Muir Woods puts some of nature's most huge creations within reach of little feet, hands, and imaginations.

    "Muir Woods is home to a small forest of redwood trees that reach to the sky," says David Shaw of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. "Redwoods grow taller than any other tree species in the world. The average age of the redwoods here ranges from 400 to 800 years old and many ancient specimens have been around for more than a thousand years."

    William Kent, the man who donated the 295 acres to create the Muir monument, grew up in Marin and played in similar redwood forests. That childhood experience inspired him to save the redwoods as an adult.

    "Young people can learn about young William Kent when they visit here," says ranger(护林员) Timothy Jordan. "Kent's early connection with nature developed his love of the outdoors. As an adult, he witnessed the destruction of many Bay Area redwood forests. This, with the writings of John Muir, inspired Kent's conservationism."

    Walking (and playing)in, on, and around the redwoods will help kids understand why young Kent was so fascinated(深深吸引) by the trees. Ranger Jordan encourages children to lie down and look up at the treetops, hug a redwood tree, and start a nature journal like John Muir.

    "Have kids find a redwood spray(小树枝)the same age as them, count the rings in trees, and sit inside of a hollow redwood tree on Fern Creek." he advises.

    After all the interaction, the kids just may be ready to rest. Take this time to "be quiet and listen to the sounds of the forest," says Shaw. "Encourage kids to think about how these trees have stood quietly through year after year of rain, sun, and sometimes even snow."


    "What kind of rubbish are you?" This question might normally cause anger, but in Shanghai it has become a special "greeting" among people over the past week. On July 1st, the city introduced strict trash-sorting regulations (条例)that are required to follow and expected to be used as a model for our country. Residents must divide their waste into four separate categories and toss (投放)it into specific public dustbins. They must do so at specified times, when monitors are present to ensure correct trash-tossing and to ask the nature of one's rubbish. Individuals who fail to follow the regulations face the possibility of fines and worse. They could be punished with fines of up to 200 yuan ( $ 29). For those who repeat to go against them, the government can add black marks to their credit records, making it harder for them to get bank loans or even buy train tickets.

    Shanghai government is responding to an obvious environmental problem. It generates 9 million tons of garbage a year, more than London's annual output, which is rising quickly. But like other cities in China, it lacks a recycling system. Instead, it has relied on trash pickers to sift (筛选)through the waste, picking out whatever can be reused. This has limits. As people get wealthier, fewer of them want to do such dirty work. The waste, meanwhile, just keeps piling up.

    Many residents appear to support the idea of recycling in general but are annoyed by the details. Rubbish must be divided according to whether it is food, recyclable, dry or harmful, the distinctions among which can be confusing, though there are apps to help work it out. Some have complained about the rules concerning food waste. They must put it straight in the required public bins, forcing them to tear open plastic bags and toss it by hand. What they complain most is the short periods for dropping trash, typically a couple of hours, morning and evening. Along with the monitors at the bins, this means that people go at around the same time and can keep an eye on what is being thrown out no one wants to look bad.

