
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Since the first Earth Day in 1970, Americans have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment. “We didn't know at that time there even was an environment, let alone that there was a problem with it,” says Bruce Anderson, president of Earth Day USA.

    But what began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement .Business people, political leaders, university professors, and especially millions of grass-roots Americans are taking part in the movement. “The understanding has increased many, many times,” says Gaylord Nelson, the former governor from Wisconsin, who thought up the first. According to US government reports, emissions (排放)from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 tons .The number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9. Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with, the world is a safer and healthier place. A kind of “Green thinking” has become part of practices.

    Great improvement has been achieved. In 1988 there were only 600 recycling programs; today in 1995 there are about 6,600. Advanced lights, motors, and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution.

    Twenty –five years ago, there were hardly any education programs for environment. Today, it's hard to find a public school, university, or law school that does not have such a kind of program. “Until we do that, nothing else will change!” say Bruce Anderson.

(1)、According to Anderson, before 1970, Americans had little idea about ___.
A、the social movement B、recycling techniques C、environmental problems D、the importance of Earth Day
(2)、Where does the support for environmental protection mainly come from?
A、The grass –roots level B、The business circle C、Government officials D、University professors
(3)、What have Americans achieved in environmental protection?
A、They have cut car emissions to the lowest B、They have settled their environmental problems C、They have lowered their CO levels in forty cities. D、They have reduced pollution through effective measures.
(4)、What is especially important for environmental protection according to the last paragraph?
A、Education B、Planning C、Green living D、CO reduction

    Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist(气象学家) has done some estimates and the results might surprise you.

    Let's start with a very simple white puffy cloud—a cumulus cloud(积云). How much does the water in a cumulus cloud weigh? Peggy LeMone, senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, did the numbers. “The water in the little cloud weighs about 550 tons,” she calculates. “Or if you want to convert it to something that might be a little more meaningful...think of elephants.” Assume(假设) an elephant weighs about six tons, she says, that would mean the water inside a typical cumulus cloud would weigh about one hundred elephants.

    The thought of a hundred elephants' worth of water floating in the sky begs another question—what keeps it up there?

    “First of all, the water isn't in elephant-sized particles(微粒); it's in tiny tiny tiny particles,” explains LeMone. And those particles float on the warmer air that's rising below. But still, the concept of so much water floating in the sky was surprising even to a meteorologist like LeMone. “I had no idea how much a cloud would weigh, actually, when I started the calculations(计算),” she says.

    So how many elephant units of water are inside a big storm cloud—10 times bigger all the way around than the “puffy” cumulus cloud? Again, LeMone did the numbers: About 200,000 elephants.

    Now, come to the calculations for a hurricane about the size of Missouri and the figures get really massive. “What we're doing is weighing the water in one cubic meter theoretically pulled from a cloud and then multiplying by the number of meters in a whole hurricane,” she explains.

    The result? Forty million elephants. That means the water in one hurricane weighs more than all the elephants on the planet. Perhaps even more than all the elephants that have ever lived on the planet.


The hottest cities in the world

    The locations below are the hottest and also travel destinations on the planet.


    According to the data, Bangkok is the hottest city on the planet﹣not because of any particularly impressive high temperatures, but because it is consistently hot all the year round. The city has an average annual temperature of 29℃, coupled with high dampness and an average of 128rainy days per year; while the highest temperature on record is 40℃.

    Timbuktu, Mali

    Located on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, the African city of Timbuktu is similar to everything remote. It's also one of the hottest cities in the world, with a hot, dry climate offering record highs of 49℃. Throughout April, May and June, average maximum temperatures are beyond 40℃. Modern﹣day Timbuktu is slowly being swallowed by the desert and is certainly a shadow of the trade center that it once was.

    Ahvaz, Iran

    Built on the bank of the Karun River, Ahvaz is an industrial city with average highs of around 46℃ during July, its warmest month. The city's record high is 54℃, making it one of the world's hottest cities during the summer. Frequent sand and dust storms and an absence of rain from July to September mix with its sky﹣high temperatures.

    Kuwait City

    The wealthy capital of Kuwait is another competitor for the title of the world's hottest summertime city with average highs of over 45℃ from June to August. Nightfall brings little respite(缓解), with after﹣dark low temperatures often over 30℃ during the summer months. Kuwait City's record high is 52℃, while it rains on an average of just 19 days per year.


    Life's greatest joys and its greatest sorrows often come from the relationships we have developed with others. In fact, our existence is quite dependent upon this interaction with other individuals (个人) and groups of individuals.

    In our world today, it seems that most people struggle for happiness through pleasant physical surroundings and economic security. These are great, but if there is conflict in human relations, these things do not bring happiness. Think about the last time you were having an argument or a disagreement with one of your co­workers, your boss, your friend, or a family member. Even though you might have been having some success in many areas of your life, did you find yourself still feeling some discomfort due to the stress in that particular relationship? On the contrary, you may know people who are happy in great poverty and with physical stress if they have meaningful, pleasant relations with people around them.

    Consider the best relationship that you have ever had with any individual. To some degree it probably is or was marked by absolute honesty, deep levels of trust, respect for that person's skills, knowledge, or capabilities, open communication, acceptance of different views, and little concern for images.

    In effort to make the relationships we currently have the best that they can be, remember that persuasion usually cannot take place unless there is some sort of close, meaningful connection between the two people involved. The result will be a relationship of respect and progression.

    Many of us have difficulty in accepting the faults and weaknesses of others: co­workers, work leaders, family members, or members of our social or religious groups. Our tendency to demand perfection of others can cause us to lose sight that we, ourselves, are less than perfect.       
    Undoubtedly, there are differences among us. Some of us are even cruel and unpleasant. Others may have cultural differences that are blocks that affect us. But learning to look for the similarities instead of those things that set us apart, bearing differences, and seeing the best in others rather than the worst will lead to relationships of deep respect and lasting value.


    Have you ever complained, "I remember reading it, but I can't remember what it said? " then you should try the SQ4R reading method.

    S = Survey. The first step is to take a few minutes skimming the chapter. Don't read it yet, just look at topic headings, key words, and read the summary.

    Q = Question. As you prepare to read the chapter, turn the first topic into a question or two. As you read, seach for the answer. This will help you organize your reading-find the parts that answer your question, give an example, consist of related information or that may answer a later question. Most importantly, this gives you a reason to read the next paragraph.

    R = Read. Read in short "bites" (部分), then determine how that answers question(s) you originally posed (提出). Often as you read other questions will arise.

    R = Recite. Now can you answer your question(s) in your own words? If you can't, reread the material to find the answers or determine if you need to change the question. You are rehearsing (重复,默诵) for the time when you will need o know the answer. A good technique for rehearsing answers is to briefly jot down (草草记下) the key words that remind you of the essence of the answer without writing down every detail.

    R = Relate. Most of us try to relate what we are reading to what we already know. It is always easier and more satisfying to remember information that is personally meaningful. Everything has a context. Some information may take more reflection before you are able to grasp its relationship with what you already know while other information may simply require more research, to understand how it fits with other data.

    R = Review. One way to minimize memory decay (衰退) and to store the material you have studied firmly in your mind is by reviewing it. After you finish reading the entire chapter, skim back over it and any note you made.

    Effective studying requires effective reading. Rather than getting "intellectual indigestion" while reading straight through a chapter, instead you should stop to survey, question, read, recite, relate, and review so as to improve your reading comprehension.


American country music is also known as country western music. It has a very long history. It comes from the folk songs of immigrants (移民) from Britain.

 Country music uses simple music and words to express everyday feelings such as loneliness, love, and sadness. That is to say, country music describes life. It talks about friends and enemies, trucks and roads, farm and crops. People in many parts of the world like country music, because everyone can understand what the music is about.

Country western music became popular first among cowboys (牛仔) in the American west countryside. Cowboys had to take care of cows day and night. When they were alone with the cows, they often sang beautiful and peaceful songs to calm the animals and to overcome their own fear. They were not well-educated and so they sang about their daily life in very simple words. They played guitars, violins and other instruments. In the south of America, many people added instruments from their homes, like bottles and spoons. When cowboys visited their friends and families on holidays like Thanksgiving, they usually sang and played country western music.  

In recent years, many musicians have made country western music a little different from the one in the past. These changes make the songs sound even better. Today singers such as Carth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Emmylou Harris, Lyle Lovett, Eddie Rabbitt, LeAnn Rimes, Randy Travis and a group called Alabama are singing and playing in different styles. They have brought country western music more and more fans from all over the world.


English Language Courses at ELC Los Angeles

At the English Language Center (ELC) Los Angeles you will find a variety of English courses and programs that meet the highest academic standards of any English language school in the United States. Through its 40 years of teaching students at all levels from all over the world, ELC has developed teaching and training techniques and programs that really work for everyone.



Intensive English Course

Semi-intensive Course

Individual Intensive Course


Cambridge Preparation Course

TOEFL Preparation Course


Individual Executive Business English Course


● Length of lesson: 50 minutes

● Number of levels: 12

● Average number of students per class: 8-9

Maximum number of students per class: 10 (14 during July and August only)


The ELC Los Angeles staff is eager to assist international students in achieving their long-term learning goals. ELC offers the following support services to ensure each student's time at ELC is enjoyable, effective and worry-free:

● Student Visa

ELC has been approved by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)to issue the SEVIS Form I-20. Students enrolling in a minimum 24-lesson-per-week course are eligible (有资格的) to receive an I-20 form in order to apply for an F-1 student visa in their country.

● English Level Evaluation with Multi-level- Placement

Each student benefits from our English level evaluation with multi-level placement. Our method means students usually have different teachers for different levels and ensures that students study English in the learning environment that is best for them.

● University Admission Services

ELC is pleased to offer free counseling and university placement services to all ELC students interested in continuing their education at an American college or university in California and around the United States.

