
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Believe it nor not, ancient Chinese people had their own methods of heat preservation in winter.

    “Wen Ding”, ancient rice cooker

    The “Wen Ding”, an ancient cooking container, preserved heat by burning fuels like charcoal. The one unearthed in Nanjing in 1989 is thought to be the oldest of its kind discovered in China, dating back to the Stone Age.

    Ran Lu”, ancient small hot pot

    The “Ran Lu” is a small-sized cooking vessel (器皿) made of bronze. A charcoal stove forms the main structure, with a bottom tray to hold charcoal ashes, and a movable cup at the top. Some experts have concluded that the vessel's structure suggests that these vessels became popular in the Warring States Period (475—221 BC).

    Bronze You, ancient kettle

    The Bronze You, one of the most common wine containers during the Shang and Zhou, dynasties, could also be used to warm wine. For example, the Bronze You with beast mask design, unearthed in Jiangxi province, had an opening where charcoals could be placed, allowing people to enjoy a hot drink.

    Bronze Yan, ancient steamer

    Although the “Wen Ding” was effective at keeping food warm, ancient Chinese people later found that its burning produced pollution. As a result, the Bronze Van was made with a two-tier (双层的) structure and used to steam rice and other grains. After the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-AD 220), further improvements to the Bronze Yan led to the modern day steamer.

(1)、When did the “Ran Lu” begin to gain popularity?
A、In the Zhou Dynasty B、In the Warring States Period. C、In the Eastern Han Dynasty. D、In the Stone Age.
(2)、One of the main functions of the Bronze You was to       .
A、place hot charcoals B、pour hot water C、keep wine warm D、hold charcoal ashes
(3)、One advantage the Bronze Yan had over the “Wen Ding” was that       .
A、it was useful B、it was convenient C、it was environment-friendly D、it was warm
(4)、According to the passage, which of the following may have the longest history?
A、The "Wen Ding”. B、The “Ran Lu”. C、The Bronze You. D、The Bronze Yan.

    Writing an article for your school newspaper can be exciting and rewarding, especially when you proudly see your name in print.

    Decide on a topic. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you plan to write a news article for a monthly newspaper, you will need to take into consideration whether the topic will be relevant before printing. To get ideas for stories, listen to your fellow students and find out what has them talking. Follow developments within your school and community to get information on what would interest your readers.

    Do your research. There is an old saying in law that a good lawyer never asks a question that they don't know the answer to. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} To sum up, the more, the better.

    Attract the readers with a lead. As the beginning of a newspaper story, a lead has to be direct, but it does not mean you don't need to entertain the reader as well. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Your lead must be short, but it must also state as many of the essential parts of you story as possible.

    Consider the 5 Ws and H. These are the meat and potatoes of your news articles. You article must answer all of these questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Once you have answered these things, you can feel confident. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Write, edit, rewrite and repeat as necessary. So, much about having a successful final product is about being willing to spend time and effort in editing and reviewing process. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} After that, make changes as a result. Having taken some useful suggestions, you are to make your article readable not only for their content, but also for their quality.

A. Think about what is happening on campus.

B. You have effectively informed your readers.

C. Get them interested with an interesting beginning.

D. Do not be afraid to accept positive comments.

E. News articles are suitable for the date of publication.

F. Take note of anything particularly unusual.

G. Try to find out as much as you can on the subject.


    Scientists in Argentina have created the world's first cow with two human genes that will enable it to produce human-like milk.

    Genetic engineering was used to introduce the "mothers'milk" genes into the animal before birth, according to the National Institute of Agribusiness Technology in Buenos Aires.

    As an adult, the cloned cow "will produce milk that is similar to that of humans", which will prove "a development of great importance for the nutrition of infants(婴儿)", said the institute. "The cloned cow, named Rosita ISA, is the first in the world with two human genes that contain the proteins present in human milk," said the statement.

    In April, scientists in China published details of research showing that they had created dairy cows which produced milk containing proteins found in human breast milk. But the Argentine team said the Chinese only introduced one human gene, while their research involved two,  meaning the milk will more closely resemble that of humans.

    “Our goal was to raise the nutrition value of cows'milk by adding two human genes, which do good to the immune system of infants,” said Adrian Mutto, from the National University of San Martin which worked with the institute.

    Cristina Kirchner, President of Argentina, said that the scientific institute made all Argentines proud. She also said that she had rejected the "honor" of having the cow named after her. "They came to tell me that the name is Cristina, but what woman would like to have a cow named after her? It appeared to me to be more proper to call it Rosita.”


    If you have spent any time living in or visiting a big city in China, you have most likely used the service that Didi provides. The convenient ride-sharing company, now known as Didi Chuxing, was praised last month by Fortune magazine. According to the magazine, it is changing the world with its environmentally friendly solution to getting around in major cities. As the magazine reported: “Didi concluded that last year its car-pooling services helped reduce total car trips in the country by 1 million a day, which saved 500 million liters of gas, cutting 13.5 million tons of carbon emissions (排放) per day.” The transport service was the only Chinese company to make the important magazine's list, and its influence can be felt in many parts of Chinese society.

    Didi is just one example of what is being called the “sharing economy”. The sharing economy is one in which regular people exchange goods and services, usually using an online marketplace. Other similar companies include companies that allow people to rent out their homes to strangers like Airbnb and Couchsurfing, and similar ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft.

    All of these services are possible partly because many people are realizing that they have underused assets in their lives. Millions of people around the world have started renting them out online to earn extra money. They rent their apartments while they are away for the weekend, lend people their cars for money and even sell their spare time.

    The sharing economy is the latest example of the Internet's value to customers. This model is now big enough for regulators and companies to have woken up to it. That is a sign of its great potential. It is time to start caring about sharing.


    To eat only a vegan(素食的) diet might sound difficult, especially with many popular dishes containing meat or other animal products. Yet in 2017, veganism was described as “the fastest - growing lifestyle movement” in the UK, according to BBC news.

    A study by a UK market research organization, suggests that over 542,000 Brits went vegan during the previous decade, an increase of 360%. And the main force behind this increase was those aged 15-34 years old — 42% of recent vegans fall under that age range.

    So why exactly has veganism become so popular among young Brits?

    One reason could be that many young people want to protect the environment, as less meat consumption is known to be beneficial to the environment. Global meat manufacturing is believed to cause 18% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions(排放), even more than that of all the world's cars, trains and planes combined. Another reason is that many of today's young people believe that it's wrong to kill animals to be used as food.

    Jess Murray, 22, a student at University College London, said that he chose to become vegan after realizing that eating animals is a choice that people make, rather than something that we need to do to survive. “Becoming vegan was an ethical (道德的) decision,” he told the Guardian.

    Social media is also believed to have given rise to the increase in veganism. Platforms such as Facebook allow young vegans to connect with each other much easier, while others such as Instagram have led to the creation of “vegan celebrities (名人)”, who share lips on vegan lifestyles.

    Despite the rising of veganism, Laura Wyness, an expert in diet and nutrition, said that meat is very important for people's health. “A strict vegan diet makes it difficult to get some minerals and vitamins that your body needs,” Wyness told BBC news.

    However, the popularity of veganism doesn't seem to be fading. “It feels more like this is something that is sticking.” said an expert of the Vegan Society, a UK charity that promotes veganism.


    You may be familiar with the following famous people, but have you heard of their graduation speeches, in which they either share their unforgotten experiences or give you some great inspiration.

    Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin

    And now you've accomplished something great and important here, and it's time for you to move on to what's next. And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. … You must also commit to the adventure. Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you've been blessed(赐予)with and go.

    J.K. Rowling, Harvard University

    Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents who were not rich…But what I feared most of myself at your age was not poverty, but failure. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you know little about failure, you might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.

Steve Jobs, Stanford University

    Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith…Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking and don't settle.

    Bill Gates, Harvard University

    We need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities, smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches and deal with the world's inequities(不公平)like hunger, poverty, and so on.


    The term "smiling depression" —appearing happy to others while actually suffering depressive symptoms—has become increasingly popular. In fact, many people who experience a low mood and a loss of pleasure in activities manage to hide their condition in this way. And these people might be particularly easy to suicide.

    While smiling depression is not a technical term that psychologists use,it is certain to be depressed and manage to successfully mask the symptoms. The closest technical term for this condition is "atypical depression: It can be very hard to spot people suffering depression because they may seem like they don't have a reason to be sad — they have a job, an apartment and maybe even children or a partner. They smile when you greet them and can carry pleasant conversations. In short, they often put on a mask to the outside world while leading seemingly normal and active lives. Inside, however, they often feel hopeless and down, sometimes even having thoughts about ending it all.

    People with smiling depression put on a happy face to the outside world, but they can experience a lift in their mood as a result of positive occurrences in their lives. Other symptoms of this condition include overeating, feeling a sense of heaviness in the arms and legs and being easily hurt by criticism or rejection. They are also more likely to feel depressed in the evening and feel the need to sleep longer than usual. With other forms of depression, however, your mood might be worse in the morning and you might feel the need for less sleep than you are normally used to.

    So how can they break this circle? A starting point needs to be known that this condition actually exists and that it's serious. Only when we stop ignoring our problems because we think they're not serious enough can we start making an actual difference. Then we can find purpose by taking the attention away from ourselves and placing it onto something else. Feeling that our lives matter is finally what gives us purpose and meaning — and this can make a significant difference for our mental health and well-being.

