
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In the movie Alice in Wonderland, Alice comes across a Cheshire cat and asks the cat which road she should take. The cat responds, “Well, that depends on where you're trying to get to.” Alice replies, “I don't know.” The cat responds, “Then any road will do.”

    You see, knowing where you're going increases your chances dramatically of getting there, and there is no better way of “GETTING THERE” than setting your goals for the upcoming year. Think of your goals as destinations and the action steps as your GPS guiding and directing you. If you are like many other people, for years you have resisted the need to set goals and even laughed at the thought that setting goals and, even more importantly, committing them to writing have positive effects on your life. However, a closer look might convince you that setting goals is a sensible thing to do.

    In 1979, a class of Harvard MBA students was asked: Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made an action plan to accomplish them? The following will astonish you. Only 3 percent of the class had written goals and a plan in place, 13% just had goals, and an amazing 84% had no specific goals at all.

    Ten years later the numbers of the class were interviewed once again and the following results will no doubt give the reason for our setting goals. The findings were that the 13% who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all. And the 3 percent who had clear, written goals with a plan to achieve them were achieving ten times as much as the entire 97% combined.

    Goal setting will increase your chances of arriving successfully at your destination. Remember, always set SMART goals. Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound!

(1)、Why does the author mention Alice in Wonderland?
A、To introduce the topic. B、To recommend it to readers. C、To show its popularity. D、To criticize those with no goals.
(2)、What does the underlined word “them” refer to?
A、Action steps. B、People. C、Goals. D、Effects.
(3)、What did the second interview find out?
A、Action helped with the realization of goals. B、People with goals were certain to succeed. C、The income gap among students was bigger. D、People with goals earned the most.
(4)、Which of the following can best serve as the title?
A、Why we set goals B、How to set goals C、How to be successful D、What SMART goals are

    While music has value all by itself, researchers have long noticed that musicians also tend to be better at learning languages and show other improved reading and math abilities. Now a new study from the University of Washington by Christina Zhao shows that rhythm is an important bridge between music and speech as early as nine months of age.

    Researchers randomly placed babies into two groups of 20 each, and each group played at the lab with their parents for a dozen 15-minute sessions over a month.

    In one group, researchers played recordings of songs with a waltz rhythm and showed the parents how to help their babies tap out that 1-2-3 beat in time with the music on boy drums or with their feet. In the other group, children played with typical toys and no music.

    The babies in the music group were better able to detect random mistakes in that rhythm when they heard it within two weeks of the last session. They also showed a stronger brain response to disruptions in the rhythm. For example, researchers would sometimes alter the timing of syllables(音节) by slightly shortening the middle sound of a word like bibbi to make it bibi—and the babies with music training were more likely to notice it.

    In other words, music training not only improved the babies' ability to notice when a musical rhythm skipped a beat, but also improved their ability to notice when the rhythms of speech changed unexpectedly, an important skill for learning to talk.

    The study reflects Zhao's personal experiences as a pianist who music in college, and as someone who speaks both Mandarin and English. She noticed that a lot of her fellow musicians were also good at learning other languages. “That really got me wondering how these two are related, “Zhao said.



    If it really is what's on the inside that counts, then a lot of thin people might be in trouble.

    Some doctors now think that the internal(内部的) fat surrounding important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the external fat which can be noticed more easily.

    “Being thin doesn't surely mean you are not fat,” said Dr Jimmy Bell at Imperial College. Since 1994, Bell and his team have scanned nearly 800 people with MRI machines to create “fat maps” showing where people store fat.

    According to the result, people who keep their weight through diet rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits of internal fat, even if they are slim.

    Even people with normal Body Mass Index scores can have surprising levels of fat deposits inside. Of the women, as many as 45 percent of those with normal BMI scores (20 to 25) actually had too high levels of internal fat. Among men, the percentage was nearly 60 percent.

    According to Bell, people who are fat on the inside are actually on the edge of being fat. They eat too many fatty and sugary foods, but they are not eating enough to be fat. Scientists believe we naturally store fat around the belly first, but at some point, the body may start storing it elsewhere.

    Doctors are unsure about the exact dangers of internal fat, but some think it has something to do with heart disease and diabetes(糖尿病). They want to prove that internal fat damages the body's communication systems.

    The good news is that internal fat can be easily burned off through exercise or even by improving your diet. “If you want to be healthy, there is no shortcut. Exercise has to be an important part of your lifestyle.” Bell said.


How to Build Healthy Interpersonal Relationship

    Human beings are social creatures and thrive(茁壮成长) in relationships with others. A healthy part to be a well-rounded, happy individual is engaging in healthy relationships with others.These friendships can provide safe environments in which individuals can thrive and help promote general well-being. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

1).Know your worth.

    One of the first steps in building healthy interpersonal relationships is understanding one's value. When an individual is aware of and treasures what he or she has, the building of relationships can be founded on that knowledge. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Everyone has talents. When this worth is discovered, a person can then make use of these skills in approaching interpersonal relationships. If someone is a good listener, showing how to develop this skill can attract relationships with individuals who have a need for this talent.

2).Recognize the value of others.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} In a healthy interpersonal relationships, both parties should be respected and feel as if they are valued in the friendship. When contributions to the relationship become one-sided, the relationship will move from healthy to unhealthy.


    Another way to build healthy relationships is to make friends with someone who shares the same value systems and lifestyles. Knowing that a friend will not request something from an individual will help to foster trust in the relationship. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} The relationship can grow on this familiarity. Trust can also develop from these similarities and go a long way in fostering a healthy friendship.

A. Everyone has worth.

B. Be true to yourself.

C. Seek out individuals with similar value systems.

D. A healthy interpersonal relationship cannot be built on dishonesty.

E. Also, having the same lifestyle can provide a link of familiarity.

F. Here are some tips to build healthy interpersonal relationships.

G. Along with understanding one's worth is recognizing and understanding the worth of others.


    No rows of desks in this classroom, and no teacher lecturing at the front. In fact, that's something Barrie teacher Liz Collett rarely does. Instead, she's on the move, talking to students about their work, from the small group sitting on the floor playing games to others nearby figuring out a math problem.

    The children in this class do not take a spelling test all year-in fact, the school avoids all pencil-and-paper tests-nor do they get assigned homework. Instead, their teacher gives them immediate feedback(反馈)on their work throughout the day.

    Welcome to the school of the 21st century, a place where teachers and students cooperate all the time. Such advanced classrooms are trying things, which some might consider as coddling kids-letting students give a voice-recorded essay instead of a written one or even allowing teens to design their own courses.

    Though some people blame(谴责)schools for dumbing things down(降低教育标准), others will say such changes are actually based on the newest research on how to attract today's youth and increase not only their interests, but also their achievements. Many of today's school are not holding kid's interests. And if they Ye not interested, they're not learning-and isn't that the point?

“Students today say they want their education to be useful and valuable, and don't want it to be simply repeating the facts. That's the kind of learning that be happening for many kids,” says Penny Milton, a researcher. “What we could argue is that to become good learners, they need to become thinkers.”

    Jan Olson, anther researcher, says schools have been operating the same way since the Industrial Revolution. But the digital age is bringing an education revolution. While using technology is a part of it, what's important for students is being able to use information and understand it, not just remembering it.

    Today's learner needs fewer traditional tests and more “effective” feedback, ongoing discussion with a teacher, which studies have found is the number one factor in improving achievement.


    In an effort to avoid a coming storm, Ronnie Stewart and Krystal Stewart were running to their car in the parking lot of Refuge Church when they noticed two young homeless boys with their parents on the sidewalk. The Stewarts approached the boys' parents asking to take them home for a night for a bath and warm bed. They didn't know what their response would be, but as it turned out, they were thrilled.

    The Stewarts took the two boys, who are 1 and 2 years old, home, where they slept for over a straight 10 hours.,

    “I don't think they've ever slept in a bed before,” Krystal said.

    The next day, the Stewarts gave the parents their phone numbers and told them to call if they ever wanted the boys to have a warm bed.

    It wasn't long before the Stewarts headed to pick the boys up after receiving a call from their parents at midnight.

    They brought them back the next morning and a few hours later, they were greeted by the Department of Social Services and police officers, who had been discussing living arrangements for the boys with their parents.

    “They asked if we could take them, in. Next, thing I knew, the boys were in my backseat with my kids on their way home with us. They may not have known at that time, but our three kids were already calling the two young boys their brothers,” Krystal said.

    A few days later, the Stewarts sat down with two social workers and the boys' parents. They had many choices to choose from, but felt strongly about wanting the boys to join the Stewarts' family.

    The agreement has been signed and adoption procedure(程序)should be finished before long.

