
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    As countless unmade beds and unfinished homework assignments prove, kids need rules. Yet how parents make demands can powerfully influence a child's social skills, psychologists at the University of Virginia recently found after the conclusion of a study investigating the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

    Initially 184 13-year-olds filled out multiple surveys, including one to assess how often their parents employed psychologically controlling strategies, such as inducing guilt or threatening to withdraw affection. The kids rated, for example, how typical it would be for Dad to suggest that “if I really cared for him, I would not do things that caused him to worry”or for Mom to become “less friendly when I did not see things her way.”

    The researchers followed up with the subjects at ages 18 and 21, asking the young adults to bring along a close friend and, later, a romantic partner if they had one. These pairs were asked to answer hypothetical (假设的) questions that were purposefully written to inspire a difference of opinion. “We wanted to see whether they could navigate a disagreement in a healthy way, ”says study leader Barbara Oudekerk, now at the U. S. Department of Justice's bureau of statistics.

    In the October issue of Child Development, Oudekerk and her colleagues report that the 13-year-olds who had highly controlling parents struggled in friendly disagreements at age 18. They had difficulty stating their opinions in a confident, reasoned manner in comparison to the kids without controlling parents. And when they did speak up, they often failed to express themselves in warm and productive ways.

    The researchers suspect that pushy parents ruin their child's ability to learn how to argue his or her own viewpoint in other relationships. Although parents do need to set boundaries, domineering strategies imply that any disagreement will damage the bond itself. Separate findings suggest that parents who explain the reasons behind their rules and turn disagreements into conversations leave youngsters better prepared for future arguments.

    The consequences of tense or domineering relationships appear to get worse with time. This study also found that social difficulties at 18 predicted even poorer communication abilities at age 21. Psychologist Shmuel Shulman of Bar-Ilan University in Israel, who did not participate in the work, thinks these conclusions convincingly reveal how relationship patterns “carry forward” into new friendships.

(1)、What will happen to the teenagers with pushy parents?
A、They lose social skills. B、They have trouble presenting opinions. C、They express themselves in an aggressive way. D、They fail to inspire a difference of opinion.
(2)、What does the underlined word “domineering”in Paragraph 5 mean?
A、alternative B、conservative C、powerful D、forceful
(3)、It can be inferred from the findings that parents should            .
A、communicate with children when setting rules B、learn new ways to establish new friendships C、seek more controlling strategies D、help children develop abilities to follow rules
    We all know what a brain is. Adoctor will tell you that the brain is the organ of the body in the head. It controls our body's functions, movements, emotions and thoughts. But abrain can mean so much more.

    A brain can also simply be a smartperson,  If a person is called brainy,she is smart and intelligent. If a family has many children but one ofthem is super smart, you could say, "She's the brains in the family. "And if you are the brains behind something you are responsible for developing or organizing something. For example, Bill Gates is the brains behind Microsoft Brain trust is a group of experts who give advice. Word experts say the phrase "brain trust" became popularwhen Franklin D. Roosevelt first ran for president in 1932, Several professors gave him advice on social and political issues facingthe U.S.

    These professors were called his "braintrust." These ways we use the word"brain" all make sense. But other ways we use the word are not so easy to understand. Forexample, to understand the next brain expression, you first need to know theword “drain." As a verb to drain means to, remove something by letting it flow away. So abrain drain may sound like a disease where the brain flows out the ears. But, brain drain is when a country's most educated people leave their countries to live in another. The brains are, sort of, draining out of the country.

    However, if people are responsible for agreat idea, you could say they brainstormed it. Here, brainstorm is not an act of weather. It is a process of thinking creatively about a complex topic. Forexample, business leaders may use brainstorming to create new products, and government leaders may brainstorm to solve problems.

    If people are brainwashed, it does notmean their brains are nice and clean. To brainwash means to make someone accept new beliefs by using repeated pressure in a forceful or tricky way. Keep inmind that brainwash is never used in a positive way.


    Most teens can't wait to learn to drive. Not so with me. Driving made me nervous. I didn't get a license until I turned 24 years old. As a result, when I first married, we only had one car and car pooled to work. My husband's hours were different from mine by one hour. I worked earlier. So he dropped me off and went to the diner to drink coffee until work time.

    Then, in the afternoons, I leisurely walked the three miles to his work place where I waited in his car, reading a book.

    One day while waiting for him, I noticed the most beautiful Cadillac pull in the lot. It was powder blue and sleek looking. The kind of car you dream about. I was busily admiring the car, when I noticed the driver. Honestly, she was probably the prettiest woman I had ever seen off the movie screen.

    She pulled into the spot beside our car and it was all I could do not to stare. There was a striking resemblance to Liz Taylor. Jet black hair and alabaster skin. Our eyes made contact and she smiled at me. Her eyes were as blue as the sea, and teeth like an even row of pearls. She was wearing a light blue shirt that just matched her car. Peeking through her long, softly curled hair I could see gold hoop earrings. They had to be gold to shine like that. A couple of minutes later, a nice looking man came out of the building, entered her car, leaned over and kissed her and she drove away.

    Sitting there in my jeans, shirt and hair in a pony tail, I wanted to cry. How could some people have it all?

    Maybe I would have forgotten about her, but the following week, I saw her again. Then it became almost routine to see her about once a week. She seemed friendly and always waved, flashing a big smile. My envy lingered long after she drove away.

    Many nights when sleep evaded me, I would think about the beautiful lady. I wondered if she and her husband ate out, and where they dined, and what she was wearing. I wanted her to get out of the car and let me see her full length. Did she wear really high heeled shoes and pants, or a skirt.

    I would get my answers in a couple of weeks.

    Sitting in our usual parking lot, I was holding my book, watching her over the top of it. She was waiting and when her husband came to the car, she called to him. They spoke a few words and he opened the car door for her to step out. He took her arm and helped her out of the car. I could see very well as she moved to get out. She was wearing a skirt.

    She haltingly walked around to the passenger side very slowly, leaning on a walking cane. Sitting sideways in the car, she lifted one leg with her hands and then the other one. The beautiful lady had a prosthesis on the left leg and a brace on the right leg. I couldn't watch them drive away as the tears were blinding me. For weeks I had envied this woman and her way of life, while I had been able to walk three miles to our car!

    When my husband arrived and found me crying, he immediately asked what was wrong. Through my tears, I told him about the beautiful lady. He said he knew her husband and also knew the story. The beautiful lady and her parents were in a car that either stalled or got caught on the railroad tracks and was hit by a train. Both parents were killed and she was severely injured. She was only 12 years old. The railroad made a large settlement with her because the crossing had no signals. He explained her car was specially built for her needs as well as the home.

    I prayed for forgiveness all the way home. The lady I thought had everything I didn't. I realized how lucky I was to have my parents, the ability to walk, run or dance through life and many wonderful things money can't buy. I would not have traded places with the beautiful lady for anything.

    When you meet a person who seems to be much better off than you, don't be fooled.


    My arms shook. The bow was almost as tall as I was, and it was equipped with an arrow, ready to be shot. Never had a more ill-suited person handled a weapon. But my editor had sent me on a mission: to find my inner Katniss Ever deen at one of Beijing's indoor archery clubs.

    The brilliant archer Everdeen is the lead character in The Hunger Games movies, the final of which was just released in cinemas. Her arrows can hit almost anything: sword-swinging enemies, fierce animals, even aircraft some-how. Me? I can't throw a paper ball into a trashcan with any precision. And I was warned that archery would require a great deal of upper body strength, though I hadn't seen the inside of a gym in years.

    News outlets like the New York Times and NPR have reported an increase of interest in archery, thanks to movies like The Hunger Games, Brave and The Avengers. Archery clubs have showed up in many major cities. In Jian Club, an archery-themed bar, we paid 120 yuan for an hour's worth of target practice and prepared our bows and arrows.

    We were told to stand sideways, with one shoulder facing the bull's eye. Your weaker arm would hold the bow, while the other would pull the bowstring back until the arrow was right next to your face. Then it was meters away.

    Well, sort of. Instead of sending the arrows whistling through the air, my first few simply dropped onto the ground.

    The failure was a good reminder that archery is a demanding, Olympic-level sport. It worked muscles in my back and arms that I just didn't have yet. An hour came and went, and I found myself leaving with a couple pierced (刺穿的)bull's eyes and sore shoulders. Was I ready to shoot down aircraft with a swift arrow? Not quite. But I was definitely ready for a return trip.


    A research project jointly carried out by scientists from several British universities and institutes has drawn people's attention to the toothbrush again.

    Researchers have found that your toothbrush is home to more than 100 million bacteria. But there are hundreds of microorganisms in the mouths and your toothbrush probably won't make you sick unless there is an unhealthy balance of bacteria. Our immune system can usually take care of bacterial invaders. However, if others use your toothbrush, or you use someone else's, bacteria can be spread.

    They have also found the toothbrush holders are the third-most dirty household items (behind dish sponges and kitchen sinks), thus advocating cleaning the toothbrush holder regularly.

    The storage of your toothbrush in your bathroom is also important. Here are some storage tips from the researchers to keep your toothbrush as healthy as possible:

    Put your toothbrush as far away as possible from the toilet flushing.

    Let your toothbrush dry thoroughly between brushings.

    Don't use toothbrush covers, which can create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

    Keep your toothbrush upright in a holder rather than lying down.

    Keep toothbrushes separate. If toothbrushes touch, they can exchange and spread bacteria.

    There are products available that claim to sanitize(消毒)your toothbrush. While some of these products do kill some bacteria, there is no evidence that using them will reduce your risk of illness, according to the researchers.

    They recommend replacing your toothbrush every three to four months or more often if you are sick or if you have a weakened immune system. Children's toothbrushes may need to be replaced more often than adult brushes.


    I was disheartened recently when I turned on the news to hear a story about a family who is petitioning (请愿) the Hampton School Board to receive out-of-district compensation to place their daughter in an out-of-district school due to racial bullying. I was disheartened because I know that even if this family wins their petition, the root of the problem will still continue.

    While there are many contributing factors to the rapid increase of the bullying, I believe that the root of this problem lies within the restrictions of schools, or rather the teachers and administrators who allow bullying to happen while feeding the line "We have a no-tolerance policy" to students and parents.

    This family can move their daughter to a new school where she will feel safe to learn and grow, but they will leave behind the problem of the educators at this school who let the racial bullying happen.

    My son went to a private school in Concord. He was bullied on the play yard. The administration gave us the "No tolerance" line, but did nothing to stop the bullying or change the climate of the school.

    We pulled our son out of this school and placed him in another school. This school truly understands how to guide students' acceptance of differences and embrace teachable moments so that bullying is a non-issue.

    I truly hope that this family gets the out-of-district placement for their daughter. However, I am doubtful that the school district will address the root of the problem.

