
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

初中英语新目标九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners?单元检测题(含完整音频)

A )信息归纳


    A different way of teaching is widely used in our English study. Before class, we make study plans first. Then we look up the new words, listen to the recording and read the text. When we meet problems we can't solve by ourselves, we always write them down in our notebooks.

    In class, we sit in groups to discuss the problems freely.The teacher always offers help when we need.After discussion, it's time for us to give a report to the class.We also make conversations in pairs and practice a lot.It's really good for our listening and speaking.

    After class, we have less homework now so we can go to the library to read English books, magazines and newspapers.We can also surf the Internet for useful information.

    In a word, we enjoy the new way of studying.We can make more progress in our study.

Information Card

Main idea

A different way of learning is used in our English study.


Before class

We make study first.

We sit in groups to the problem freely.

After class

We have homework so we can go to the library.

Conclusion (结论)

In a word, we can make more progress in the new way.


    There are some skills for students to listen to the teachers in class, which means you're going to have to practice them. Just as you would have to practice basketball to be a better player, you also have to practice listening. How to listen in school? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    One of the things you'll need to do is to make sure that your mind doesn't wander(漫游). It's easy to start thinking about other things, especially when you are not interested in the subject. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

   Next, listen for the main ideas. If you want to catch every little piece of information, you'll feel tired and bored. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Not only does this show respect to the teacher, it also helps prevent your mind from wandering. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Or it could just be someone talking to their neighbors who shouldn't be, it can even be some birds outside the classroom window, or a group of kids who are talking loudly as they pass the door to your room.

    Finally, you need to take notes because you will not remember everything the teacher said. You'll have to take down the notes so that you can study it after class. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    Listening isn't always easy, but if you follow these simple steps, you'll be much more successful in your classes.

A. Here are some suggestions.

B. You'll also need to look at the teacher.

C. Taking notes also makes you pay attention to the class.

D. It might be a friend who is trying to pass you a note.

E. So make yourself pay attention to what the teacher is saying.


Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like? This article will describe a typical (典型的) high school and its students.

A typical American high school has several large buildings and enough space for about 1,500 students. Every student is given a locker. When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes. As American textbooks are expensive, students would rather loan (租借) than buy them. Students must pay back if they lost any of them.

American students have different types of school transport. They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school if they live close enough. Sometimes their parents drive them to school.

When they turn 16 years of age, most take a free driving class at school for one term. If students' exam passing grades in the class and also pass their state driver's exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.

Each day, students take six or seven classes. They must take science, math, English and social studies. They can choose art, homemaking, fashion design and other classes. In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes: health education, physical education or foreign language studies. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. This is because cache teacher has their own classroom. There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next class.

The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon. After school more than half of the students take part in after-school activities. These activities include sports, specially football, basketball, baseball and soccer or clubs, such as yearbook, speech, school newspaper, photograph or student government.

Title: {#blank#}1{#/blank#} in an American High School




✧It gives an overview of a typical American high school and its {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

Lockers and textbooks

✧Every student has a locker for textbooks and {#blank#}3{#/blank#} clothes.

✧They would rather loan (租借) than buy {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} transport

✧Students usually go to school by bus or on foot. Sometimes their {#blank#}6{#/blank#} send them to school by car.

✧They can {#blank#}7{#/blank#} themselves to school when they are over 16 and have passed the required tests.

Classes and classrooms

✧Students have to take main classes, elective classes and sometimes one or more {#blank#}8{#/blank#} classes.

✧They go to {#blank#}9{#/blank#} classrooms for each subject.

After school activities

✧After school most of the students take {#blank#}10{#/blank#} in their favourite activities, including sports and clubs.

