
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Goals are the guides all through our life. We all have goals that we are moving towards and making a great effort to achieve. This is a good thing. Or can it be bad? How many of us never reach our goals and yet we have tried so hard and really thought about nothing else? I believe the mistake most of us make is that we do not focus on our present situation.

    Let me explain. Most of us see our present situation as a stepping stone that we use simply as a means of reaching our final destination. We don't take time to truly appreciate where we are today and all the great things we already have in our lives. We should focus our attention on the journey and not on the destination, or we will miss the beautiful scenery along the way.

    Let's use our job as an example. Now most of us want a promotion. We have plans to become the manager or general manager in our companies. Unfortunately, most of us will never reach the goal, but will watch others achieve our goal instead.

    What we should be doing is focusing on the job we are currently in now. Forget where we want to get to and just focus on the present. You see, what we can control is our performance in our current job. We can decide to be the best we possibly can in our current job. Now this may mean further education to have the skills we currently do not have. It may mean working harder to produce better results than our colleagues. It could simply be a change of attitude, such as stopping complaining and becoming a more devoted and supportive employee. By doing our current job to the best of our abilities, we in fact give ourselves the best chance of promotion.

    So the best thing for all of us to do to achieve our goals is to just focus on what we have and where we are now. Do the best and be the best we possibly can in our current situations, and we will give ourselves the very best chance of reaching our goals in the future. We have heard the old sayings and they are true: “Rome wasn't built in a day.”, “Patience is a virtue”, and so on.

Have patience, have appreciation of what we already have, and take time to help ourselves be the very best we can. Do these things and we will all reach our goals, but more importantly, we will enjoy our life every day.


Focus on the present

To reach our goals, we should focus on what we have and where we are now.


◆We do not focus on our present situations.

◆Most of us see our present situations as a stepping stone to our destination.

◆We do not spend the time truly where we are today and what we already have in our lives.

Example—our job

◆Forget the thought of getting What we should do is our best to do our current job.

◆To be the best in our current job, we should get further education, work harder than stop complaining and ourselves to our job.

If we are  grateful for what we have, and take time to help ourselves be the very best we can, we can not onlyin the future, but also enjoy our life every day.


How to find the perfect career

    Too many people are not satisfied with their professional career (事业) and are “stuck” in situations that do not make them happy. Here are some wonderful actions you can take to begin the path to a truly happy career.

Talk to your friends.

    Ask them, “what do you think I am best at”, or “what do you think I enjoy doing most”. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}However, their advice may help you decide what you should do.


    Read some interesting magazines, books, newspapers or novels. They will give you a constant flow of ideas and keep the mind rich.

Talk to the happiest and most successful people you know.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Be serious with your questions. And see if there is anything you can learn from them. Have these people become your teachers and friends.

Keep a journal(日记).

    Writing down your ideas is an important practice for your career growth. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}You never know when great ideas will come to your mind!

Develop patience.

    You may want a change in your career right now. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Anyway, doing the practices mentioned above will bring about the right chance much faster.

A. Read as widely as possible.

B. This may seem like a strange conversation at first.

C. Ask them how they realized their dreams.

D. Changing careers can be very difficult.

E. Talk to your family members.

F. But it is necessary to be patient and wait for the right chance to come.

G. Carrying a notebook with you at all times is also a great idea.


    There is a woman named Tao Porchon-Lynch. She was born in India in 1918. So, if you do the math, she's 99. And at the age of 99, she has been recognized as the oldest yoga teacher in the world. She has been teaching yoga in a gym in her hometown, full-time, since 1967.

    But that's not all she's done. She has also been a model, actress and dancer. She became a model after she graduated from high school. She acted in more than ten fields. She won a lot of medals as a dancer in many competitions. She once said, “If you try your best and never give up, nothing is impossible.” And she is a firm believer in positive thinking. She dreams the impossible dreams, and she is also well known as a thinker.

    Tao Porchon-Lynch is not the person who talks the talk; she is the person who walks the walk. When she makes up her mind to do something, she takes action to do it without delay. At the age of 85, she learned how to dance and even won several dance competitions. She offers this piece of advice to others, “Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Don't delay. Tomorrow never comes.”

    So, what about retirement? At 98, she is well past the age when many people make retirement plans. Retiring, it turns out, is not Tao's style. “A little girl, who is only 6 years old and is now learning yoga with me, once asked me, ‘Dear granny, what are you going to do when you retire?'” Tao Porchon-Lynch told the little girl that she had no plans to retire but instead would continue to teach yoga and dance her way to next planet.


How to become a professional athlete?

    Everyone wants to be a superstar athlete. However, there is a lot of competition to make it. So if you want to be a professional athlete, you have to know all the tricks of the trade to rise up above the rest.


    To play your sport better than anyone else, you have to practice your skills with lots of repetition. For example, you have to shoot 100 free throws every day for basketball.

    Make steady improvements

    If you are a baseball pitcher (投手) and your fastball is stuck at about 60 miles per hour, change it up! Try to walk your first step a little bit longer, bring in your elbow a little bit tighter, or try to reach higher when you're following through{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Quality coaches

    Have you ever noticed that a lot of kids with parents who are professional athletes will often become professional athletes in the same sport? They have access to a professional athlete's tips and tricks{#blank#}3{#/blank#} You should try to find coaches or professional athletes that are willing to answer your questions.

Diet of champions

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you can change your diet to a healthy one, you're going to be stronger.

    Friends and enemies

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} By having great teammates or competitors, it pushes you to try harder and that always results in getting better.

A. Practice makes perfect

B. Better late than never

C. The big secret to advancing your skills above anyone else is to improve.

D.The biggest thing that most kids often ignore is their diet.

E.Surrounding yourself with quality teammates and competitors is the best way to get better.

F. These little improvements are things that will help you advance your skills.

G.But don't get discouraged if you don't have parents who were professional athletes.


As a new teacher at Doull Elementary school in Denver, Kyle Schwartz thought of a simple way to know her third graders, most of whom came from poor families. She asked them to complete the note, "I wish my teacher knew..." and share something about themselves. Their honest answers gave the teacher a chance to understand her students' difficulties." I wish my teacher knew I have no pencils to do my homework," wrote one child. "I wish my teacher knew sometimes my reading homework is not signed because my mom is not free a lot," wrote another. Some showed hope for the future. "I wish my teacher knew that I warn to go to college."

"Some notes are really heartbreaking." Schwartz tells ABC News. "I care deeply about each of my students and I don't want them to be poor forever." She explains, "I hoped to know more about their lives and how I could better support them. So I decided to let them tell me what I needed to know. That was why I created the fill-in-the-blank exercise."

       the third graders were allowed to answer anonymously (匿名地) , most wanted to include names. And some were even excited to read their notes out loud, like one shy girl who bravely said that she was lonely. "After she told the class, 'I don't have friends to play with me, I was worried about what they would do," Schwartz tells Us Weekly. However, I felt encouraged to see how much support the other kids offered her. They invited her to play at break and sit with them at lunch. You see, children have an unusual ability to express empathy(同情) ."

"The results have been surprising," says Schwartz. "It shows the importance of giving people a voice and really listening to them."



How Bad Are Energy Drinks for Children?

    What Are Energy Drinks?

    There is no clear definition of what makes an energy drink, but it is usually taken that anything non alcoholic with more than 150mg of caffeine per litre is an energy drink. The first of its kind was Lucozade, which was launched in 1927. It was promoted as helping the sick to get better by regaining lost energy. Now there are lots of energy drinks on the market, all claiming to help boost energy levels and aid our performance.

    What's in Energy Drinks?

    We've mentioned the caffeine but energy drinks also contain water and sugar. Some also contain alts and amino acids.

    What Are the Health Concerns?

    The concerns focus on the two main ingredients (成分) of energy drinks, caffeine and sugar. Too much caffeine for children can in the short term cause headaches and raise blood pressure although it is important to mention that caffeine may not harm children in the long term. However, the short term issues do really worry teachers as caffeine can lead to an inability to sleep, which then affects a child's ability to focus and concentrate in class. In fact the maximum recommended (推荐) intake of caffeine for children is 2.5mg for every kilogram a child weighs, so if a child drinks energy drinks, it would be very easy to go over this dose.

    Too much sugar can also cause health problems including obesity, tooth decay and in the long run Type 2 diabetes. So as with caffeine, if children are drinking energy drinks and consuming sugar in foods and other drinks, then it would be easy to go over the daily sugar allowance for a child. The thing to be aware of is what is called free sugars. Free sugars are those sugars which are added to foods or drinks, not the natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables. The amount of free sugar that a child should have is 19 grams per day for those aged 4-6 and 24 grams for those aged 7-10. So again it is easy to see that if children are drinking energy drinks over and above sugar that will be present in food they eat, it would be easy to go over the recommended amount of sugar each day.

    Selling Energy Drinks to Children

    There are currently voluntary bans for shops not to sell energy drinks to children under 16, but there are calls to make this illegal. Some schools have already banned children from bringing these drinks into school.


The Cost of Thinking

    Despite their many differences, all human beings share several defining characteristics, such as large brains and the ability to walk upright on two legs.

    The first unique human characteristic is that humans have extraordinarily large brains compared with other animals. It seems obvious that evolution should select for larger brains. Mammals (哺乳动物) weighing sixty kilograms have an average brain size of 200 cm2. Modern man has a brain averaging 1200-1400 cm2. We are so fond of our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes to brain power, more must be better. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

    The fact is that a huge brain is a huge drain—consumption of energy—on the body. I's not easy to carry around, especially when boxed inside a massive skull (倾骨). It's even harder to provides energy. In modern man, the brain accounts for about 2-3%of total body weight but it consumes 25% of the body's energy when the body is at rest. By comparison, the brains of apes (类人猿) require only 8%of rest-time energy. Early humans pad for their large brains in two ways. Firstly, they spent more time in search food. Secondly, their muscles grew smaller and weaker. It's hardly an obvious conclusion that this is a good way to survive. A chimpanzee (黑猩猩) can't win an argument with a modern man, but it can tear the man apart like a rag doll.

    Another unique human characteristic is that we walk upright. Standing up, it's easier to find food or enemies. In addition, their arms that are unnecessary for moving around are freed for other purposes, like throwing stones or signaling. As a result, humans can perform very complex tasks with their hands.

    Yet walking upright has its disadvantage. The bone structure of our ancestors developed for millions of years to support a creature that walked on all fours and has a relatively small head. Adjusting to an upright position was quite a challenge, especially when the bones had to support an extra-large skull. Humankind paid for its broad vision and skillful hands backaches and painful necks.

    We assume that a large brain makes huge advantages. It seems obvious that these have made humankind the most powerful animal on earth. But humans enjoyed all of these advantages for a full 2 million years during which they remained weak and marginal creature. Thus humans who lived a million years ago, despite their big brains and sharp stone tools, lived in constant fear of meat-eating animals.

The Cost of Thinking


•Large brains for their bodies and the ability to walk upright are two {#blank#}1{#/blank#} of human beings.

The {#blank#}2{#/blank#} of large human brains

•The larger brains may not be better because of the cost.

•The big brains make it harder for the body to move around and consume more energy.

•The animal brain requires less {#blank#}3{#/blank#}when the body is at rest.

•Large human brains consume more food, and weaken muscles.

The {#blank#}4{#/blank#} of walking upright

•Walking upright makes it easy to find food or {#blank#}5{#/blank#}against enemies.

•Freed hands can serve some {#blank#}6{#/blank#} purpose and perform complex tasks.

•Walking upright challenges the human bone structure, and {#blank#}7{#/blank#} the size of brains.

•Walking upright results in {#blank#}8{#/blank#} sufferings.


• With a large brain, human beings {#blank#}9{#/blank#} other beings in terms of intelligence.

• Weak and marginal, human beings remained {#blank#}10{#/blank#} of meat-eating animals.

