
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Let's Go Skiing

    Skiing can be a good sport. Here is a list of advice for a new skier. It can also be used by would-be instructors to help you give a beginner the best possible skiing experience.

    The biggest complaint of the complete beginner is cold feet. This is because the boots you are using don't fit. Boots should allow you to shake your toes.But, boots should not allow you to turn your foot side-to-side within the boot. If you can turn your foot inside the boot, you won't have a chance to control your skis.

Try several pairs of boots —not every boot marked the same size is actually the same size (even if they are the same brand and model). This extra effort will be annoying, but worth it.

    Probably fitting ski boots are warm. Do NOT wear very thick socks, or more than one pair of socks inside your boots. Besides, socks can help here. Bring two pairs of socks for your first outing, a thin pair, and a medium-thick pair. Then choose the socks based on how the boots seem to be fitting. You may even find you wear a thin sock on one foot and a thicker sock on the other because the boots won't match exactly.

    Do NOT wear jeans or sweatpants. You will be falling down in snow and even if it is cold enough to be dry snow, some of it will stick to you and melt. If you get wet, it's over. There's no chance to stay warm. I suggest thick ski pants for beginners. The ski pants will also help keep you warm on the lift. Similarly, your jacket should also be waterproof. It doesn't matter how heavy it is.

    Keeping warm isn't so hard. Make sure you read the parts on boots, socks and clothes above.Remember to start out warm. When you go out into the cold, you should be a little too warm, not quite sweating but close. If your body is warm but your neck, nose or ears are cold, it is always because you left them uncovered.

    If you are sweating a tiny bit, that's fine. If you are sweating a lot, you are too hot. Your sweat will make parts of you very cold, even while other parts are still too hot. To deal with this, don't be afraid of opening your coat, or removing your hat or gloves, for just a minute, or for the day.

A. Keeping warm can be difficult.

B. Getting too hot can be a problem too.

C. Wear heavy boots and socks together.

D. All the clothes you wear must be waterproof.

E. If you can't shake your toes, then your feet will be cold.

F. If you didn't rent your boots in advance, finding a good fit will be a problem.

G. Apart from this, you have to wear the right amount of clothing and keep moving.


How to Care for Your Ears?

    Ears not only let us hear, but they also paly a role in maintaining our balance, which is vital to our ability to function in daily life. Yet, we ignore them. We can't even see our ears, except in a mirror. We take it for granted what they do for us day in and day out—until we notice something worng, such as when an earache strikes or when we start having to ask people to repeat what they say. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

◆Clean your ear with a washcloth—covered finger only.

    Never put anything inside your ear canal, including cotton swabs (药签). {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

◆Leave earwax(耳垢) alone.

    Wax is your ear's way of eliminating (消除)anything foreign that gets into the ear canal. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you find you have too much earwax, use a few drops of earwax remover(去除剂)in the canal. After a few minutes, wash the ear with warm water.

◆Avoid noisy places.

    Rock concerts and construction sites are just a few places that frequently have noise levels that can damage

hearing.Any place where you have to shout to be heard should be avoided.


    Be careful not to play MP3 too loud, especially if using earphone.

◆Be careful with illness and medications.

    Respiratory illnesses should be treated to avoid their spread to the ears. Certain medications can damage hearing, so follow the directions carefully before taking them.

    See your doctor if you suffer from sudden hearing loss or hear noises in your head. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Most people don't need to clean wax out of their ears.

B.In such case, go to see a doctor as soon as possible.

C.These can be symptoms of a serious illness which needs to be treated.

D.This article will show you how to care for your ears.

E.Turn the volume down.

F.Avoid using earphones while listening to MP3.

G.Your ear canal is very narrow, and a swab can damage it.


    Everyone wants to perform well at school. Add these tips to your life and you should be on your way to being a top student!

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} I cannot stress how important it is to pay attention to what your teacher is teaching you. Take part in class discussions if you have something worth adding. Pay attention during class, especially during lectures.

    Taking notes is important. You don't need to write down every single word your teacher says but write down what he or she writes on the board, or any special fact you think you might need for a test. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} This away it will help you learn more effectively by actually thinking about what you are writing.

    Don't skip school. You will be missing out on stuff. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} However, you will have more work and you have missed lectures, Also, try not to be late for class. It's most likely that your teacher won't appreciate it and you will get yourself behind.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you have an "I don't care about school or this class" attitude, then teachers will be less willing to help you with problems or offer you extra credit. The same goes for lazy attitude. Have a respectful attitude to the teacher and other students. Try not to laugh when other students make mistakes.

    Always ask questions.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you don't understand, ask someone. Read your textbook and notes, and then if that fails, seek help. Ask a teacher, friend, classmate, parent, etc. Get a tutor if you need one.

A. Be prepared.

B. Write in your own words.

C. Pay attention to everything the teacher says.

D. Staying organized will be helpful.

E. There is no shame in needing some help.

F. It is true that you could make up the work.

G. Keep a good attitude towards things.


    The road to happiness

    We all know that money can't buy happiness, but many times we act as if we'd be happier with a bit more money. We are trained to want the latest style that television tells us.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}But none of that win bring us happiness. No matter how much we earn, no matter how nice our clothing or cars or toys, none of it will make us happier. And the sad thing is that it could take us decades to pursuing wealth and luxury items before we realize this. So what will bring us happiness?{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Positive thinking. I'm obviously a big proponent of positive thinking as the best way to achieve your goals, but it turns out that it can lead to happiness too.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Happy people feel energetic, in control of their lives, and have a positive attitude to life.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}We have a human need to be close. Having good, supportive friendships, a strong, marriage or close and loving links with our family members will make us much more likely to be happy.

    Flow. This is a popular concept on the Internet these days-the state we enter when we are completely focused on the work before us. Having work and leisure that gets you in this state of flow will almost undoubtedly lead to happiness. People find greatest enjoyment not when they're passively mindless, but when they're absorbed in a mindful challenge.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Don't waste them!

A. Good relationships

B. You've been given the three secrets to happiness

C. In fact, this should be one of first habits you develop

D. In may sound ridiculous, but it has worked for me every time

E. Luckily, here're three secrets to happiness that don't cost a thing

F. We want to earn more money because then we'll have the good life

G. Optimism and self-esteem are some of the best indicators of people who lead happy lives


    What do the world's most successful people all have in common?

    By examining the work habits of over 150 greatest writers and artists and scientist,the researchers including Stanford Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer found that high achievers like Robert Moses turn out to be all alike:

    Busy! Busy!

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}In a study of general managers in industry,John Kotter reported that many of them worked 60 to 65 hours per week―which translates into at least six 10-hour days.The ability and willingness to work difficult and tiring hours has characterized many powerful figures.Energy and strength provide many advantages to those seeking to build power.

    Just Say No!

    The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything.And that's what gives them the time to accomplish so much.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}And focus means saying “no” to a lot of distractions.

    Know What You Are!

    Ignore your weakness and keep improving your strengths.Don't waste time exploring skill areas where you have little competence.Instead,focus on―and build on―your strengths{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Create Good Luck!

    Luck is not magical-there is a science to it.Richard Wiseman studied lucky people for his book Luck Factor,and broke down what they do right.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}By being more outgoing,open to a new ideas,following the feeling that something is true,being optimistic,lucky people create possibilities.

    Does applying these principles to your life actually work? Wiseman created a “luck school” to test the ideas―and it was a success.In total,80 percent of people who attended Luck School said that their luck had increased.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Spend enough time improving your weakness.

B. Achievement requires concentration.

C. On average, these people reported that their luck had risen by more than 40 percent.

D. High achievers never stop working and they never lose a minute.

E. Busy people are more likely to be lucky.

F. This means knowing who you are and what you are good at.

G. Certain personality types are luckier because they behave in a way that offers the chance for good opportunities.


    Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to afford all of that fancy equipment used in the gyms{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Now here are some effective exercises that you can do at home, without the need for any equipment.

    Jumping Jacks (开合跳)—These are always fun, as they bring back memories of being a kid.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Well, surprise- they are also great aerobic exercise, and good for warming up, too.

    Pushups—While they can be hard to do, you can find easier ways to do them. You don't need to pretend you're“Rocky”, and do them with one hand; just do what works for you.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Or, do them standing up against a wall. You will be building up arm strength and working out muscles(肌肉) in your chest area.

Light weight lifting—No, you don't need to go out and buy expensive weights for this! Just use whatever you can find in your house. Start out with something lighter, such as a can of peas.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Step exercises—Using the steps in your home, you can do repetitions which will strengthen your leg muscles. (Just remember to be careful!)

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}You needn't join a gym, paying a large amount in membership fees each month. You don't even need the expensive equipment. Use what you have in your house, and work out in the comfort of your home. You will be more likely to keep up with the exercise when you're comfortable, so just get up and start exercising!

A. Now you have no excuses!

B. Getting some exercise is important.

C. And work yourself up to heavier items little by little.

D. Who has not done jumping jacks for fun as a child?

E. Nice as it sounds, it just isn't an option for most people.

F. Do them on your knees, instead of keeping your legs straight.

G. To make these exercises even more fun, you can watch TV while doing them.

