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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语人教版选修六Unit 2 Poems同步练习 (2)


    Going online to do research when you're writing papers and doing projects is natural thing to do.  Knowing how to evaluate and choose online resources can help you avoid headaches and wasting time.

    How can you make researching online as easy and effective as possible? Before you begin your research, make a list of the kinds of sites that are best for your topic. Is the website reliable and up to date?   Government sites ending in . gov and educational sites ending in .edu usually are safe bets. Established news-related sites are OK, too, but be sure that you're using the original source. If a newspaper article mentions another source, like an organization or website, go directly to that source to find the information.

    They can be good resources, but it's always best to check with your teacher to make sure he or she considers the site appropriate. Wikipedia. Org is popular and ranks highly in search results, but it can be edited by anyone, whether a person has accurate knowledge of the topic or not.  

    On commercial websites ending in .com, check to see if the site has advertising. And bogs, personal websites and social media sites are more likely to give personal opinions rather than facts.

A. Check to see if the author is identified and sources are given.

B. That's why it helps to know the best sites for your needs.

C. But all of the choices at your fingertips can seem overwhelming sometimes..

D. Sites ending in .org are usually run by non-profit organizations.

E. Many schools block access to images or websites that may be valuable to your research

F. At most schools, using Wikipedia as a source is not a good way to build credibility.

G. If it does, it may be biased(有偏见的), since it's trying to sell a product


    No fight can end, and no friendship can move on, until everyone says these little words: I'm sorry. Sometimes, though, they can be difficult to say.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

     It's not about winning.

    Friendship aren't like the Super Bowl, and there should never be a winner and a loser. When you start fighting with a friend, it may feel important that you “win” the fight by proving(证明)you're right and he is wrong, or by making him be the first to apologize(道歉).


    You may have heard the expression “His pride(骄傲)stood in the way.” It is usually used to describe a person who is so determined(意志坚定)to be “right” that he lets an opportunity(机会)for happiness pass him by forever.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Remember: as time goes on, we usually forget who was right and who was wrong in a disagreement, and only remember the sadness of losing a friend. Take the first step.

    Are you sick of fighting? Do you think this fight is just not important enough to ruin(毁灭)your friendship?{#blank#}4{#/blank#} You don't have to take full responsibility(责任)for starting the fight, or even say that your feelings were wrong. But you should find something you did or said that's worth apologizing for. Maybe you're sorry that you let the fight go for so long, of that you overreacted(反应过度)to something your friend did. If you say you are sorry, it's like an invitation for your friend to do the same.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Stop thinking about your pride.

B.Then try to be the first to apologize.

C.It's about taking some responsibility for the argument.

D.Once you've both said it, you'll both feel a million times better.

E.There are some special cases when you shouldn't be the one to apologize first.

F.Here are some things to keep in mind.

G.Don't let this happen to a friendship you care about.


    Christmas is a time for relaxing, having fun and spending time with family and friends.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}It can be difficult to find the motivation for study when everyone around you is having so much fun. So, here are my top five tips for revising effectively over the Christmas break.

    Set aside a few hours a day to revise.

    Find the best time to revise and make sure that you stick to your timetable! For example, I find that I work best in the morning.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Plan something fun to do every day.

    Even if it's just going for coffee with a friend or watching a film at home, this will give you something to look forward to and motivate you to finish your revision.

    Explain to your family why your revision is important.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}So, make efforts to tell them why your exams are important. Perhaps you can agree to do something nice with them when your exams are over.


    It is important to take some time to relax. When you do get back to revising, you'll probably find it easier to concentrate. Pick the most important days for you and your family to concentrate on celebrating Christmas!

    Remember that it won't last forever.

    You might have to spend your Christmas revising this year, and perhaps for a few more years, but soon enough you'll be free of exams forever.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Have a great Christmas and make sure you find a balance between studying and celebrating. Good luck in your exams!

A. Spare your time for your family.

B. Make sure that you take a few days off!

C. So I get up fairly early and do a few hours of revision.

D. Sometimes it can be difficult for family to understand you.

E. However, for many of us, it is also time to prepare for January exams.

F. Otherwise, you may probably fall into trouble with your friends and family.

G. And after spending time revising, your future Christmases will seem even better!


    In today's world English has become a global language. Speaking or writing in English is a matter of global interest these days, for it is now a requirement for being able to communicate with the outer world. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.


    The first thing you need to have is an enthusiasm to reach your goal. The most important thing you have to have is emotional devotion(情感,承诺)with your desire to learn English quickly. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.


    You pass by a lot of things in English that you meet with in your day-to-day life. Things could include magazines, emails, posts on social media, websites, a piece of literary work(文学作品)or a newspaper. Read them because you never know what is waiting for you in there. You might find that a lot of things are already known to you but the content will surely be full of new vocabulary allowing you to improve faster.

    Keep a note of the new words

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. It's a bit more important that you keep a handy notebook with you and whenever you learn a new word or expression, write down the context along with the word. Use the word in a sentence and note the meaning, too. Sometimes you may find forgetting a certain word or phrase seems impossible. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. So, to prevent this you need to keep visiting your pages and go through the notes you have made time and time again.

A. Don't just move on after reading

B. Read everything you may come across

C. Don't let yourself down if you face a difficulty

D. However, being a human being you are built to forget

E. You won't achieve success if you aren't enthusiastic enough

F. By following these tips you will improve the language quickly

G. Spend the most of your time in either listening or reading in English


    There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving birds. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} She cared them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song. The girl felt the great love from the birds.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl was so frightened that he would fly away. As he flew close, she grasped him wildly. Her heart felt glad at her success in capturing him. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} She opened her hand and stared in horror at the dead bird. Her desperate love had killed him.

    She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom. He needed to fly into the clear, blue sky. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The bird circled once, twice, three times.

    The girl watched delightedly at the bird's enjoyment. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest songs that she had ever heard.

    The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight, while the best way to keep love is to give it wings!

A. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss.

B. Suddenly she felt the bird go softly.

C. She took them home and put them in a small cage.

D. She gave them some delicious food and left.

E. She lifted him from the cage and threw him softly into the air.

F. One day the girl left the door of the cage open.

G. One day she left with the two birds at home alone.


    Is college really worth the cost? Let's explore some of the pros and cons. It takes money to make money.

    Do college graduates make a higher salary? In general, yes. Those with a bachelor's degree make nearly twice the income of someone with only a high school diploma.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Among the majors that make the most money out of college are engineering, math and computer science. Not surprisingly, some of the lowest include art, religious studies, and early childhood and elementary education.


    The average cost of a year of tuition (学费) in the United States is more than $30,000.That's just one year. Because of that, many college graduates come out with debt that annoys them for years after they graduate.

    For many tradesmen, a special skill in their specific field is all that's needed to make not only a fairly good living, but a comfortable one. The average electrician, for example, makes $58,933, whereas the average preschool teacher, after college, makes around $30,000. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    College grads have higher job satisfaction.

    Another plus for going to college? In general, college graduates are more satisfied with their jobs — 57 percent of college graduates are satisfied in their careers as compared to 37 percent of people with just a high school diploma. What's more, college graduates are less affected by job cuts when economy is weak. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    They also have a better social network.

    College also provides numbers of social benefits, providing social networks that stay with people throughout their lives. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} The college years are formative years in our lives.

A. But college tuition is pricy.

B. Better universities cost more but bring more.

C. That being said, not all college majors are created equal.

D. They really have a better sense of achievement in their career.

E. They are more marketable and can generally find another job more easily.

F. How many people do you know who met their future wife or husband in college?

G. And that salary doesn't factor in the cost to pay back student loans from four years of college.


A. It doesn't make sense

B. Listen to their questions

C. Teach them by examples

D. You only have to share your children's curiosity

E. It began with a set of questions that lasted nearly two hours

F. When adults increase their "wait time" to three seconds or more

G. These words work well when it comes to encouraging good behavior

    Children start out as natural scientists, eager to look into the world around them. Helping them enjoy science can be easy, as there's no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Give them time to think. Studies over the past 30 years have shown that, after asking a question, adults typically wait only one second or less for an answer, no time for a child to think. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, children can give more logical, complete and creative answers.

    Watch your language. Once you have a child involved in a science discussion, don t jump in with "That's right" or "Very good". {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. But in talking about science, quick praise can signal that discussion is over. Instead, keep things going by saying "That's interesting or "I have never thought of it that way before", or coming up with more questions or ideas. Never force a child to think. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, as children are always thinking, without your telling them to.

    What's more, giving them freedom to think can turn a conversation into a performance. The child will try to find the answer you want, in as few words as possible, so that he will be a smaller target for your disagreement.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Real-life impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can learn from a book or a television program. Let children look at their fingertips through a magnifying glass (放大镜) and they'll understand why you want them to wash before dinner. Rather than saying that water evaporates (蒸发), set a pot of water to boil and let them watch the water level drop.

