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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教版(新课程标准)高中英语必修2 Unit 5 Music同步练习1


    Please Don't Be Afraid To Travel On Your Own

    You want to travel. You make an unclear plan. But either way, you're leaving in six months time. You start doing research every single night.

    Of course, as this will be your first ‘real' travel experience, you naturally prefer to travel with other people. But the first friend you ask, perhaps your closest friend, turns you down and so you move on to the next friend. The third friend, the fourth friend and even that guy that you don't really like say no as well.

    You hope that one of your friends will change their mind and decide to join you. Maybe you decide to forget about your trip altogether, fully believing that you can only travel so far away from home with a friend or travel companion (同伴) by your side.

    Don't give up just yet. Here's my advice to you. You may be on your own when you board that flight to Bangkok or Mexico City, but believe me, once you arrive, you'll never actually be alone. That's how travel works. Unless you stare at the ground and never talk to anyone, you're going to meet people when you travel, lots and lots of people from all over the world.

A. Don't give it up.

B. Maybe you'll fly to Thailand or to Mexico.

C. Meeting new people is one of the worst things to do.

D. But they too, tell you they have no interest to join you at all.

E. They will be interested in meeting and hanging out with you.

F. So you start asking your friends to join you in your journey.

G. Maybe you decide to put off your trip for another six months.


    It's no surprise that sports can greatly benefit a child physically, psychologically, and socially. A 2008 Women's Sports Foundation Research Report concluded that children's athletic participation is also associated with increased levels of family satisfaction, great achievement in study, and an overall better quality of life for children. And a study published in last month's American Journal of Preventive Medicine showed that kids who are active at age 5 wind up with less body fat at ages 8 and 11.

    But one hotly debated discussion focuses on the kinds of sports kids should play, with parents mistakenly thinking, "Lizzie is so quiet, we should let her join in basketball and soccer to try to get her to open up." But increasingly, experts are suggesting the healthier instinct (直觉) might be, "Lizzie is so quiet. Maybe we should see if she likes playing with a big team like softball or if she likes ballet or swimming, where she can work more on her own terms."

    “Participation in any sport is going to provide kids with life skills—the ability to focus and to concentrate, the ability to handle pressure in tough situations, the ability to stay calm when things aren't going just right,'' explains Orlando-based youth sports psychology expert Patrick Cohn. Those lessons will carry over into future, non-sports attempts.

    Team sports certainly offer benefits not as easily obtained via individual activities, as players leant how to communicate and work with others, and there's the potential to develop leadership abilities. Team sports also help kids develop their social identity. Our sense of worth is developed through what we achieve and a sense of belonging.

    Individual sports offer unique advantages, too, like developing a child's sense of independence. “Hero, you don't depend upon teammates," says Cohn. "You take full responsibility, whether you do well or perform poorly." Many of Cohn's young clients complain about pressure from team mates or coaches to make zero mistakes or carry more of the team than they may want to; these kids may enjoy a solo sport like tennis or gymnastics.

    Individual activities keep kids away from comparing themselves to the best players on the team, a habit that does little to help confidence levels. Instead, it encourages them to compare their skills to their own past performances. With individual sports like swimming or track, it's easier for the child to participate on his own, at his leisure(闲暇), without having to round up a bunch of like-minded peers.

    Above all, while some children enjoy the excitement of competition, others are more likely to benefit from the freedom of individual sports, and finding the right balance can be necessary for children's enjoyment. What parents think is encouragement, children often consider as pressure. So try to understand what they want from sports.


Team sports and individual sports

Sports benefit


• Sports can greatly benefit children physically, psychologically, and socially.

• Sports are associated with increased levels of family satisfaction, {#blank#}1{#/blank#} achievement and better quality of life for children.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} ideas

• Parents usually want their children to lake part in the team sports which don't {#blank#}3{#/blank#}their children's character.

• Experts think that any sport will {#blank#}4{#/blank#} children to focus, handle pressure, stay calm when things are going {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

Team sports

• Children can learn how to communicate and work with others.

• Children will have the potential to develop leadership abilities.

• Children will develop their social {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.

Individual sports

• Individual sports may help develop children's sense of independence and {#blank#}7{#/blank#}.

• Children tend to compare their skills to their own past performances and are likely to {#blank#}8{#/blank#} comparing themselves with the best players.

• Individual sports also seem to be more {#blank#}9{#/blank#} to children.


• Finding the right balance is a {#blank#}10{#/blank#} for children's enjoyment.

• Parents should try to understand what their children really want from sports.

    Octopuses (章鱼) are sea animals famous for their rounded bodies, bulging eyes, and eight long arms. They live in all the world's oceans but there are especially more octopuses in warm, tropical (热带的) waters. Octopuses, like their cousin, the squid (乌贼), are often considered “monsters of the deep”, though some species, or types, occupy relatively shallow waters.
    Most octopuses stay along the ocean's floor, although some species are pelagic, which means they live near the water's surface. Other octopus species live in deep, dark waters, rising from below at dawn and dusk to search for food. Crabs and shrimps rank among their favorite foods, though some can attack larger prey (猎物), like sharks. Octopuses typically drop down on their prey from above and, using powerful suctions that line their arms, pull the animals into their mouths. The octopus performs its famous backward swim by blowing up water through a muscular tube on the body called a siphon. Octopuses also crawl (爬) along the ocean's floor, putting their arms into small openings to search for food Seals, whales, and large fish prey on octopuses.
    If threatened, octopuses shoot an inky liquid that darkens the water, confusing the other animals. The octopus can also change to gray, brown, pink, blue, or green to mix with its surroundings. Octopuses may also change color as a way to communicate with other octopuses. Octopuses are solitary creatures that live alone in dens (巢穴) built from rocks, which the octopus moves into place using its powerful arms. Octopuses sometimes even fashion a rock “door” for their dens that pull closed when the octopus is safely inside.

    Our society is generally becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher wages, Nell-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and "human-relations" experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless, that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.

    The worker and employee are anxious, not only because they might find themselves out of a job; they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction of interesting life. They live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence as emotionally and intellectually independent and productive human beings.

    Those higher up on the social ladder are no less anxious. Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates. They are even more insecure in some respects. They are in a highly competitive race. To be promoted or to fall behind is not a matter of salary but even more a matter of self-respect. When they apply for their first job, they are tested for intelligence as well as for the right mixture of obedience and independence. From the moment on they are tested again and again—by the psychologists, for whom testing is a big business, and by their superiors, who judge their behavior, sociability, capacity to get along, etc. This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than one's fellow competitor creates constant anxiety and stress, the very causes of unhappiness and illness.

    Am I suggesting that we should return to the preindustrial mode of production or to nineteenth-century "free enterprise" capitalism? Certainly not. Problems are never solved by returning to a stage which one has already outgrown. I suggest transforming our social system form a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption ends in a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities – those of all love and of reason—are the aims of social arrangements. Production and consumption should serve only as means to this end, and should be prevented from ruling man.

