
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days, but living and dealing with parents can be even tougher.

    If I have learned anything in my 16 years, it is that communication is very important, both when you disagree and when you get along. With any relationship, you need to let other person know how you are feeling. If you are not able to communicate, you drift apart. When you are mad at your parents, or anyone else, not talking to them doesn't solve anything.

    Communication begins with the concerns of another. It means that you can't just come home from school, go up to your room and ignore everyone. Even if you just say “Hi”, and see how their day was for five minutes, it is better than nothing.

    If you looked up the word “communication” in a dictionary, it would say “the exchange of ideas, the conveyance (表达)of information, correspondence (通信), means of communication: a letter or a message”. To maintain (保持) a good relationship, you must keep communication strong. Let people know how you feel, even if it's just by writing a note.

    When dealing with parents, you always have to make them feel good about how they are doing as a parent. If you are trying to make them see something as you see it, tell them that you'll listen to what they have to say, but ask them politely to listen to you. Yelling or walking away only makes the situation worse.

    This is an example: one night, Sophie went to a street party with her friends. She knew she had to be home by midnight after the fireworks, but she didn't feel she could just ask to go home. That would be rude. After all, they had been nice enough to take her along with them. Needless to say, she was late getting home. Her parents were mad at first, not when Sophie explained why she was late, they weren't as mad and let the incident go. Communication is the key factor here. If Sophie's parents had not been willing to listen, Sophie would have been in a lot of trouble.

    Communication isn't a one-way deal: it goes both ways. Just remember: if you get into a situation like Sophie's, telling the other person how you feel-listening is the key factor to communication.

(1)、In the writer's view, dealing with parents is __________ than with children.
A、more difficult B、easier C、more uninteresting D、more interesting
(2)、The main idea of the second paragraph is __________.
A、the importance of friendship B、to make your feeling known to others C、the importance of communication D、the disagreement between generations
(3)、When parents and children are in communication, the key to a happy relationship is that __________.
A、children should always obey their parents B、they should be equal C、parents play the leading part  D、both make the opposite know their feelings
(4)、The example in this passage proves that ___________.
A、Sophie's parents are willing to listen to her B、Sophie is very polite to her parents C、Sophie did well in explaining her being late D、communication is the solution(解决办法) to misunderstanding
(5)、All the following statements are correct except “_______”.
A、If you don't agree with others, you'd better let them know B、It is better to say “Hi” to others than say nothing C、If you are not able to communicate, walk away D、Communication is a two-way deal
    An environmental group called the Food Commission is unhappy and disappointed because of the sales of bottled water from Japan. The water, it angrily argues in public, has traveled 10, 000 “food miles” before it reached Western customers. Transporting water halfway across the world is surely the extremely stupid use of fuel when there is plenty of water in the UK. It is also worrying that we were wasting our fuel by buying prawns from Indonesia (7,000 food miles ) and carrots from South Africa (5,900 food miles).

    Counting the number of miles traveled done by a product is a strange way of trying to tell the true situation of the environmental damage due to industry. Most food is transported around the world on container ships that are extremely energy efficient. It should be noticed that a ton of butter transported 25 miles in a truck to a farmers' market doesn't necessarily use less fuel on its journey than a similar product transported hundreds of miles by sea. Besides, the idea of “food miles” ignores the amount of fuel used in the production. It is possible to cut down your food miles by buying tomatoes grown in Britain rather than those grown in Ghana. The difference is that the British ones will have been raised in heated greenhouse and the Ghanaian ones in the open sun.

    What is the idea of “food miles” doesprovide, however, is the chance to cut out Third World countries from First World food markets. The number of miles traveled by our food should, as I see it, be regarded as a sign of the success of the global trade system, not a sign of damage to the environment.


    Once Dr. Mellinkoff invited me to join him at the hospital to discuss interesting cases with his students . The case at hand was a Guatemalan man, aged 34, who had a fever and many other medical problems. His condition was not improving, and there was not much hope he would live.

    Dr. Mellinkoff asked to see the patient. He introduced himself in Spanish and, in a very gentle voice, asked how he felt. The patient smiled and said everything was all right. Then the doctor asked if he was able to eat. The patient said that he had no desire to eat.

    “ Are you getting food you like? ”

    The patient said nothing.

    “ Do you get the kind of food you have at home? ”

    The answer was no.

    The doctor put his hand on the man's shoulder and his voice was very soft.

    “If , you had food that you liked , would you eat it? ”

    “Yes , yes. ” the patient said.

    The change in the patient's appearance couldn't have been more obvious. Nothing was said, but it was easy to tell that a message had been sent and had also been received.

    Later, the doctor asked why the Guatemalan man wasn't getting food he could eat. One of the students said, “ We all know how difficult it is to get the kitchen to make special meals. ”

    “ Suppose, ” the doctor replied, “ you felt a certain medicine was absolutely necessary but that our hospital didn't carry it, would you accept defeat or would you insist the hospital meet your request? ”

    “ I would probably insist, ” the student said.

    “ Very well, ” the doctor said. “ You might want to try the same method in the kitchen. It won't be easy, but I can help you. Meanwhile, let's get some food inside this man as fast as possible, and stay with it. Or he'll be killed by hunger. By the way, there must be someone among you who can speak Spanish. If we want to make real progress, we need to be able to talk with him. ”

    Three weeks later, Dr. Mellinkoff told me that the Guatemalan man had left the hospital under his own power. It takes more than medicine to help sick people; you also have to talk to them and make them comfortable.


    A machine that takes sweat-laden (浸满汗水的) clothes and turns the sweat into drinking water is in use in Sweden. The machine makes the clothes turn round quickly, heats them to remove the sweat, and then passes the steam through a kind of special material to make purified water.

    Since it has been brought into use, its creators say more than 1000 people have drunk others' “sweat” in Gothenburg. They add the liquid is cleaner than local tap water.

    The device was built for the United Nations' child-focused charity UNICEF to promote a campaign highlighting the fact that 780 million people in the world lack access to clean water.

    The machine was designed and built by the engineer Andreas Hammar, known locally for his appearances on TV tech show “Mekatronik”. He said the key part of the sweat machine was a new water purification part developed by a company named HVR.

    “It uses a technique called membrane distillation (膜蒸馏),” he told the BBC. “We use a special kind of material that only lets steam through but keeps bacteria, salts, clothing fibers and other things out. They have something similar to the International Space Station, but our machine is cheaper to build. The amount of water it produces depends on how sweaty the person is, but one person's T-shirt typically produces 10ml, about a mouthful.”

    The device has been put on show at the Gothia Cup-the world's largest international youth football tournament. Mattias Ronge, chief executive of Stockholm-based advertising agency Deportivo, said the machine had helped raise awareness for UNICEF, but in reality had its limitations.

    “People haven't produced as much sweat as we hoped – right now the weather in Gothenburg is lousy,” Mattias Ronge said. “So we've equipped the machine with exercise bikes and volunteers are cycling like crazy. Even so, the demand for sweat is greater than the supply. And the machine will never be produced in large numbers, since there are better solutions out there such as water purifying pills.”


    Thirteen-year-old American Jessica Goldstone wants to be a fashion designer when she finishes school. She thinks her designs would be more exciting than clothes bought from stores. But until this month, Jessica has never touched a sewing machine(缝纫机).

    After her first class, Jessica and six other girls aged 9 to 13 said that sewing was fun, cool and challenging.

    These students at Fabrics' Sew Fun class show that the sewing machine is becoming popular again.

    "There have been a lot of teens getting excited about sewing," said a sewing company worker Donna Smith. "Some of them come from the Project Runway TV show," she said. This TV show is an exciting weekly contest to make a great fashion designer. Every week one contestant (参赛者) fails the test and has to leave the contest.

    The number of people who joined sewing class summer camps grew by 10 percent this year. That's good news for companies that make sewing machines and publish sewing magazines. The Singer Sewing Company sold nearly 3 million sewing machines in the United States last year. This is about twice as many as in 1999.

    Sewing machines have been around for more than 150 years, but they have changed a lot since your grandmother was a girl.

    Spencer Carmel started sewing lessons after getting a sewing machine for her 11th birthday. She has sewn a lot by hand, but she wants to make more difficult things. Spencer's class recently made hats.

    Another member of the class, Kelsey Oen, 9 years old, needed time to get used to her machine, but soon she could use it well. By the end of the class, Kelsey was happy and wearing her new hat.


    Sila Sutharat, a roasted chicken street vendor from Phetchaburi, Thailand, has come up with a unique way of cooking chicken. He uses 1, 000 mobile mirrors that concentrate sunlight into a strong beam(光束).

    Like most other street vendors, Sila used to cook his chicken over a charcoal(木炭)fire. But that all changed in 1997, when an ordinary observation gave him a great idea. One day, he was hit by the sunlight reflected off the window of a passing bus, and he felt its heat. "I could possibly change it into energy," Sila told himself. Then he started working on how to make use of the sunlight to cook his chicken.

    "They said that I'd gone mad, and that cooking chicken like this was impossible," Sila told reporters about how people reacted to his idea. But he didn't let their jokes get to him, and in the end he was the one who had the last laugh. He invented a panel featuring 1, 000 small mirrors that could be moved. It worked exactly as he predicted, allowing him to cook a 1.5 kg chicken in just 10 to 15 minutes. "After a long time passed by, they'd say: "Actually, you could do it," " Sila Sutharat recalls. Sila says that his invention can make the temperature go up to 312'C. This is why he always wears a special mask instead of a cook's hat when operating it.

    Sila's solar roaster is an unusual sight. It has attracted quite a few curious people who are eager to taste Sila's sun-cooked chicken. He's been using this cooking method for two decades now. And he says it's much better than traditional roasting methods. It is free, cooks all parts of the chicken, and best of all, it's 100% clean. Phetchaburi Rajabhat University thought Sila's idea was very good and useful, so they awarded him an honorary science degree.

