
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Grandparents Answer a Call

    As a third generation native of Brownsville, Texas, Mildred Garza never planned to move away. Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help their children, she politely refused. Only after a year of friendly discussion did Ms Garza finally say yes. That was four years ago. Today all three generations regard the move as a success, giving them a closer relationship than they would have had in separate cities.

    No statistics show the number of grandparents like Garza who are moving closer to the children and grandchildren. Yet there is evidence suggesting that the trend(趋势)is growing. Even President Obama's mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, has agreed to leave Chicago and into the White House to help care for her granddaughters. According to a study grandparents com., 83 percent of the people said Mrs. Robinson's decision will influence the grandparents in the American family. Two-thirds believe more families will follow the example of Obama's family.

    “In the 1960s, we were all a little wild and couldn't get away from home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our own,” says Christine Crosby, publisher of Grand a magazine for grandparents. “We now realize how important family is and how important it is to be near them, especially when you're raising children.”

    Moving is not for everyone. Almost every grandparent wants to be with his or her grandchildren and is willing to make sacrifices, but sometimes it is wiser to say no and visit frequently instead. Having your grandchildren far away is hard, especially knowing your adult child is struggling, but giving up the life you know may be harder.

(1)、Why was Garza's move a success?
A、It strengthened her family ties. B、It improved her living conditions. C、It enabled her to make more friends. D、It helped her know more new places
(2)、What was the reaction of the public to Mrs. Robinson's decision?
A、17% expressed their support for it. B、Few people responded sympathetically(同情地). C、83% believed it had a bad influence. D、The majority thought it was a trend.
(3)、What did Crosby say about people in the 1960s?
A、They were unsure of themselves B、They were eager to raise more children. C、They wanted to live away from their parents. D、They had little respect for their grandparents.
(4)、What does the author suggest the grandparents do in the last paragraph?
A、Make decisions in the best interests of their own B、Ask their children to pay more visits to them C、Sacrifice for their struggling children D、Get to know themselves better

    Our body clock, or natural body rhythm, influences our energy and alertness. Paying attention to it can help us choose the suitable time of the day when we best perform specific tasks.

    The reality, however, is that most of us organize the time around work demands, school deadlines, commuting or social events. Doing whatever the body feels like doing is a luxury in today's fast-paced modern society.

    But that doesn't mean it isn't worth trying. Obeying our body clock has significant health benefits. Disrupting our natural body rhythm, on the other hand, has been linked to problems such as depression, obesity, or headache, says Steve Key, a biology professor.

    When the body clock can synchronize (使…同步) the rhythms of its natural processes, it “gives us an advantage in daily life”, says Key.

    According to him, when it comes to cognitive (认知的) work, most adults perform best in the late morning. As our body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase until midday, our memory, alertness and concentration gradually improve.

    However, he adds, our ability to concentrate typically starts to decrease soon thereafter. Most of us are more easily distracted (分心) between noon and 4 pm.

    Alertness also tends to fall after eating a meal and sleepiness tends to peak around 2 pm, making that a good time for a nap.

    Surprisingly, tiredness may increase our creative powers. For most adults, problems that require open-ended thinking are often best dealt with in the evening when they are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking & Reasoning.

    When choosing a time of the day to exercise, paying attention to your body clock can improve results. Physical performance is usually best from about 3 to 6 pm, says Michael Smolensky, a professor of biomedical engineering.

    Of course, not everyone's body clock is the same, making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans.


    Tone of voice is very important in human conversation. A person might use words that communicate one message and a tone that shows something very different. This possibility for confusion is one reason that businessmen encourage discussing things in person, rather than through email, as tone cannot be determined in the written form.

    The same rule is true with children. Children as young as a few months respond to a change in voice. It has been recorded that babies prefer to hear a story read by their own mother rather than another woman whom they do not know.

    Have you ever talked to someone who had little or no changes in their voice no matter what you were discussing? Think of the teacher or professor you had in the past that spoke in a monotone manner for the entirelecture. It is very boring and difficult to become interested in the topic.

    Parents should make an active effort to communicate with your child. If your child figures out how to open a box he or she has been struggling with and says “YES!” with pride in his or her voice, your response should be happy and excited (something encouraging, like “You did it!”). If you plainly said the same thing, you would not be matching the tone of your child.

    This applies to feelings that the child may express in everyday situations as well. If a child argues with a friend, your response should not be said in a high voice or with a smile. Seriously and sincerely you should say “You look sad” or “That must have been hard for you”.

    The tone of your voice expresses understanding, acknowledgement, connection and several other healthy things to your child. Although your words are very important, equally important is the tone with which you say those words.


    Sometimes the toughest thing about feelings is sharing them with others. Sharing your feelings helps you whether your feelings are wonderful or terrible. Sharing also helps you to get closer to people you care about and who care about you. But how?

    You can't tell your friends what's inside your backpack if you don't know what's in there yourself. Feelings are the same way. Before you can share them with anyone, you have to figure out what feelings you have.

    Making a list of your feelings can help. You can do this in your mind or by writing it out or even by drawing pictures. Is something bothering you? Does it make you frustrated or terrified? Do you feel this emotion only once in a while or much of the time?

    The way a person feels inside is important. If you keep feelings locked inside, it can even make you feel sick! But if you talk with someone who cares for you, you will almost always start to feel better. It doesn't mean your problems and worries magically disappear, but at least someone else knows what's bothering you and can help you find solutions.

    Your mom and dad want t0 know if you have problems and what's happening in your life. But what if a kid doesn't want to talk with parents? Then find another trusted adult, like a relative or a teacher at school. Maybe this person can help you talk with your parents about your problem or concern.

    Once you know who you can talk with, you'll want to pick a time and place to talk. You can talk publicly in your family. But some kids are more private than others and they will feel shy about sharing their feelings. Then find a quiet place or write it down on a piece of paper. A kid doesn't have to share every feeling he or she has.


    A few years ago, Darla Hoff painted a pumpkin face onto a round straw bale(捆)at A1 and Karen Goldman's farm in Idaho Palls to advertise her U-pick pumpkin field. While Darla has stopped growing pumpkins, the annual tradition of straw bale art lives on at the farm and has drawn friends and neighbors to participate in it. Past creations have included an owl, Minions, tractors and a teddy bear.

    To make the tractors, A1 baled round straw bales in two different sizes smaller ones for the tractor's front tires and larger ones for the rear(尾部). Large square bales made up the bodies. Jerry Kienlen used his farming equipment to arrange the bales in the shape of two tractors. Then it was time to bring the tractors to life. Karen and her daughter. Lana Hedrick, secured some green paint, and A1 got some red paint. Darla's husband, James, sprayed the creation with a paint gun. For the finishing touches, Steven donated two shiny exhaust stacks (排气管),and A1 and Karen donated two steering wheels from their farm parts.

    The farm's annual straw bale art projects have now become a way for everyone to celebrate the end of another growing season. It's just something fun to do together after harvest. This neighborhood has always been close. Generations of these families have grown crops in this soil. Raised on the farms where they live now, they grew up together as their elders did before. A1 and Karen are truly super neighbors. Every year they also grow about two acres of corn to give away. Anyone can pick some, or A1 and Karen will even deliver. And during long Idaho winters, everyone gathers at the farm to enjoy fresh coffee and cookies.

    This year's straw hale creation theme is Straw Wars. And all eyes will be on A1 and Karen's farm as their creation takes shape.


    Welcome to iusEnglish, a wonderful online school that specializes in teaching English to school, aged Chinese children from seven to fifteen. We offer lessons focusing on English reading and writing. Because of the rapid growth of our school, we are now looking for more qualified(合格的)teachers to join us to teach 3rd & 4th grade.

    Online Teachers for 3rd & 4th Grade Reading and Writing Classes

    •Teach 3rd & 4th grade reading classes in an online environment ;

    •The students are Chinese children who are able to communicate in English ;

    •Class schedule will be set up according to teachers' time frame ;

    •Teachers are expected to create lessons and grade students' homework ;

    •40 minutes for a class and one class meeting once a week.

    Desired Skills & Experience

    •A recognized degree and a teaching qualification at the graduate level ;

    •Those with the teaching background in elementary school are highly preferred ;

    •Ability to plan, deliver and motivate students to learn;

    •Strong communication skills to work with cooperation ;

    •Native American English speakers ;

    •Be able to create lessons and prepare lesson plans ;

    •Love teaching! Patience, self­management, positive attitude, and most of all, be devoted ;

    • Two ­year experience in teaching online or in classroom circumstances for programming teachers.

    Teachers are able to work from the comfort of their own homes in the hours and days of their choosing. The benefits of joining iusEnglish are great. Besides earning extra income, teachers are rewarded by watching the continual progress of their students week by week. It' s a win­win situation, and we hope you will consider joining our team.

    Don't hesitate. Please contact us: ius@iusEnglish.com.

