
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Last weekend, I was blessed with an opportunity to serve as a volunteer in Maryland. I don't have a car and the closest Amtrak station is about 30 minutes away from the actual site so I wasn't sure1I would get there. I started thinking that maybe it wouldn't be2and after a really long week, I thought that maybe I shouldn't3at all. But I went ahead and posted a request for a4on the ride-share board.

    A few days later, an individual I had never met5that he would be able to pick me up and6me off at the station. He was also planning on serving but said he would wait7my train arrived before driving out there. How kind8this person whom I've never even met, I thought to myself. My heart9, and the stress I had been feeling from my week10away.

    When my new friend drove me to the train station, he11that it was in a deserted kind of area. There was no one12around. It was cold outside, and I still had 30 minutes to wait. So he13his car and said, “We will wait for the train to come together.”

    I couldn't believe his compassion and14. I knew that he had to be at work the next day15me, and that his wife and son were waiting for his return. But he just waited there with me so16, generously serving with his time.

    With five minutes17before the train arrived, he shared with me stories from his childhood. As a young boy, he18sit near the edge of the train tracks, excitedly waiting for the trains to rush by with all their force. That night, before returning home to his family, he waited with me as my train19. It didn't rush by at full force but I left that station20the full force of his compassion and generosity.

A、how B、why C、whenever D、that
A、necessary B、essential C、possible D、fortunate
A、refuse B、volunteer C、evaluate D、challenge
A、terminal B、sightseeing C、departure D、ride
A、replied B、blamed C、reflected D、advocated
A、fall B、break C、take D、drop
A、though B、until C、unless D、after
A、beyond B、against C、for D、of
A、warmed B、froze C、calmed D、burnt
A、gathered B、melted C、counted D、cherished
A、noticed B、founded C、regretted D、relieved
A、thus B、also C、else D、too
A、started B、purchased C、parked D、mended
A、encouragement B、kindness C、commitment D、privilege
A、instead of B、regardless of C、far from D、just like
A、strictly B、seriously C、patiently D、carefully
A、left B、gone C、passed D、spared
A、accustomed to B、used to C、stuck to D、attached to
A、stretched B、vanished C、pulled D、approached
A、envying B、impressing C、feeling D、ignoring
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    One day,it was raining heavily and I didn't have an umbrella,I had just1a bus and had to walk back to my house.I2walking in that direction,when I heard somebody shouting,“Sister,”“Sister.” I looked back and3the stationery(文具)shopkeeper.I went to him and asked what was the4.He said that since it was raining heavily,I could take a5in his shop,have a look at his new6and go home when the rain stopped.For a moment I hesitated(犹豫),but the7of getting to have a look at the pens made me nod.
    To my surprise,I found that the8was larger than I thought.The stationery shopkeeper offered me a chair and took out the pens for me.I9a beautiful parker(派克)pen and had a try.It10so smoothly that I wanted to buy it with all my heart,11as expected,it was very expensive.The shopkeeper said,“I can give you the pen for ninety-five dollars12one hundred.”I looked up and thanked him for the13,but refused politely as it was14quite expensive for me.By that time,the rain had15,and after appreciating his16,I quickly walked back to my house.
    After that day,the shop became my17place to hang out .The shopkeeper used to18me pens always at discount prices and very often also offered me tea.He had much information about all kinds of pens and other writing instruments.19both of us knew nothing about each other,we had a deep friendship based on our common 20.

    In the town of Swedesboro, New Jersey, 5th grade students are determined to make 2,000 paper cranes(纸鹤)by the end of the school year. Their 1 is to put smiles on kids' faces.

    The idea of 2 the paper cranes started when their 3, Tara Milward, read them the story Sadako and the One Thousand Paper Cranes in class. Sadako was 4 with leukemia(白血病)at a very young age. She 5 folding the paper cranes along with her family and friends, 6 this was a symbol of hope for Sadako to get 7 one day.

    The students of Harker School wanted to 8 Sadako's story. They began buying paper, 9 paper cranes, and decided to make 2,000! They want to send the 10 1,000 cranes to Hiroshima, Japan where Sadako lived. The next 1,000 cranes are11 to a local hospital. Wherever a paper crane is made, the students are12 that something so simple can help someone 13 hope.

    They are so devoted to the 14 that they work on it in every minute of their 15 time to help them towards their big goal of 2,000 paper cranes. To achieve their 16 goal, all of the students are coming together and working very 17. They are eager to spread the hope to their friends and families, also a 18 of this extraordinary project.

    The students are 19 by Sadako's story and are making their impossible dream come true. They hope to make a 20 around the globe to show that everyone can make the world a better place.


    John's parents acquired the washer when he was a small boy. It happened during World War Ⅱ. His family never 1 a washing machine and, since gasoline was expensive, they could not 2 trips to the laundry several miles away. Keeping clothes 3 became a problem for young John's household.

    A family friend joined the army, and his wife 4 to go with him. John's family 5 to store their furniture while they were away. To the family's 6, the friend suggested they use their Bendix. So this is how they 7 the washer.

    Young John helped with the washing, and across the years he 8 a love for the old, green Bendix. But 9 the war ended. When the friends came to take it back, John grew terribly 10. His mother 11 him and said. "You must remember, that machine 12 belonged to us in the first place. That we ever got to use it at all was a gift. So, instead of being mad at it being taken 13, let's use this 14 to be grateful that we had it at all."

    The lesson turned out 15. Years later, John watched his eight-year-old daughter die a slow and painful death of leukemia (白血病). Though he 16 for months with her death, John could not begin getting over from the 17 until he remembered the old Bendix.

    His daughter was a 18. When he realized the simple fact, everything changed. He could now begin recovering from the death of his daughter. He started to see her as a marvelous gift that he was fortunate enough to 19 for a time. He felt 20. He found strength and recovery. He knew he could get through the valley of loss.


    I often go to France to visit my grandmother who is very dear to me. She's now 76 years old, 1 every time I go to visit, the two of us are very 2 that it might be the last time we see each other for she has cancer.

    Last time I visited her in December of 2012. I did a series of short video interviews about her 3. I asked her about her greatest 4 and life learning so far, her favorite books, food and stories. I learned a large quantity of amazing 5 things about her I never knew before.

    This year, I did not really have questions, only a strong 6 for her to know how much she is loved. I cooked for her and 7 her stories.

    8 leaving, I was looking for a way to leave something special behind 9 the memory of our time together. So I wrote her five different love and gratitude 10 to let her know how much she means to me, and hid them in 11 places where I knew she would finally 12 them. One under her pillow. Another one hanging from the lamp cover by which she reads in the evening. Another one by her toothbrush. One in her mailbox which she eagerly 13 every day. And the last one on her car's steering wheel (方向盘).

    I left joyfully 14 that these cards would surely cheer her up after I left She 15 me as I was departing for Paris to catch my plane back to the US and said, "I found your three cards! By the time I discovered the third card, I was 16 out loud! Obviously, they did me so much 17. Thank you so much!" I smiled to myself, knowing she still has two more to 18! It was Sunday, so my guess was that she had not checked her 19 and had not yet 20 her car!


    My dad came to America from Greece at the very young age of fourteen. He 1 an average of fourteen hours per day, six to seven days a week, for over thirty-five years.

    Because of his 2 work, he owned many restaurants in New Jersey. He was 3 his achievements and what he could 4 for his family.

    When I was graduating from college, Dad told me he decided to 5 the restaurants and retire (退休). "If you are graduating, my 6 is over. I have 7 my children and provided for all of you. I am going to 8."

    "Great, but what will you do? I 9 know you cooking in the kitchen and serving customers. I can't imagine you doing anything else," I said.

    "I am going to play golf!" he 10.

    "Golf? You have never played golf. I never heard you mention golf," I was 11.

    And then Dad 12 to play golf. He taught my brother and me the 13 and shared his interest with us. Dad would look at us and say, "If you live your life as you play the game of golf, you will be 14."

    He repeated often, "When you get to the green, stay focused (集中精力的) and hit straight down the fairway (平坦球道). Don't 15 anything else, and just know where you want to put the ball. Do this and you will 16 your goals."

    Dad wanted us to have 17 and to stay focused on them to achieve 18. He also wanted us to 19 ourselves and take time to have fun with friends and family.

    Dad retired at the age of fifty-six and played golf every day until his death at the age of eighty-six. What a 20 role model!

