
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    One of the most famous Americans in the 19th century was Conwell. One day, a penniless young man went to him saying he wanted to1 a college. Then Conwell decided to build a university for 2 but deserving students. He would 3 a few million dollars. For Dr. Conwell, and anyone with real 4 in life, nothing could stand 5 of his goal.

    Several years earlier, Dr. Conwell was deeply 6 by a true story. It was about a(n)7 in Africa who sold his only land and was 8 about looking for diamonds everywhere but in vain.9he broke down completely and threw himself into a river and 10 Meanwhile, the new owner of his farm in his yard picked up a(n)11looking rock about the size of a country egg and put it on his cap as a sort of curiosity. An jewellery expert passing by spotted the true value of the 12 The farm 13 to be the Kimberly (金伯利) Diamond Mine, the richest the world has 14 known. So we can know that the15farmer was actually standing on it until he sold his farm.

    Everyone is in the middle of our own “Acre of Diamonds”16 we would realize it and develop the ground we are standing on before going off! Dr. Conwell told this story many times and attracted enormous audiences. With talents in speeches he 17 the money to start the college Temple University in Philadelphia.

    When Conwell talked about we being on our own “Acre of Diamonds”, he 18 it. This story does not get 19 -- it will be true forever.20 does not just come along - it is there all the time - we just have to see it.

A、build B、attend C、visit D、join
A、disabled B、unfamiliar C、unfortunate D、missing
A、print B、lend C、ask D、need
A、bravery B、purpose C、job D、presentation
A、in the way B、on the way C、by the way D、to the way
A、hurt B、carried C、amused D、fascinated
A、farmer B、educator C、student D、expert
A、moved B、wild C、frustrated D、embarrassed
A、Suddenly B、Interestingly C、Immediately D、Eventually
A、swam B、refused C、cried D、drowned
A、unusual B、inspiring C、imaginary D、ugly
A、egg B、cap C、river D、rock
A、took on B、turned out C、took up D、turned down
A、already B、recently C、just D、ever
A、formal B、youngest C、former D、busy
A、Even if B、While C、If only D、Once
A、gathered B、demanded C、rose D、collected
A、meant B、worked C、joked D、put
A、old B、crazy C、mild D、unbearable
A、Life B、Time C、Opportunity D、Determination

    Do you hate to get your hands dirty? When I see my 10-year-old son1the dirty plates  in the sink or my 8 year-old daughter cringing(畏缩) at the wet sand clinging(黏住) to her hands, I am reminded of a time when I was 2to get my hands a little dirty.

    My parents owned a 500-acre 3 n Montana when I was young. I'd often come home from school to find a/an 4lamb or a calf being bottle-fed in the basement.One exceptionally cold day, I was the5sheep with my mother in the ranch when she spied a ewe(母羊)6.The poor thing was trying to7 her baby lamb and needed our help.My mother calmly held the ewe's head and8 me to grab hold of the two protruding(突出的) legs.

I hesitated, and must have had quite a look of 9 on my young face.The slimy little things were 10not something I wanted to touch.But I worked up my 11and wrapped my fingers around them.I can still recall the feel of 12the delicate legs and their sharp little hooves(蹄子) as of it happened yesterday.

    My heart beat in fear and excitement as I 13with all my strength.The lamb was delivered with an outpouring, and I'd never seen14so beautiful.I was no 15to see ranch animals being born, but to have a hand16it was something I cherished then and will cherish forever.

    Looking back, I'm so glad that I didn't 17to get my hands dirty.18I had, the miraculous moment and the precious memory would have been lost.These days I try to instill(灌输) that life lesson into my own 19 .Sometimes you need to get your hands a little dirty to experience something 20 and pure.


    A lady wanted a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had liked a beautiful1, and knowing her husband could 2 it, she told him that was all she wanted. On the morning of the 3, her husband told her how 4 he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her. He 5 her a beautiful gift package (纸盒). She opened it and 6 a Bible. 7, she raised her voice and said to her husband, “With all your money, you give me a Bible?” She was so 8 that she left him.

    Many years passed and the lady was very 9 in business. She owned two large companies. She 10 her husband was very old, and thought perhaps she should go to 11 him. But before she could, she 12 a letter telling her that he had died, and gave all of his possessions (财产) to her. She needed to come back and 13 things.

    When she arrived at his house, sadness 14 her heart. She saw the still new 15, just as she had left it years before. With 16, she opened it and began to turn the pages. A ring 17 from the Bible to the floor and a 18 could be seen. She picked it up and found it was the ring she wanted in those days. And on the card was the date of her birth, and the words “LUV U ALWAYS”.

    19 your gift is not packaged the way you want it, it's because it is better packaged the way it is! Always appreciate little things; they usually lead you to bigger things! The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched for they must be felt with the 20.


    Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball, I stopped to silently watch them. I really 1them. But as a girl, I once thought that I could never play basketball.

    I like playing basketball though I'm not good at it. I've had a basketball2 I was a child. At first, I could play freely because no one3when I was just a kid. But as I grew up, it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball.

    At school, it was always the boys who played basketball during PE classes. The girls were 4allowed to play volleyball or badminton.

    My parents did not 5 me play basketball at home. "Basketball is not fit for girls," they said. 6 when I went to play basketball with my friends, boys 7 at me on the court as if I were an alien.

    I was feeling8  and had lost hope of playing basketball. 9 , something changed the first day of high school. I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball. They 10me to get back on the court.

    One of them told me with a smile, "Go your own11, let others talk." This girl would always play basketball with me. Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about12with me almost every day. I was inspired by them. Confidence and passion 13to my heart. I am ready to stand up and play. I will play as well as I can, 14 for me, even the sky is boundless (无垠的).

    Basketball has become an important part of my 15. I am interested in it. I watch matches and enjoy playing almost every day. Through basketball, not only do I feel happy and confident, but also16 a lot.

    I've heard the NBA star Tracy McGrady say, "Nothing is impossible." It is from an advertisement on TV. I have 17to realize that life is just like playing basketball. You should have an18. After that, just be confident and 19 going. Never give up and you'll make it sooner or later. I love the motto of the NBA. It can 20 my strong feelings for basketball, "I love this game!"


    In 1957, Jane Goodall first met the famous anthropologist (人类学者) Dr Louis Leakey, who later played an important role in her life. With the 1 of gaining insight into humans' evolutionary (进化的) past, Dr Leakey 2 a pioneering long-term field study on 3 chimps. Even though Jane had no formal 4, her patience and determination to understand animals 5 him to choose her for the study. 6 it was unusual for a woman to work in the forest of Africa, going there 7 the fulfillment (实现) of her childhood dream. In the summer of 1960 she 8 in Tanzania(坦桑尼亚) on Lake Tanganyika's eastern shore. This marked the 9 of the longest continuous field study of animals in their 10 habitat (栖息地). Five years 11, she earned a doctor's degree at Cambridge University and then 12 to Tanzania to found the Gombe Stream Research Center. And in 1977, to provide on—going 13 for chimp research, Dr Goodall 14 The Jane Goodall Institute.

    Today, she 15 most of her time traveling around the world, giving lectures on her 16 at Gombe and speaking to school groups about Roots && Shoots, her environmental education and humanitarian program for the 17.

    "Chimps have given me so 18. The long hours spent with them in the 19 have enriched my life beyond measure. What I have learned from them has shaped my 20 of human behavior, of our place in nature."


    I began to do volunteer work in grade seven. I experienced many meaningful moments, and the most1ones were when I was volunteering as a swimming2at the YMCA in Brockton, Massachusetts. At first, I was a teacher's3."What are we going to do next? "When is the play time? These were just two of the questions I was often4there. On the day of my first class, I thought it was going to be a(n) 5 job. I 6that since I had taken swimming lessons from the age of five, I knew the7about swimming. After all, I was good at all8of swimming! 9, I soon found out there was more about teaching swimming than just knowing how to swim.

    During my first class, I assisted the swimming teacher in teaching a group of five-year-old kids. From that moment on, my10of teaching changed. Teaching is communicating. To instruct children, one has to make the lessons11 and interesting for them to learn. I had to learn many games that would help the children to 12as swimmers. Such as "Red Light, Green Light" and "Blast-Off." I must devote myself to teaching them and set a(n)13example to them.

    I expected to teach a group of children, but it14my students were the ones who taught me how to be a(n)15teacher. Not only was it challenging to learn the children's names, but it was also challenging to16to their many personalities and moods. There were many 17that went along with helping these children, among which was seeing a child18a task that he or she could not do before they met me.19, through the volunteer work, I learned that there would always be rewards by giving, and there would be20by making efforts.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Many people tend to bring electronic products when travelling, including me. Last year I just ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience: the iPad.

    Instead of looking at nature, I 1 my e-mail. Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading 2 newspapers each morning. And that was the problem: I was acting 3

    I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my 4 wasn't.

    So this year I made up my mind to try something 5: getting away from the Internet. I knew it wouldn't be easy, 6 I'm not good at self-control. But I was 7. I started by 8 the iPad to my wife. Then, a stroke of luck: The mobile phone 9at our cabin was worse than in the past. I was trapped in a small circle and 10to carry out my plan. Largely 11from e-mail and my favorite newspaper websites, I had little way to12 the world. I had no 13 but to do what I had planned to do all along: read books.

    With determination and the strong support of my wife, I succeeded in my vacation struggle 14 the Internet. I finally 15 that it was me, of course, not the iPad, that was the 16.

    I knew I had 17 when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi-Fi. "Don't need it," I said. 18, as we return to work, a test begins: Can I 19 when I'm back at work? I had no intention of 20 my iPad completely. But I hope to resist the temptation (抵抗诱惑) to use it every five minutes.

