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高中英语人教版选修七Unit 1 Living well同步练习


    The passengers watched sympathetically as Susan made her way up the steps. Due to a medical misdiagnosis, she had been sightless, and she was1thrown into a world of darkness, anger and 2 And all she had to 3 was her husband, Mark, who was an Air Force officer.

    When she first lost her sight, he was 4to help his wife gain the strength and confidence. Soon,Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there since she used to take the bus? So Mark volunteered to5 her to work each day,6 they worked at opposite ends of the city.7 Mark wanted Susan herself to take the bus again.

    She responded, “I'm blind. I feel you're8 me.”

    Mark's heart 9 hearing these words, but he promised to ride the bus with her, until Susan got the hang of it. He taught her how to rely on her other 10 to determine where she was and how to adjust to her new 11.

    Finally, Susan was ready to 12 on her own. Monday 13 arrived, and for the first time they went their 14 ways. Each day on her own went perfectly.

    One morning, Susan was taking the bus to work as usual when the driver said:“Madam, I do envy you.”15 she asked the driver, “Why?”

    The driver answered, “Every morning for the past week, a gentleman has been watching you as you 16the bus and cross the street safely 17 you enter your office building. Then he blows you a kiss, gives you a 18 and walks away.”

    Tears of 19 poured down Susan's cheeks. She was so lucky, for Mark had given her gift more 20 than sight, a gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.

A、quickly B、suddenly C、soon D、gradually
A、self-center B、self-service C、self-pity D、self-control
A、turn away B、ask for C、believe in D、depend on
A、determined B、active C、willing D、energetic
A、drive B、ride C、ask D、get
A、even though B、in case C、as if D、now that
A、Therefore B、However C、Moreover D、Somehow
A、boring B、disliking C、complaining D、abandoning
A、beat B、rose C、broke D、sank
A、passengers B、ways C、knowledge D、senses
A、case B、bus C、work D、environment
A、try B、work C、move D、walk
A、day B、evening C、morning D、afternoon
A、same B、separate C、similar D、regular
A、Cautious B、Compulsory C、Careful D、Curious
A、get in B、get off C、get down D、get on
A、before B、unless C、after D、until
A、face B、smile C、hand D、salute
A、excitement B、satisfaction C、happiness D、pleasure
A、helpful B、useful C、powerful D、meaningful

    One year my children came home from school asking where we were going on your summer vacation. It seemed that all the other kids were1 where they were spending the summer. I couldn't 2to take them anywhere but I didn't want to tell them that so I just said, “It's a surprise!” They were3. That bought me a little more 4.

    I called several amusement 5to see if there was a half-price event during the summer but no such 6 . I tried everything, with no success, so I called some of the other moms to find that most were in the same7that I was. We decided to 8something fun for our kids to do. We had a meeting, all five of us, and9 what is now called a “playcation”.

    One mother was a 10 , so on Mondays the kids would all go to her house. They would play games using plants and 11. They also planted vegetables and12them grow over the summer.

    Another mother had Bible13on Tuesdays. She asked some questions about Bible. The kid who answered 14got a penny, which they all turned in at the end to buy their goodie bags(礼品袋).

    At our house on Wednesdays, I made an outdoor 15training with my spare tires. The kids also walked a balance beam and raced through large cardboard boxes taped together.

    On 16they had arts and crafts across the street. Fridays were17by a wonderful single dad with a metal detector(金属探测器)who took everyone out treasure18 .

    The summer was a big 19. Okay, it wasn't Disney World,20the kids didn't miss anything. My son actually asked me, “Can we do this again next year?”


    I became a gardener when I was twelve. My early 1 of gardening may not have come from my love for nature. It was to 2 my parents.

    At that time we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood. But my mother often looked with 3 at this work of natural art. Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her, something else to 4. Seeing the neighbors busy with gardening, my father even thought it a waste of time.

    At that age, I always did something 5 to whatever my parents did! If gardening were something they found 6, I would plant a garden!

    I planted some lily seeds in the yard. But they failed to 7, I continued to plant sunflower seeds and roses. Wild 8 joy, I found the first rose bloom (开花). One by one, the flowers bloomed their heads off. 9, I was touched by this land of wonder.

    10, my parents showed no interest in my garden. My father even 11at me because he found it was 12 to move around my garden to the driveway. To my mother's 13, I put in her vase my real roses which in her eyes were simply weeds 14 flowers.

    Regardless of their 15, I kept on planting my garden and 16 to enjoy the pleasure of gardening. Plants make such good companions: they breathe, they bloom, they 17 to care and love.

    It has been many years since I made my first garden out of my desire to 18 my parents. Today I become known as Mrs. Green thumbs (手指), teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show, which makes my parents feel very 19. And now I could say it my affection for 20 that makes me a real gardener.


    A Milwaukee bus driver went above the call of duty when she stopped to save an unlikely would-be passenger: a toddler.

    Irene Ivic was driving on a freeway overpass when she 1 a barefoot toddler, Milwaukee County Transit System spokesman Matt Sliker said. The child, wearing a red onesie and a diaper, was quickly 2 to the crossroads.

    "I'm just 3 I was in the right place at the right time, "Ivic said at the awards ceremony held in her 4 on Thursday.

    Ivic stopped the bus and ran out to 5 the toddler, as seen in a video 6 by the transit system. She carried the child to the bus, 7 passengers gathered in disbelief.

    "Oh my God. Oh my God. I am  8, "Ivic said in the video as she sat down in the driver's seat with the toddler.

    A 9 on the bus took off her winter coat and wrapped it 10 the little girl, who was 11 to the touch. The 12 were freezing that day, on December 22, according to the transit system.

    Ivic sat talking to the child, stroking her hair. The little one soon fell asleep in her 13, as seen in the video.

    The 19-month-old had been cold and scared but was 14 unharmed, police said.

    The child went missing after officials believe her mother had a 15 health crisis, the transit system statement said. "Authorities eventually 16 the baby with its father,"Sliker said.

    This is the ninth 17 a lost or missing child has been 18 by a Milwaukee County Transit System driver in recent years, according to the statement.

    "I absolutely love kids. I used to be a 19 and I have children of my own, so I'm so happy I was able to help this sweet, 20 baby, "Ivic said.


    It was an extraordinarily busy time of year. I felt some 1 to head straight home after a long meeting. So I headed to the 2 nearby for some therapeutic (治疗性的)hiking. As I reached the top and admired the view, my unclear mind 3. Re-energized, I knew that I could deal with the     4 that waited for me upon my 5. When I arrived back in the office the next day, I was full of energy, and finished my work 6.

    It was almost 20 years ago that I learned how 7 it is for me to carve out time to escape to the wild. I had finished my Ph.D.8 soil and water conservation in Honduras, but I wasn't sure what 9 I wanted to have. So, I decided to act on a dream I had been nursing for a few years,10 my mom showed me a magazine article about a man who had 11 around America. I figured that I could 12 cycling with research for a book on American agriculture while I worked out my next career step.

    So I did it. During the cycling 13, I found the clearness I needed to 14 my next career move. Talking with farmers I met along the way, I learned that their biggest 15 was selling their produce. I decided to broaden my 16 from land management to improving farmers' access to markets. My 17 interest led to working for a nongovernmental organization and I did eventually 18 a book on. American agriculture.

    The 19 is to find your source of inspiration and make good use of it. For me, I always get nourishment(营养)from being 20 in the outdoors.


My husband and I were both raised on Kansas farms. It was1 to my husband's parents that their children should be educated and given the2 to gain financial stability that they themselves didn't have when they3to feed their family.

We each sought careers in the medical field. As we searched for a place to settle, we looked only at 4 communities. The city held no attraction for us. We wanted a5, quiet area where our children could be exposed to good basic values, a good6 , and a friendly environment. Our7was made 40 years ago, and we never once8settling down in a small town in north central Kansas. .

Early investment(投资) to secure the education of our children and our future retirement were focused on9 . Farming was and is a(n)10part of our lives, although the primary income source is our11 practice.

What's great about small town living? The air is clean! There is no12. We feel safe! Our doors are locked13 . Our neighbors are honest and friendly. Only recently have we learned to14 car keys from unattended vehicles- not because of any great dangers, but to15 us more cautious and safe when we are in more heavily populated areas.

There are very few16in our small community. Even if you don't know each other very well, smiling faces with recognition and greetings are17with warmth. Friendly enquiries are18when there has been an experience with pain or joy. Anytime a neighbor is19from illness or some loss, the community is there to help, to20 the burden and to express their loving concern.

