
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:容易



    One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried 1 for hours as the farmer tried to figure out 2to do. Finally he decided the animal was 3 and the well needed to be 4 up anyway, so it just wasn't5 it to rescue the donkey.

    He invited all his 6 to come over and help him. They all grabbed (握起) a shovel (铁铲) and began to shovel 7into the well. At first, the donkey 8 what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's 9 he was quiet.

    A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked 10 the well and was11 at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that 12 his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would 13 it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors 14 to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take another 15up. Pretty soon, everyone was surprised as the donkey stepped up over the 16 of the well and ran off.

    Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The best way of 17out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our 18is a stepping-stone. We can get out of the deepest19 just by not stopping, never 20! Shake it off and take a step upward!

A、sadly B、confidently C、frequently D、gradually
A、how B、what C、that D、which
A、strong B、old C、stubborn D、powerful
A、dug B、flowed C、covered D、emptied
A、important B、possible C、necessary D、worth
A、neighbors B、relatives C、partners D、friends
A、dust B、pain C、stone D、dirt
A、determined B、recognized C、realized D、allowed
A、relief B、surprise C、fear D、joy
A、down B、around C、for D、after
A、annoyed B、delighted C、surprised D、disappointed
A、attacked B、packed C、recovered D、hit
A、shake B、blow C、take D、wash
A、decided B、continued C、pretended D、volunteered
A、base B、stage C、step D、breath
A、bottom B、track C、appearance D、entrance
A、holding B、getting C、sorting D、sticking
A、troubles B、happiness C、successes D、losses
A、reality B、distance C、caves D、wells
A、setting up B、blowing up C、giving up D、picking up

    Mike was cycling along a road in Canada's Yukon, halfway through a 2,750-mile bike tour to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. He was carrying a 30-pound camping bag,1 he wasn't moving very fast. Suddenly he heard loud breathing behind him. “Man, that's a big dog!” he thought. He looked to the side, but to his great 2 , he saw, that it wasn't a dog, but a wolf, running hard to 3  him.

    Mike's heart jumped. He reached for the 4 from his bag. With one hand on the handlebar, he 5  the spray. A bright red cloud 6 the wolf in time, and it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later it was by his side again. He sprayed a second time, and the wolf fell back again, but only to quickly restart its 7 .

    The wolf was getting closer and closer, 8 a dozen yards away. Mike waved and yelled at passing motorists, but meanwhile 9  hard. He knew clearly that he must be 10not to slow down. Otherwise, he would become a 11 of the wolf.

    Paul and Becky were driving along the same road. From a distance, they spotted what they 12  was a dog running after a man on a bike. As they get  13, they realized it was a wolf.

Mike heard a car coming up behind him, and he slowed down. The car veered around the  14 , and then suddenly stopped in front of him. Mike15  off his bike and dashed for the back   16  of the car. It was locked. Paul quickly 17 the door so as to let Mike in, and the  18  man dived in, shutting the door behind him.

    It was quite a while 19 Mike became calm and cried out: “I thought I was going to die!” And Paul and Becky were 20  that they had given a helping hand to people in need.


    University was a new experience for me. I had grown up in a small seaside town in the south of England, and suddenly I was 1 together with people of my age from all over the country. People were speaking in 2 that I had only ever heard on TV, and sometimes using words that I had 3 heard before.

    I had only been at university for about a week when I 4 David Pitman, from Blackburn in the north of England. We 5 that we both played tennis, and arranged to meet up one afternoon for a 6.

    I went to the sports hall at the time we'd 7, and went into the changing rooms. David was already there, and I could see that he wasn't very 8. He was searching anxiously for something inside his bag. He looked up at me as I 9.

    “I've 10 my keks,” he said. “You haven't got any, have you?” 11 I had no idea what he was talking about. Tennis balls? Shorts? Trainers? What? I said: “Sorry?” David repeated: “Have you got any 12 keks with you?”

    Of course, I could have asked him what the word meant, 13 I was too embarrassed (尴尬的) and didn't want to offend (冒犯) him. David saw the 14 on my face, and said: “You know — keks. Shorts. Tennis shorts.”

    Now I 15, and luckily, I did have some 16 in my bag. I lent them to him, we 17, and he won. Then we went to get a 18. The woman at the canteen asked me what I wanted. “I'd like a Black Beauty, please,” I said. (Where I 19, that's cola and ice cream.) “What on earth is that?” said the woman. I 20 knew how she felt.


    My car needed some mechanical work that I could not do myself. Since the garage I had been taking my car to had 1, my friend Dave gave me a recommendation: D's Auto Repair.

    I was pleasantly 2 to discover that the owner of D's was a mechanic who had worked on my car several years earlier. 3 he was an employee at a gas station near my house. I knew that his work was good.

    I 4 the paperwork for the repair and 5 while D took a phone call from another customer. As I sat there, I looked around the small office to keep myself 6 A framed newspaper article caught my attention. The headline 7: "Local Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd.” The article was about the 8 of a fifth-generation dairy farmer during the polluted milk scare in Michigan several years earlier. Dairy cows were becoming 9 a disease that was affecting the milk supply. The fifth-generation dairy farmer paid to have all of his cows 10. It was found that out of the entire herd, only a few were were infected. Because no one could 11 that the other cows were totally 12, he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest assured(放心). The farmer's insurance did not cover his 13 because the state had not issued a(n) 14 for him to get rid of the herd. Asked why he did it, the farmer replied "Because it was the right thing to do.

    I asked D why he 15 the article on the wall. I thought that he might be related to or 16 knew the farmer. He said he had never met the man, but that the farmer was a(n) 17 to him and set a standard for integrity(正直), trust and honesty. He said that is how he 18 his auto Repair business.

    I was now doubly 19 by both the farmer and D. The next year, 20 my recommendation, my son started a nine-month mechanics apprenticeship(学徒) at D's Auto repair.


    Ferdinand de Lesseps, once a French diplomat(外交官),became 1 with the cultures of the Mediterranean(地中海)and Middle East and the growth of western European 2. But in 1849 he retired after a disagreement with the French government.

    In 1854,3his expectation, he returned to Egypt, 4 he was given a warm welcome and, soon afterwards, permission to begin work 5 the Suez Canal. De Lesseps had been 6 by reading about Napoleon's abandoned plans for a 7 that would allow large ships wishing to sail to the east to go8 from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, therefore 9 out the long sea journey around Africa.

    De Lesseps' plan was 10 by an International commission of engineers, but failed to win the support of the British government, 11 de Lesseps making a number of trips to London. He persevered and 12 attracted financial support from the French emperor Napoleon III and others.

    De Lesseps was no 13 ­ his achievement lay 14 organizing the necessary political and financial backing, and providing the technical support 15for such a huge project. 16 began in April 1859, and the Suez Canal was 17in November 1869. British attitudes changed when the canal was seen to be a 18and de Lesseps was treated as a great celebrity (名人) on his later visit to Britain. In 1875, the Egyptian government sold its 19, in the canal and the British prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, 20effective control of the Canal Company.

