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Many people havegreat difficulty in saying goodbye. But from goodbye moments, we canalways learn something.
Once, I overheard (无意中听到)a father and daughter in their goodbye moment. The father said, “I love you, Iwish you enough.” The daughter answered, “Daddy, our life together has beenmore than enough. Your lover is all that I need. I wish you enough, too, Daddy.”
They kissed and she left …
The fatherwalked over towards me. I could see he wanted and needed a cry. He came over tome and asked, “Did you ever say a forever goodbye to someone?” Before I couldanswer, he went on, “I am old and she lives much too far away. I know her nexttrip back would be for my funeral (葬礼).”
“When youwere saying goodbye I heard you say, ‘I wish you enough.' May I ask whatthat means?”
He began tosmile, “It's a wish that has come down from my great-great-grandparents.And my parents used to say it to me.”
He stoppedfor a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it. He smiled evenmore.
“When wesaid ‘I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have alife full of enough good things.”
Then, turningtowards me, he shared (分享)the following “wish” from his heart.
I wish you enough sun to keep youbright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciatethe sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep you alive.
I wish you enough pain so that thesmallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish enough hellos to get you through thefinal goodbye.
My friends, I wish you enough.