
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In June 2014, two leading media in America reported that three-year-old Victoria Wilcher, who suffered facial scarring, was kicked out of a KFC because she was a frightening customer. Later, KFC announced that no evidence had been found to support the story. This phenomenon is largely a product of the increasing pressure in newsrooms that care more about traffic figures.

    Brooke Binkowski, an editor, says that she has seen a shift towards less responsibility in newsrooms. “Clickbait is king, so newsrooms will uncritically print something unreal. Not all newsrooms are like this, but a lot of them are.”

    Asked what the driving factor was, a journalist said, “You've a strict editor and you've to meet your targets. And some young journalists are inexperienced and will not do those checks. So much news reported online happens online. There is no need to get out and knock on someone's door. You just sit at your desk and do it.”

    Another journalist says, “More clicks equal more money. At my former employer in particular, the pressure was due to the limited resources. That made the environment quite horrible to work in.”

    In a Feb. 2015 report for Digital Journalism, Craig Silverman wrote, “Today the bar for what is worth giving attention to seems to be much lower. Within minutes or hours, a badly sourced report can be changed into a story that is repeated by dozens of news websites, resulting in tens of thousands of shares. The rumor becomes true for readers simply by virtue of its ubiquity.

    And, despite the direction that some newsrooms seem to be heading in, a critical eye is becoming more, not less important, according to the New York Times' public editor, Margaret Sullivan. “Reporters and editors have to be more careful than ever before. It's extremely important to question and to prove before publication.” Yet those working in newsrooms talk of doubtful stories being tolerated. In the words of some senior editors, “a click is a click, regardless of the advantage of a story”. And, “if the story does turn out to be false, it's simply a chance for another bite at the cherry.”

(1)、According to Brooke Binkowski, newsrooms produce false news because _________.
A、clicks count a lot B、resources are limited C、budgets are tight D、journalists lack experience
(2)、What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
A、Lies can't sell without something related to the truth. B、Rumors are like a flame blown by the wind. C、Most people are easy to cheat by the false news online. D、A lie will end up as truth, if repeated often enough.
(3)、What's Margaret Sullivan's attitude towards false news online?
A、Negative. B、Supportive. C、Skeptical. D、Neutral.
(4)、What is the best title of the passage?
A、Spread of false stories. B、Causes of online false news. C、Duties of journalists. D、Relative laws needed to regulate the online news.

    Detective Keeling took his client—a good­looking lady into the back yard of the store together. The lady opened a door in the wall and they entered the small room behind the store. They crossed the room to a locked door.

    Mr. Keeling took some special keys from his pocket. Moments later, one of the keys unlocked the door. The lady went into the store. She said she would hide under the table to keep watch on her husband. Mr. Keeling did not follow her.

    The detective went quickly to the policeman's house. Then the two men hurried to the jewellery store. They looked through the window. The policeman was surprised. He spoke to Mr. Keeling, “I don't understand. You told me, ‘Robbins took a young woman to a restaurant.' Where is she?”

    “There she is!” said Mr. Keeling. He pointed through the window.

    “Do you know the lady with Robbins?” asked the policeman.

    “That's his secret friend,” said Mr. Keeling.

    “No! You're wrong! That's Robbins' wife,” said the policeman. “I've known her for fifteen years.”

    “What?” the detective shouted. His face became pale. “Who is under the table in the store?” He started to kick the door of the jewellery store. Mr. Robbins came to the door and opened it. The policeman and the detective ran into the store.

    “Look under that table!” shouted the detective. “Be quick!”

    The policeman lifted the cloth and put his arm under the table. He pulled out a black dress, a black veil and a woman's wig(假发).

    “Is this young lady your wife?” Mr. Keeling asked the jeweller. He pointed at the woman.

    “Yes! She is my wife!” said Mr. Robbins angrily. “Why did you kick my door? Why are those clothes under my table?”

    “Please check all the jewellery in your store, Mr. Robbins,” the policeman said. “Is anything missing?”

    Some diamond rings and some expensive necklaces were missing. The missing jewellery was worth $800. Later that night, Mr. Keeling was sitting in his office. He was looking through a big book of photographs. They were photographs of criminals. The policeman had brought the book to the detective's office. Suddenly, Mr. Keeling stopped turning the pages. He looked at a picture of a handsome young man with a familiar face.

    The next morning, Mr. Keeling paid the jeweller $800, then closed his office.


    You might make a disgusted face when you notice that the person waiting in their car at the red light next to you is picking their nose,but admit it,you do it too.And while it might be the natural option when there isn't a box of tissues around,it can be bad for you.The main reasons people feel the need to pick their nose is to clear it of dried liquid,stop an itch(痒),or just because it feels good.Boogers(鼻屎)form when dried liquid and cilia,the tiny hairs that line the nostrils(鼻孔),trap the dust,dirt,and other things.When boogers build up in your nose,it can be uncomfortable,and sometimes just blowing into a tissue doesn't do the trick.

    Otolaryngologist Erich P.Voigt, MD ,told Business Insider that picking your nose can cause injuries and bleeding within your nostrils.That's not terribly damaging,but when the bacteria from your hands get into your body,it can cause a cold and flu.So doctors strongly suggest not picking the nose.

    If dry winter air is causing the dirty liquid to harden in your nostrils,making you want to pick,consider damping the air at home,or taking a steam shower to soften things up in there.

    Children, who are most famous for having a finger up their nose,sometimes don't realize how much injury they're causing,and sometimes it.can lead to nose bleeds.

    So, next time you go to pick your nose,think about how many bacteria are on your hands and in your boogers, and maybe reach for a tissue instead.Even if you 're alone,and not waiting for the light to turn green,please,use a tissue.


    10-year-old Mikaila Ulmer from Texas is building a lemonade(柠檬水)empire, hoping to save honey bees in the process.

    It all started when Mikaila was 4 years old and she was bitten by a bee twice in one week. This caused her to become very scared whenever bees were near. In order to help her manage this new fear, Mikaila's parents asked her to do some research on bees. She learned that bees are quite important for flowers, gardens and trees. She also learned that they are dying at a rapid rate. In the past year, honeybee farmers have reported losing nearly 42% of them. Many believe that this could be due to the overuse of pesticides(杀虫剂).

    This is when she set her mind to create a product to help save bees. She started her company BeeSweet Lemonade. Her special lemonade recipe came from her great-grandmother's cookbook. She adds honey to it, instead of sugar. In order to call attention to the problems honeybees face, Mikaila sells lemonade almost every day at her lemonade stand. And she takes every opportunity to tell her customers about the problems that face honeybees.

    What began as a small activity is starting to grow. BeeSweet is projected to sell almost 140,000 bottles of lemonade this year. BeeSweet lemonade can be found on the shelves at select Whole Foods Markets as well as many restaurants and other locations near her home.

    Does Mikaila have any time to just be a kid? Sure! Every weekend Mikaila does something fun. She doesn't mind the hard work though. She says that she is happy watching people enjoy her lemonade. The more people enjoy it, the more they're learning about the bees.


    Primary school students in China started using new editions of their textbooks last September, with new illustrations(插图)to go with classic Chinese poems.

    With the 110 classic poems for primary school students from Grade One to Six come one hundred illustrations painted by artist Huang Guoxiang of Wenzhou, Zhejiang province. The old version of Chinese was in use for more than 10 years. "Our aesthetic(美学的)tastes have changed. The illustrations in textbooks should keep up with that," said Huang.

    "An editor from People's Education Press called me last September and asked whether I was interested –to create illustrations for three poems: Ode to Goose, Min Nong and Spring Dawn. I made it. After about 20 days, the publisher called me again and asked me to do all of them," Huang said.

    Huang also said he referred to the Chinese textbooks his son used previously before working on a new painting.

    But he did not just create any ink paintings; Huang changed his style of painting a little bit for his young readers. Primary school students may not necessarily be attracted to traditional Chinese ink painting, as the stokes(笔画)tend to be thick and the colors dark. So he mixed ink painting with watercolor to make the pictures visually appealing to the young readers while fully expressing the meanings of classic poems.

    "It's not that difficult to illustrate a single poem. The hard part is: sometimes there are three poems on one page and the contents of these poems may change greatly, so it was difficult for me to express the feelings of all of them with one illustration. Sometimes I had to think with a bigger picture and create something that fits it all," added Huang.

