
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    My elder brother,Steve,in the1of my father who died when I was six,gave me important lessons in2that helped me grow into an adult.For example,Steve taught me to face the3of my behavior.Once when I returned in4from a Saturday baseball game,it was Steve who5the time to ask me what happened.When I6that my baseball had flown through Mrs.Holt's basement window,7the glass with a crash,Steve encouraged me to apologize to her.After all,I8not have played in the path between buildings.9my knees knocked as I explained to Mrs.Holt.I10to pay for the window if she would return my ball.

    I also learned from Steve that11property is a sacred(神圣的)thing.After I found,a silver pen in my fifth-grade classroom,I wanted to12it,but Steve explained that it might be important to13else in spite of the fact that it had little value.He reminded me of14I'd hate to lose the small dog my father gave me to someone else.I returned the pen to my teacher,Mrs.David.

    Yet of all the15Steve gave me,his respect for16is the most vivid in my mind.When I was twelve,I killed an old brown sparrow in the park with a BB gun.17with my accuracy,I screamed to Steve to come from the house to have a look.I shall never forget the18he stood for a long moment and stared at the bird."Did it19you first, Mark?"he asked.I didn't know what to answer.I really felt terrible then,but that moment20out as the most important lesson my brother taught me.

A、charge B、absence C、respect D、presence
A、memories B、truth C、values D、honesty
A、advantages B、reasons C、realities D、results
A、surprise B、tears C、joy D、smiles
A、took B、spent C、cost D、paid
A、insisted B、introduced C、declared D、explained
A、injuring B、damaging C、breaking D、destroying
A、could B、must C、would D、should
A、Since B、Although C、Because D、Unless
A、refused B、offered C、afforded D、managed
A、personal B、valuable C、public D、whole
A、save B、keep C、pick D、return
A、no one B、everyone C、someone D、anyone
A、why B、when C、how D、what
A、information B、descriptions C、opinions D、instructions
A、life B、people C、family D、things
A、Proud B、Encouraged C、Relaxed D、Excited
A、way B、time C、place D、scene
A、affect B、interrupt C、hurt D、fight
A、stands B、reaches C、turns D、holds

    27- year - old Ross OC Jennings has become an online celebrity for his bagpipe-playing (演奏风笛) photos across the globe. He calls1 the First Piper.

    The seed for the world traveling idea 2 him when he attended a travel expo in London, where he met adventurers who shared their 3 from across the globe. Ross was attracted by their stories.

The 4 began on a night in Tunisia in May 2014 by chance. Ross 5 his bags without knowing much about the North African country.6Tunisia, he traveled across Western Europe, the mountains of China, played in front of the Taj Mahal in India and Cambodians ancient temples. But his greatest7was in Kenya.

    On the way to Nairobi, Ross arrived at a famous 8 sanctuary (禁猎区) and hotel in Kenya. He begged the hotel owners to ask if he could play the bagpipes there. They answered 9“Of course the house was built by a Scotsman.” “the minute I started playing all these giraffes started 10towards me, rocking. It was the most 11 audience I've ever had.

    Ross has three 12when traveling. First, pipe in a school to interact with students; second, challenge himself to play in a dramatic place; and last, play in public. His Facebook is filled with 13 taken from around the world.

    Ross's journey is all 14 thanks to his unique music career, which started at the 15 of thirteen when he was offered the chance to play bagpipes at school. After leaving university, he16“the last thing I wanted to do was work behind a desk”. Inspired by the travel expo and equipped with his bagpipes, he made his wish to 17a real desk.

    18 planning what to do in the countries Ross visits, the plans seem to find him. He said, “Chance is a big part of it. That's why I partly, intentionally, don't try to plan too much.” The music connects people in uncommon and wonderful 19“Without having this dripping in clichés(陈词滥调), it is amazing how 20 does connect people and how it makes people smile,” Ross said.


    How much do you laugh and smile during the day? Do you take your life and your illness or injury so 1 that there is no room for joy to fill you? Want a totally free, simple way to lift your 2 and improve your health with no medicine needed? Then laughing and smiling is 3 to you.

    So laugh your way to happiness.4 it takes to put a smile on your face is what you should be doing. Research shows that laughing can increase the immune system,5 the body to stay disease free and fight colds and the flu.

    If you are facing an illness, having a positive life opinion and a 6 of humor will keep your body open to healing. If you are healthy, laughing will help to make sure you stay that way, and can 7 enjoyment to your work and home life and 8 your daily stress.

    Certainly, it can be 9 to keep a positive opinion of life all the time. Simply taking the time to 10 on the positive and treat for the good things 11 in your life can help 12, but if you are struggling with negative emotions that you just can't seem to 13, there are tools that can help.

    There are so many things out there to smile about and 14 you have to do is find 15. Practice looking for the bright 16 of every situation. Avoid the negative: don't 17 yourself with your own problems—or 18 others for their “shortcomings”. And don't pay no attention to the joy in everyday things. Create your own “Laugh for Health”19 - anything to add to your collection and to give you fresh materials that 20 to you.


    “Daily Star, sir,” called Jason, carrying some news-papers under his arm. The little boy had been running up and down the street, but there were still twenty 1left. His voice was almost gone and his heart was 2. The shops would soon close, and all the people would go home. He would have to go home too, carrying the papers 3 money. He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a 4for his mother and some seeds for his bird. That was why he had bought the papers with all his money. He 5 as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.

    “You don't know the 6 of selling papers. You must shout, 'Hot news! Bomb bursting!'” another newsboy Chad told Jason. “7 it's not in the paper at all,” replied Jason. “Just run away quickly 8 they have time to see, and you'll 9out and get your money,” Chad said.

    It was a new 10 to Jason. He thought of his bird with no11and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother, but was12 that he would not tell a lie. Though he was 13 a poor newsboy, he had been 14 some good things.

    The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers15. Several boys were crowding around Chad, who declared with a 16 smile that he sold six dozen the day before. He added that Jason 17 money because he would not tell a lie. The boys 18 at Jason. “You wouldn't tell a lie yesterday, my boy?” A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jason's shoulder 19, “You're just the boy I am looking for.” A week later Jason started his new 20. He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie, but got a well-paid job because he told the truth.


    Several weeks ago, I had a dinner party. During the1 a glass of red wine was dropped on a very fancy, Persian carpet in the living room. Later, when I planned to have the carpet2, experts came out. They 3 that they could not only get out the  4, but also make every carpeted room look and smell nice.

    After spending more than 200 dollars, my 5 looked great. All of the carpets were cleaned, but there was still one slight 6— the stain was still there, and to say I was 7, actually an understatement. Committed to getting rid of the stain, I 8 another expert. This was a real expert with great 9 in this trade. When he arrived and saw the stain, he immediately explained to me how 10 it would be to deal with the stain, and he wanted me to know that before he even unloaded his 11 to start the job. My expectation at that point was low; however, I told him to put in his best 12.

    In the first scenario(背景)I expected the stain to be  13. In the second I expected little or nothing. Those made me realize that in life the fine line between 14 and disappointment can be our expectations. Disappointment will occur 15 the expectation line drawn by ourselves is placed incorrectly. 16 good things will happen if you set your expectations 17. In the carpet cleaning scenario above, the second 18 not only set my expectations appropriately by under promising, but he also over delivered by getting the stain out—a result that 19 my expectations, making me very 20. So remember: set your expectations properly.


    I was a single mother of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always1, but we had a roof over our heads, food on the table, 2on our backs. It was Christmas time, we3 downtown to see the Christmas lights, and enjoyed a special dinner, 4 the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas 5 at the market. They talked and planned for weeks ahead of time, 6 each other what they wanted for Christmas.

    The big day arrived and we started out early. I 7 each kid a twenty-dollar bill and asked them to8for presents. Then everyone scattered (散开).

    Back in the car driving home, everyone was9 about Christmas, laughing and asking each other about what they had10 . I found my younger daughter, Ginger, had only one small and flat bag with her. I could 11 enough through the plastic 12 to tell that she had bought candy bars— fifty-cents candy bars!What did she13 with that twenty-dollar bill I had given her? I was so14. After getting home, I called her into my bedroom and closed the door. This was15 she told me.

    "I was looking around and thinking of what to buy, and I 16 to read the little cards on one of the Salvation Army's 'Giving Trees'. One of the cards was 17a little girl, four years old, and all she 18 for Christmas was a doll with clothes and a hairbrush. So I took the card off the 19 and bought the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn't have anything."

    My anger 20 and I had never felt so rich as I did that day.


When I got to high school at the age of 16, I took art classes for all of my electives. I began looking at 1 and I knew New York City had the best design schools; the 2 was deciding which one was the best fit for me. I found FIT was a good fit because it could throw you into your area of 3 immediately and absorb you in the culture of New York City.

I've always felt like I'll 4 FIT because I know the fashion design program is probably 5 at times, but that is one of the things I love about the fashion industry. It's constantly moving, changing and looking 6. There's no time to slow down and think about anything but what's 7 next. Not only is fashion an ever 8 industry, it is also an expensive industry. In situations where it's 9 to get your words out right, the way you present yourself is a form of 10. I like fashion and art in general because I can use it to reveal things about myself to people who don't 11 me that well and to express my opinions or 12.

Once I got settled in high school and got more 13 in my art classes, I moved my 14 towards learning more about design. My school offers lots of art classes. 15, fashion design is not included. So I have to search for 16 on my own. The summer after my freshman year I 17 a two-week class at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. I 18 at 8 each morning and learned how to draw a figure with fashion proportions (比例) and even 19 my first clothing. There were ups and downs to this program, 20 this pre-college experience has helped me realize that this is what I need to be doing, and that I don't want to give up until I'm doing it.

