
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    There was my mother, standing in a fuzzy (毛绒绒的) pink bunny(兔子)costume. This can't be, 1 I thought to myself. Being ten was 2 enough.

    Our class was taking a trip to a convalescent home(疗养院) that day.I had 3 to stay at home pretending I'd caught some rare disease. My mother who's a(n) 4, sent me to school anyway.

    When we got there, I 5 wished for that 6. I'd fall to the ground and be 7the humiliation (耻笑) of anyone ever knowing that I 8every day after school there, dressed as a bunny.

“Hi, Shelly!” The residents waved at me, “ Do you know them?” someone asked. “No! They 9 me for someone else. I'm Machille,” I responded. I didn't look up 10 I might make eye contact with them. Then, Mrs. Deist, our teacher, handed us tulips (郁金香) to give to the residents. I quickly went to the back of the 11. My mother just went along her way— hopping(单足跳跃). Last year, we hopped together. 12, “I'm too old for that now”, I thought.

    I hid behind my class. “ Shelly, how about a game of Fish?” Lou asked. My class and teacher 13 and stared. “ Machille, do you know these people?” Mrs.Deist asked me.


    “Well you should 14 the way,” she said, smiling. So I stepped forward, handed a tulip to Rose, waved to Frank and gave Mr. Blusso a high-five.

    “My mother is in a convalescent home. I wish she could have someone like you to 15 her.” Mrs Deist said. My mother hopped over then. “This is my mom. Every day she looks after these special people who need nurses' care.” I stood straight as I 16 the information. My mother then explained a program where kids can 17 after school. The residents cheered at the18, and my class seemed excited, too.

    I realized how 19 it made me to make other people smile and feel good. I should never be 20 of that.

A、mixing B、surviving C、quitting D、happening
A、lovely B、hard C、common D、active
A、hesitated B、hated C、begged D、managed
A、nurse B、teacher C、athlete D、actress
A、frequently B、smartly C、secretly D、formally
A、costume B、journey C、award D、disease
A、fought B、spared C、contained D、left
A、spent B、counted C、waited D、saved
A、prepared B、left C、exchanged D、mistook
A、as if B、in case C、so that D、even if
A、line B、room C、door D、school
A、Moreover B、Otherwise C、However D、Therefore
A、clapped B、turned C、nodded D、parted
A、mend B、change C、push D、lead
A、drop in on B、meet up with C、stand up for D、put up with
A、obtained B、checked C、gathered D、delivered
A、challenge B、volunteer C、update D、develop
A、success B、rule C、measure D、idea
A、delighted B、curious C、absurd D、anxious
A、uncertain B、tired C、afraid D、ashamed

    With New Year approaching quickly, I was so pleased with the resolution (决心) my family had made at the beginning of this year and proud that we were actually able to keep it. For the past year we had made an effort to go 1 and, looking back, we were pretty successful.

    Last year we began recycling all of our glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum cans. We 2all light bulbs throughout our home with energy saving bulbs; we stopped purchasing 3water. In addition, we made it a point to 4 reusable bags when grocery shopping.

    Although I took pride in all the 5, I felt that we could take it a step 6 and do more. I was especially interested in teaching my kids to become more 7 in learning how important it is to take care of the environment. I began thinking about ways I could further the 8. It took a while for it to come to me but when it did I was 9 and excited about it.

    I recognized that, in our own way, we were already 10 to Mother Earth. 11wouldn't it be great if we could give more to organizations that support causes which help the less 12 around the world? What I decided to do was 13 the money we earned from 14 our waste to charity.

    My seven-year-old son, Brayden, would even be able to join in, as he was 15 for sorting the items and taking them to the recycling center with me. To make him more involved, I decided that he would help me 16 which charity to support. Because we sold our recyclable items every month or so, we wouldn't have a large 17; but I loved the idea of teaching my son that however much you give, what 18 is that you give. The smallest donation can make a 19.

    Next year, we will continue doing our 20 to help the environment and make this world a better place.


    “Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever I faced 1. “If you can 2, one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if it were not for that 3 disappointment.”

    Mother was right, which I 4 after graduating from college in 1932. I had decided to try for a/an 5in radio, then work my 6 up to sports announcer. I hitchhiked(搭便车) to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station and got 7 every time.

    In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring 8 persons. “Go out in the sticks and find a 9 station that'll give you a chance,” she said.

    I went home to Dixon, Illinois. While there was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department. Since Dixon was 10 I had played high school football, I 11. The job sounded just right for me. But I wasn't 12.

    My disappointment 13. Although I didn't say anything, Mom reminded, “Everything happens for the best.” Dad 14me the car to job hunt. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur, told me they had 15 hired an announcer.

    As I left his office, my 16 boiled over(沸溢,发怒). I asked aloud, “How can a fellow get to be a 17 announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?”

    I was waiting for the elevator when I heard MacArthur 18, “What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?” Then he stood me before a 19 and asked me to broadcast an 20 game.


    I was appointed to tend to this patient several weeks ago and began to grow closer to her. Communicating with her was1because everything she wanted to say to me had to be written on a notepad. As a nursing graduate, I was able to2her mind by observing even a slight 3 in a patient's facial expression.

    One day, when I was checking the patient, she4me on the shoulder to show me a note," Do you think I could be let go5 the hospital in a month to see my niece get married?" Taking her hand in mine, I told her that I could not 6her, because I did not want to leave her a 7sense of hope. 8, I made her believe that I would be there with her every step of the way on her journey toward9. Hearing that, the patient gave me a10 and a hug.

    Day by day, I built her 11by walking around the floor with her. As I did this, I could see before my own eyes that her health was 12improving and able to walk more steadily. On her last today in hospital, just before her niece's 13, she wrote me last note," I couldn't have done this 14 you; I love you." After kissing goodbye, I had a strong sense of achievement. I realized that moments like this were 15I woke up early for16in the hospital and spent long hours with her. I truly felt, and her 17confirmed, that I was an18part of this woman's recovery. My experience with this patient shows me that this career allows to touch the 19of people in ways that people in other20will never get to experience.


    Kids who live a happy childhood dream about what they will be when they grow up. But less 1 kids, who live in poverty, sometimes wonder why they were born in the first place.

    Children like these 2 Lebanese director Nadine Labaki's new film Capernau (《何以为家》), which arrived in Chinese mainland 3 on April 29 , 2019.

    In the slums (贫民窟) of Beirut, Lebanon's capital, Labaki saw kids selling gum or flowers or 4 carrying heavy gas tanks. Some of them were alone on the street, unfed and 5.

    One of these kids told her, "I don't know 6 I was born if no one is going to love me, if no one is going to 7 me before I go to sleep, or if I'm going to be beaten up every day."

    This is how Capernaum begins: A 12-year-old boy named Zain who lives in one of Beirut's slums, charges his parents for giving 8 to him, even though, he says, they knew they couldn't 9 him.

    Capernaum is fictional but ifs as 10 as it gets. There are no 11 actors in this film. Zain, for example, is 12 by a boy with the same name, a Syrian refugee (难民) called Zain Al Rafeea. He had never slept in a 13 before the film, or gone to school. He didn't even have papers to 14 he was a human being—just like his character in the film.

    By making the film, Labaki wanted to "become the voice of these kids", according to The Guardian. The voice is being heard. It ran first at Cannes Film Festival in May, 2018, and 15 the Jury Prize. Soon after the festival, under the 16 of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Zain and his family got the chance to resettle in Norway. They now live in a house by the sea, and Zain is going to school.

    When Labaki told The New York Times that she wanted the film "to go beyond the borders of just being a film" and be "a 17 for help", she wasn't 18 how big an impact it would have. "I might never get anywhere, but 19 I want to try," she said.

    But she has certainly gone somewhere indeed—to say the least, the real-life Zain is now able to 20 his future.


    Sometimes the best gifts are the smallest ones that add up into something big over time.

    Lily saw her grandfather, who has Parkinson's disease, was struggling to1his cup without spilling (溢出) and started2a picture for a cup that has three legs. Her father also3to spill drinks on his keyboard,4Lily realized that this invention was for everybody and for all kinds of uses. She drew a sketch and finally created a5for her grandfather at her grandfather's house with6materials: a plastic cup and plastic.

    Soon her aunt took her to a pottery (陶瓷) studio, where she was able to7a cup for her father, who found the cup very8. He suggested that she start9her cups. At that time, being only nine years old, Lily didn't know10what her father had meant11taking the cups into production. But she was12and willing to give the idea a try.

    Later, Lily's father took her to visit the13of pottery, Jingdezhen, China, to start creating more cups, and they started a movement to help14the project. And as Imagiroo was set up and started attracting more15, Lily needed to find a company in America to help her produce her cups,16 was one of her company's biggest17. But six years after Imagiroo was18, her company is successful. Certainly Lily's father is a big part of their business.

    It can start with something19, like Lily's first drawing of her cup, and become something bigger along the way with hard work and determination. It may be one small thing to you, but to someone else it can make a big20 .

