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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The American state of Colorado is considering a ban on smartphones for children younger than 13.

    A Denver-based doctor - and father - is leading the effort. Tim Farnum is the founder of a group called ‘Parents Against Underage Smartphones.' His proposal would ban sales of smartphones to children under the age of 13. It would also ban sales to anyone who wishes to buy such a device for anyone younger than 13. The measure would also require sellers of smartphones to provide proof to the state government that they have asked buyers if the phone is for anyone under 13.

    The measure now needs about 300,000 signatures in order to appear on Colorado's statewide ballot (投票权)next year. If it makes the ballot and is approved by voters, Colorado would become the first state to have such a ban.

    Tim Farnum said he decided to push for the measure after watching his own children struggle with the mental effects of always having a smartphone around. "They would get the phones and lock themselves in the room and change who they were," he told The Coloradoan newspaper.

    State Senator John Kefalas, a Democrat, said he understands the reasoning behind the proposed law. However, he told The Coloradoan that a child's smartphone usage is a "family matter" and not something the government should decide. "Ultimately, this comes down to parenting,” he said, “making sure their kids are not putting themselves at risk.”

    Last year, the AAP (the American Academy of Pediatrics) released guidelines for media use by children. The group advised parents to limit time spent watching videos to no more than one hour a day of high-quality programming until age 6. After that, it said, parents should set reasonable time limits for their children and make sure electronic devices do not take time away from sleep or exercise.

(1)、What's NOT right about Tim Farnum's proposal?
A、It will be passed by the state of Colorado next year B、It needs 300,000 signatures to gain the ballot C、It bans buying smartphones for children under 13. D、It bans selling smartphones to children under 13.
(2)、What's the driving force of Tim Farnum's proposal?
A、Other parents' request B、His own children's addiction to Smartphones C、Smartphones' harm to children's health D、The guidelines released by the AAp.
(3)、What's the attitude of John Kefalas toward Tim Farnum's proposal?
A、Positive B、Doubtful C、Disapproving D、Unconcerned
(4)、From the last paragraph, we can infer that______
A、children under 6 shouldn't watch videos B、parents are to blame for children's media use C、parents should control children's media use D、electronic devices won't affect children's sleep

    Experts generally consider BMI for kids to be a good measure of body fat, at least among heavier children. But in some cases it might be misleading. Athletic kids, in particular, may fall into the overweight category when they are actually muscular.

    Your child's BMI is important, but it is only a piece of the picture. If a BMI percentile (体重指数) indicates that your child is not within the healthy range, she needs a complete weight and lifestyle evaluation with a doctor.

    Experts recommend that kids of all ages and all weight categories follow these healthy guidelines to keep weight in control. It's easy to remember them as “5 — 2 — 1 — 0” every day.

    5 > Everyone in your family needs five servings of vegetables and fruit. Keep serving them even if kids don't eat them. If they see a food over and over, they're more likely to try it in the end.

    2 > Limit TV-watching to no more than 2 hours a day. Family members who use other “screens”—video games or computers, for instance, get less TV time. And kick the TV out of all bedrooms.

    1 > Get 1 hour of physical activity. Add up the minutes each family member is moving —it should be 60 minutes or more for each person. Start small and keep adding if necessary.

    0 > That's how many sugar-sweetened beverages you should have a day. Juice drinks such as lemonade and fruit punch, sodas, tea, and coffee can all have added sugar. Stick to water and reduced-fat milk instead.


    Peter Skyllberg, a Swedish man, was trapped in his car for two months, with temperatures reaching -30oC, with no food or water, and yet he survived. The best explanation was that his vehicle created an “igloo (snow house) effect” and protected him from the extremely low temperatures and that his body would hibernate(冬眠) during this time.

    Can humans get into a low-energy consumption state like a bear by reserving energy, and reducing body temperature? Chinese scientists are looking for the key to regulating body temperature.

    Scientists have found the hypothalamus (下丘脑), an area in the central lower part of the brain, is responsible for regulating body temperature. Wang Hong, a brain scientist at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, led her team to mark the neurons (神经元) responsible for regulating body temperature in mice by means of a cutting-edge genetic biology technique. In the experiments, they injected (注射) drug into mice to make the body temperatures of the mice drop rom 37℃ to 27 in two hours. The team found the change in body temperature caused no harm to the health of the mice. “We don't know if we can develop a drug that can control human body temperature. We still need a lot of study.” Wang said.

    Chinese scientists are not alone in such research. Body-cooling techniques are being used in pioneering hospitals around the world. Dutch doctors are now using low temperatures for patients who have suffered brain injuries in accidents, According to doctors working in Florence, it may even help to save the brains of babies who are born suffering from severe epileptic fits (癫痫病发作).


    One of the most outspoken supporters that I know of women and girls is actually a man. As co­founder of the ONE Campaign, my friend Bono spends a lot of time speaking out against global poverty (贫困). Together, we're working to get out a simple, powerful message: poverty is sexist.

    Women and girls are more likely to be in poverty, less likely to get an education and more likely to suffer bad health. And when they are born into poverty, it is much more difficult for them to lift themselves and their families out of it.

    Why? One reason is that breaking out of poverty takes time­and that is a resource women around the world are short on. On average, women spend about twice as much time as men in doing the unpaid work that makes life possible for everyone, like cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping and caring. In developing countries, the gap is even much bigger. As a result, women have no time to finish their education, learn new skills, open a business, develop personal relationships or even go to the doctor. They dream of creating a better future for their children, but they can not spare the hours to put those dreams that they have into action.

    The fact that the potential of so many women and girls is going unrealized is a sad thing­but it is also an opportunity for us. We need to recognize, reduce and redistribute the burden of work that is holding them back. Because if women have time to invest (投资) in themselves and their ideas, they could transform the world.


    Artie Shaw was born in New York City in 1910. His parents were poor persons who had come to the United States from Eastern Europe. At the age of fourteen, he began to play the saxophone(萨克斯管) and then the clarinet(竖笛). From very young age, Artie Shaw wanted to play his clarinet better than anyone. He wanted his sound and music to be perfect, so he began working as a professional musician when he was fifteen, and he left home and began playing in bands across the United States.

    In 1927, young Artie Shaw traveled to Chicago, Illinois to hear the great trumpet (小号) player, Louis Armstrong. He immediately understood that Armstrong's great jazz sound was the beginning of something new and exciting. Artie left Chicago with a growing interest in jazz music. Soon after, he moved to New York City. He got work playing the clarinet for the Columbia Broadcast System radio network in1936. He was given chance to found his band and play at New York's famous Imperial Theater on Broadway. His group was not the top band in the show. But the crowd loved his music. This proved to be a major step in his career.

    In 1938, Artie Shaw and his band recorded what would be one of their most popular songs. It sold millions of records. It still sells several thousand each year. Shaw was surprised that it became so popular. The song is "Begin the Beguine" written by Cole Porter. However, the fame caused problems for Shaw. He could not go anywhere without being recognized. He no longer had a private life.

    On Dec. 13th, 2004, Artie Shaw died after a long sickness. He was ninety-four years old. He was the last great musician and bandleader of what has been called the "Big Band Era".

