
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So start off to travel around the world and to experience a lot.

    Enjoy much freedom.

    You will enjoy a much greater sense of freedom when no one is able to tell you what to doYou decide where you want to go,what you want to do and how long you want to stay.

    Taste delicious food.

    Do you like eating Chinese,Thai or Indian food?You will enjoy the food even more when you eat it from the place it originates(起源).For foodies(吃货),delicious food in different places on the journey is what attracts them most.

    Meet new people.

    You will have the chance to meet new people when you travel.Some are interesting,some boring,and some totally crazy.Chances are that it will be worth listening to.Perhaps you will meet someone you can make friends with and get a life-long friendship.

    Appreciate beautiful nature.

    Instead of looking out your office window to see a hundred skyscrapers staring back at you,you will get the chance to see the world in all its natural beauty.You can walk throw the jungles of the Amazon.You can see most scenery with your own eyes instead of looking at a still image in a book.

    You might already be book-smart.But add street smart to your life and then there's no stopping you.Travelling teaches you many of life's lessons.You will gain pearls(珍殊)of wisdom along your journey,which will surely enables you to lead a smarter life.

A.You are the boss.

B.Live a colorful life.

C.Become street-smart.

D.Everyone has a story to tell.

E.You can see the deserts of Africa.

F.You will discover how simple life can be.

G.You will taste food from all corners of the world.


    The holiday season isn't just about shopping and gifts. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} However, holiday travel can be more expensive than the gifts. Fortunately, the following tips will help keep your travel spending under control.

● Plan ahead. The earlier you book your travel, from airfare to hotels, the easier it is to find good deals. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Your best prices on airfare come when you book three weeks before the plane leaves for domestic flights. For international flights, consider booking 30 days in advance. Many experts point out that you should book travel between  one month and three months out for high-traffic holidays.

● Book your air travel on cheaper days. Traveling by air on Tuesdays and Wednesdays often costs less than traveling on Fridays and Sundays. During the holidays, it is not just about a specific day of the week. You also need to consider the days surrounding the holiday but days immediately before and after a holiday can be expensive. One of the best ways to save is to plan your air travel on the Day of the holiday. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

● Consider traveling overnight. Red-eye flights and overnight flights often cost less than those at more convenient times. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Traveling overnight can help you avoid a night in the hotel, as well as save your money on travel to your destination.

●{#blank#}5{#/blank#} You can't bring liquids with you on the airline, but you can bring sandwiches and other snacks. When you are on the road, you can buy food at local groceries to make your own meals. If you are staying in a hotel long-term, consider cooking your own food, especially if you have access to a microwave.

A. Bring your own food.

B. Consider affordable accommodations.

C. Traveling by plane is not the best choice.

D. Plus, booking earlier can save you money.

E. For instance, traveling on Christmas Day might be a great deal.

F. A great deal of travel also takes place during this time of year.

G. Other alternatives include sleeper trains, as well as overnight ferries.


    Kids who are old enough to surf the Internet can get to know the world. But it can also bring problems. For example, some of the websites are not proper for kids, which can lead to kid's growth problems. That's why it's important to know what your kids see and hear on the Internet.

    When it comes to safety problems, it's wise to take advantage of online protection tools. They will control your kids' seeing and using adult material. Many Internet service-providers (ISPs) provide parent-control choices to prevent certain material from coming into a computer. You can also get software (软件) that keeps your child from certain sites based on a “bad site” list that your ISP creates. Besides, keep the computer in a common area, not in their own bedrooms, where you can keep a close eye on their activities.

    Discuss the dangers of talking with strangers online and remind your kids that people online don't always tell the truth. Tell your kids never to give strangers their personal information, such as the address, phone number, school name or location. Tell them never to exchange photos with strangers in the chat rooms online, which will put the families at risk. Tell them never to agree to meet anyone from a chat room in person. Tell them never to reply to a dangerous email, message, post or text. Give your kids some encouragement to let them tell you about any communication or conversation that is dangerous. Nothing can make sure that they'll be kept away from 100% of the risks on the Internet. So it's important for you to spend time online together to teach your kids proper online behavior and educate them about online risks so they can surf the Internet safely. Taking an active part in your kids' Internet activities will help ensure that they benefit from the wealth of valuable information it offers.

    If your child spend long hours online, especially at night, with people you don't know, you should take notice of your kids behavior. If your child suddenly turns off the computer when you walk into the room, ask why. Unwillingness to discuss online activities is another sign to watch for.

Internet Safety

A reason for Internet safety

 Some improper websites can {#blank#}1{#/blank#}children's growth problems.

Ways to help kids

You can {#blank#}2{#/blank#}on some online protection tools to prevent bad adult material.

You can {#blank#}3{#/blank#}your children's activities by putting the computer in a public place at home.

Have a{#blank#}4{#/blank#}with your kids about the dangers of talking with strangers online.

Set {#blank#}5{#/blank#}for your kids to follow while they're surfing the Internet.

{#blank#}6{#/blank#}your kids to share dangerous online conversation with you.

{#blank#}7{#/blank#}your children how to surf the Internet by spending time online together with them.

Kids' {#blank#}8{#/blank#}you should watch for

Your kids chat with {#blank#}9{#/blank#} for long hours online at night.

Your kids turn off the computer when you walk into the room.

Your kids are {#blank#}10{#/blank#}to discuss online activities with you.



    ⒈When chopsticks were invented?

    In fact, before the invention of chopsticks, Chinese ancestors actually used hands to eat, but how did they eat soup(汤菜)and porridge? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Chinese started to use chopsticks about 3,000 years ago in Shang Dynasty.

    ⒉Who invented chopsticks?

    The records of using chopsticks have been found in many written books but lack physical evidence. However many stories are about the invention of chopsticks. One says that Jiang Ziya, an ancient wise man, created chopsticks. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} But there is no exact history record about the invention. We can only say that smart ancient Chinese invented chopsticks.

    ⒊How to use Chinese chopsticks.

    Using two slim sticks to pick up food is actually not difficult. You can do it if you practice it for some time, even if you are a foreigner. The key to managing chopsticks is keeping one chopstick in position while moving the other to pick up food. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    ⒋Chopsticks Manners

    Chopsticks are usually held in the right hand, and left-handed chopstick use is considered as improper in China. Playing with chopsticks is thought to be impolite. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    ⒌The philosophy of Chinese chopsticks

    Chinese philosopher Confucius advised people to use chopsticks instead of knives because the metal knives remind people of cold weapons, which mean killing and violence.

    ⒍A chopsticks-themed museum can be found in Shanghai

    If you are truly interested in chopsticks, you can pay a visit to the Shanghai Chopsticks Museum. The museum gathered more than 1,200 pairs of chopsticks from China, Korea, Japan and Thailand.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Chopsticks were introduced to many other neighbor countries due to its lightness and convenience.

B. It is considered to be polite and thoughtful to pick up food for the elderly and children.

C. Bamboo chopsticks are most frequently used in Chinese daily life.

D. The oldest one was from the Tang Dynasty.

E. There also go around some other stories.

F. Remember to practice with patience.

G. They had to use sticks to eat them.


Everybody gets angry sometimes. Being angry doesn't really solve much—but what people do when they feel angry is important. The goal is to calm yourself down and try to solve whatever problem is bothering you. This is hard for some kids (and adults too). Instead of calming down, some kids might keep getting more and more upset until they explode like a volcano!

Some kids get angry more often or more easily than some other kids. Their anger might be so strong that the feelings gets out of control and causes them to act in ways that are unacceptable and hurtful. People might say kids like this have a temper, which is a term for acting out of control. Some kids might get so angry that they scream at their mom or dad, hit the wall, close doors violently, break something, or even hit a brother or sister. Kids are allowed to express their feelings, even angry ones, but it's not OK for a kid to do any of those things. Kids don't want to (or mean to) act this way—but sometimes angry feelings can be hard to manage.









    Good learners can inspire students or anybody to learn well. Here are some characteristics of good learners.

    Good learners are curious. They wonder about all sorts of things, often about knowledge beyond their areas of expertise(专长). {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Finding out about something they didn't know satisfies them for the moment, but their curiosity is addictive.

    Good learners don't give up easily. A few things may come easily to learners but most knowledge arrives after effort. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They try to search out new information. They read, analyze, and evaluate the information they've found. Then they study more and work at what they don't understand.

    Good learners know that a lot of learning isn't fun. The journey to understanding generally isn't all that exciting. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Others need a tiresome attention to detail, and still others need periods of intense mental focus. Your backs hurt, your arms and legs get tired, and your coffee gets cold.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}There's always more to know. Good learners are never satisfied with how much they know about anything. They are pulled around by questions—the ones they still can't answer, or the ones without very good answers. Those questions follow them like day follows night with the answers bringing daylight.

    Good learners share what they've learned. Good learners are teachers committed to sharing with others what they've learned. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Good learners can also explain what they know in ways that make sense to others. They are connected to the knowledge passed on to them and committed to leaving what they've learned with others.

A. Some learning tasks require boring repetition.

B. Good learners are willing to put in the time.

C. Some knowledge can broaden our views.

D. Good learners stay positive.

E. They write about it, and talk about it.

F. They love the discovery part of learning.

G. Good learners never run out of questions.


    Asthma(哮喘) is a long-lasting breathing disease that affects millions of Americans, many of whom are children. People who get asthma will suffer from lack of breath, difficulty in breathing or coughing--which are caused by the tightening of the muscles in airways. Untreated asthma can lead to poor lung function and death, but asthma can also be effectively controlled with proper treatments.

    Research is discovering genes that contribute to the development of asthma. This development has pointed researchers to the role of indoor and outdoor pollution as environmental factors that contribute to the increased occurrence of asthma.

    The Indoor Pollution

    Indoor pollution has increased with the developments in building materials and in heating and air conditioning systems. In addition to poisonous gases that come from paint, other materials like dust and perfumes used in household products such as washing powder are recycled continuously through the house, winter and summer.

Unlike the days before central heating or before whole-house air conditioning, these materials and chemicals cannot get out of modern homes. Most  often, they cause breathing  problems in the members of the family with the least-developed autoimmune(自身免疫的) systems. Proper venting (通风) and use of environmentally-friendly building materials and carpeting can help reduce the presence of these chemicals.

    The Outdoor pollution

    Researchers have also established outdoor pollution's role as a probable cause of asthma. Asthma has been proven to result from some fuel products. Smog and the small matters carried by it have been recognized as a factor which leads to asthma since the 19th century when London saw more and more diseases in the industrial population. Industrial pollutants and other chemicals which are produced in water treatment and open treated water like that found in the swimming pools also contribute to increased cases of asthma as well as other illnesses.

    Those most affected by the increase of industrial and environmental pollution are children. Although much has been done to control the levels of pollution in the US, there still remains much to do as it is a worldwide phenomenon. Until an international effort can be made to limit carbon emissions, the occurrence of environmental asthma will probably continue to increase.

The {#blank#}1{#/blank#} between asthma and air pollution

The{#blank#}2{#/blank#} of asthma

● lack of breath

● difficulty in breathing

● coughing

The possible{#blank#}3{#/blank#} of untreated asthma

● poor lung function

● death

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} contributing to the increased asthma

Indoor pollution

●It is {#blank#}5{#/blank#} by building materials and heating and air conditioning systems.

{#blank#}6{#/blank#} some poisonous gases, dust and  perfumes worsen pollution.

●Some material and chemicals {#blank#}7{#/blank#} in modern homes.

Outdoor pollution

●Smog and the small matters carried by it cause asthma, which is proven by a(n) {#blank#}8{#/blank#} number of lung diseases in the industrial population.

●Industrial pollutants and other chemicals in water are {#blank#}9{#/blank#}to people's health.


Only when all countries join together to limit carbon emissions can people be {#blank#}10{#/blank#} from suffering environmental asthma.

