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题型:阅读选择 题类: 难易度:普通


 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、D) 中选出最佳选项。

When the first person looked up at the sky, the imagination of the space began. In China, there are many stories about the exploration of space. 

Thousands of years ago, there was a lady named Chang'e who flew to the Moon and lived there. It's a story just living in myths(神话). In the Ming Dynasty, a man named Wan Hu used the machine which was made of a chair, some fireworks and a kite as a rocket. He wanted to go into the space but failed. He was considered as the first human to try to explore the space. 

In 2003, when Shenzhou V successfully set off, Yang Liwei's words" ask for instructions to go to the war" brought tears(眼泪) to our eyes. Carrying the flying dream of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, the first" space visitor" of China, excellently completed his task. It started the space age for the Chinese. In 2008, Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng returned to space by Shenzhou VII. Zhai achieved the success of the first Chinese spacewalk. "I am out of the capsule(太空舱), I feel good, " he told the world proudly. 

In the following years, China kept on making its way to explore more about the space. Especially in the recent two years, China has launched (发射) Shenzhou XIII and Shenzhou XIV. Six astronauts have been sent into the space. 

From 2003 to 2022, China's manned space- flight has gone through about twenty years of hard, but successful journey. With the take- off again and again, Chinese people go farther and farther in space, but our dream is getting closer and closer. 

In the near future, Chinese people will be sent to the Moon and land on it. 

(1)、How did the writer show people's imagination of the space in China?
A、By telling stories. B、By giving numbers. C、By asking questions. D、By showing pictures.
(2)、What made Zhai Zhigang feel proud?
A、He pushed the Chinese technology. B、He took the first Chinese spacewalk. C、He finished the invention of the Shenzhou VII.  D、He got the safe returning to the space.
(3)、What is the right order according to this passage?

①The space age for the Chinese started. 

②The first Chinese spacewalk was achieved. 

③Shenzhou V successfully set off. 

④ Shenzhou XIII and Shenzhou XIV were launched. 

A、①③②④ B、①③④② C、③②①④ D、③①②④
(4)、In which part of the magazine can we read this passage?
A、Health. B、Culture. C、Science. D、Business.

    XBOX 360 Kinetic, RoboSapien, WiiParty, theseare just a few of the modern toys sold in recent years. But some of the most populartoys are actually quite old.

Gameshave been around for thousands of years. In 4000 B. C, Babylonians played a boardgame that was similar to chess. Yo-yos made of stone were first used in ancientGreece around 1000 B C. And kites appeared in China around the same time.

    Another famous game is Scrabble. It was inventedby an architect in the 1930s, but it didn't get popular until 1953 And since then,more than 100 million sets have been sold worldwide.

    As you can imagine, toys and games are a multi-billion-dollarindustry. Mr. Potato Head, the first toy advertised on TV, grossed more than $4million in its first year. Play-Doh made its inventor Joseph McVicker a millionaireby his 27th birthday, while Mattel sells 1. 5 million Barbie dolls each week (that'stwo dolls each second!).

    Some toys go out of fashion, but then becomepopular again, such as Rubik's Cube. Research says parents are increasingly choosingto buy toys they remember from their own childhood.

    These days, toys are not just for fun. RoboSapienis a remote-controlled robot that was launched in 2004. He can walk, turn aroundand do other poses. RoboSapien was designed by Mark Tilden, who once created robotsfor NASA space missions. He expected the toy to be used mostly by and scientists,but almost 2 million RoboSapiens have been sold worldwide since its launch as atoy?

    Fancy a game anyone?

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Recently, researchers have found that dolphins know their own names much like people. Dolphins talk to one another with whistles (口哨) and calls. Scientists have known that the animals also use unusual whistles to name each other. They had thought that dolphins only heard each other's voices. However, the scientists didn't know that dolphins listen for their names too.

To test this idea, the researchers caught 14 dolphins and recorded their name calls. The scientists then copied each dolphin's voice. When the changed recordings were played, the dolphins replied strongly to the names of their relatives and group members. They paid no attention to the names of dolphins they did not know.

Dolphins live in large groups that grow and change. Each dolphin's unusual whistle helps it quickly find a friend or a family member, or call for help. Understanding their calls requires learning. It's a skill that's seen in very few animals, which include humans and elephants.

Elephants, for example, communicate with sound. Their sounds can be heard by other elephants miles away. Dolphins, too, communicate with each other by making sounds like this. Elephants also communicate by moving their head, feet and trunk (象鼻). In much the same way, dolphins communicate by their movements. They often touch each other to express friendship.

Unlike dolphins, elephants also communicate by their great sense of smell. They can recognize other elephants by the smells they have.

Why do dolphins and elephants share the gift of communication? Scientists think it may be because they are social and smart animals. Both have strong family relationship. Now, whether they also have nicknames(绰号) is another question!

