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题型:阅读选择 题类: 难易度:普通



We all waste food, you and me, every day, millions of tons of it. In China, enough food is wasted in restaurants every year to feed 200 million people. And the amount of food wasted by Chinese consumers is increasing fast. So our nation is being encouraged to stop wasting food.

So what should Chinese consumers do to prevent food waste?

♦ Keep a kitchen diary

All of us should keep a kitchen diary, and we can know that how much food we waste at home. The first thing for us to do is to stop throwing away food that we can still eat. We should eat everything we buy and if we cannot, we should buy less.

♦ Buy only what we need

We should ask for smaller portions in stores. We should also check how much food we have before buying more. We shouldn't bring much food we don't need home even if large posters ask us to do so.

♦ Develop the habit of packing food

Chinese consumers are generous and friendly. In restaurants, often too much food is ordered and served. So when ordering out, we are supposed to exclude the food in the order if we don't plan to eat it. And order smaller servings in restaurants and take home what we cannot finish.

Don't put it off! Let's stop food waste today!

(1)、Why is our nation being encouraged to stop wasting food?
A、Because there's enough food for Chinese people. B、Because Chinese consumers like to try delicious food. C、Because the number of food wasted by us is growing fast.
(2)、Miss Li is a housewife; she'd better ____ at home.
A、keep a kitchen diary B、buy things as much as possible C、cook too much food for her family
(3)、In order to urge more and more people to prevent food waste, we design a poster with the words ____.
A、Enjoy the food! B、Keep healthy! C、Waste not, want not!
(4)、Your friend invites you to dinner, which of the following is NOT right?
A、He asks for the right portions. B、You leave a lot of food on the table. C、You ask your friend to order less food.
(5)、As teenagers, what should we do to stop food waste?
A、Have a balanced diet. B、Eat less food to keep fit. C、Have a good habit of clearing the plate.
Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

    Benjamin Banneker was born a few months before another great American—George Washington. Benjamin was black, but he was not a slave (奴隶). He and his mother and his grandmother were free. Benjamin's grandmother came from England. In America she got a job and worked for many years to pay for her boat trip across the ocean. After working many years, she saved enough money to buy a farm. Benjamin lived with her for a while. She taught him to read, write and do arithmetic (算术).

    Benjamin's neighbours knew that he was clever. They were not surprised when he built a large wooden clock. He made each piece after studying a small pocket watch. The clock made him famous, for it was one of the first clocks built in America. People from other places began to send hard problems of all kinds to Benjamin to settle.

    Thomas Jefferson heard of Benjamin Banneker's ability to settle hard problems. He asked Banneker to help build the city that was to be the capital of the United States—Washington, D.C. Banneker worked hard on the plans for the city. He marked where the streets and buildings—the Capitol (美国国会大厦), the White House, and many other places should be built.

    Later, L' Enfant, the Frenchman who had designed the new city, had a quarrel, and went back to France in anger. He took all of the plans away. The workmen couldn't build without any plans to follow.

    For a while it seemed that the plans for the capital might have to be changed, but Benjamin Banneker remembered the plans he had helped draw. He drew each again as he had built each piece of his clock.

    If it weren't for Benjamin Banneker, Washington,

    D.C might look very different from the way it does today.


People know animals do have feelings, but they are not sure if these feelings are correctly understood. In recent years, scientists have done research about the feelings of cows, frogs and pandas.  ▲  It says that humans can tell whether a chicken is happy or sad by listening to its calls.

The researchers put a bowl behind a door. Inside the bowl, sometimes, there was something chickens love to eat, such as rice or insects. Sometimes, there was nothing. When the chickens saw food behind the door, they seemed happy and produced fast and loud sounds, known as food calls. When there wasn't food, the chickens made low and long noises to express disappointment. The researchers recorded all these sounds and studied their waves.

Then the researchers chose 16 recordings of such chicken noises. Half were from the chickens seeing the food and half were from the chickens finding no food. The recordings were played to 194 volunteers. Sixty-nine percent of the volunteers correctly understood whether the chickens were feeling happy or not, and some of them even had no experience of taking care of chickens.

The result shows that humans have the natural ability to understand the feelings of chickens. Hopefully, this finding can bring about new technology to help with chicken-raising, a big industry in many countries. Some scientists are already working on a smart computer program that can identify chickens' feelings. This is good news for farmers who want to make the birds happier and healthier.

 Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) 

Throwing tomatoes — Spain

Spain takes "tomato fights" to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place on the last Wednesday in August. Trucks carry tomatoes into the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd. 

Rolling cheese — England

This festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It takes place on Cooper's Hill. A large wheel of cheese is rolled down Cooper's Hill. In fact, the festival is a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese. 

Burning man — The United States

The Burning Man Festival lasts a week. It falls on the first Monday in September in America. The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture (雕塑) of a man. 

Pouring water — Thailand

The Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other and pour water. 

Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land. 

Enjoying snow & Ice — China

Snow & Ice Festival is held in Harbin in China from Jan. 5th to Feb 5th every year. It lasts a month. The Harbin festival is the largest snow and ice festival in the world. There are all kinds of full-size buildings made of ice and many ice and snow sports activities. All of the people in Harbin do ice and snow activities. 

