
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    We often meet with losses and downs in life.When I was young,I always went to my family and friends for help. As I grew older and became more independent, the advice from them wasn't enough and I began to read some books, which helped me a lot.Here I'd like to recommend some of them to you.

    The Art of Happiness, Howard Cutler

    This book was written in 1998,and in it,Howard Cutler asks Brendan Burchard,an outstanding philosopher, questions.Cutler is a psychiatrist(神经病学家)aiming to understand what the purpose of life is according to Brendan Burchard.Burchard in turn describes what he believes the purpose of life is: it's being happy.

    Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill, Matthieu Ricard

    Written by a French doctor, Dr.Ricard beautifully describes ways in which,happiness can be achieved.He argues happiness doesn't just happen by chance or luck.Just like other skills,it requires lots of hard work and determination.

    The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment,Eckhart Tolle

    The present moment is the only moment you have control of at any time in your life.In this book,Eckhart Tolle describes the importance of being present in spite of the mind's desire to be anywhere but now.

    The Alchemist,Paulo Coelho

    Coelho uses a fictional story to describe the potential theme of this book.You have the power to create your own future.Only you have the ability to create the kind of life you want for yourself.Of course,you're required to work and devote yourself to achieving your goals.

(1)、Which book is probably an interview?
A、The Art of Happiness. B、Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill. C、The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. D、The Alchemist.
(2)、What is Matthieu Ricard's opinion about happiness?
A、Being wealthy is the basis of happiness. B、Happiness belongs to those fortunate people. C、A strong will and efforts count in getting happiness. D、Living happily in the present is tough for most people.
(3)、Who agrees that we are the master of our own life?
A、Eckhart Tolle. B、Paulo Coelho. C、Matthieu Ricard. D、Brendan Burchard.

    Still seeking a destination for your weekend break? There are some places which are probably a mere walk away from your college.

King's Art Centre

    A day at the Centre could mean a visit to an exhibition of the work of one of the most interesting contemporary artists on show anywhere. This weekend tees the opening of an exhibition of four local artists.

You could attend a class teaching you how to 'learn from the masters' or get more creative with paint —- free of charge.

    The Centre also runs two life drawing classes for which there is a small fee.

The Botanic Garden

    The Garden has over 8,000 plant species; it holds the research and teaching collection of living plants for Cambridge University.

    The multi-branched Torch Aloe here is impressive. The African plant produces red flowers above blue-green leaves, and is not one to miss.

    Get to the display house to see Dionaea muscipula, a plant more commonly known as the Venus Flytrap that feeds on insects and other small animals.

    The Garden is also a place for wildlife-enthusiasts. Look for grass snakes in the lake. A snake called 'Hissing Sid' is regularly seen lying in the heat of the warm sun.

Byron's Pool

    Many stories surround Lord Byron's time as a student of Cambridge University, Arriving in 1805, he wrote a letter complaining that it was a place of "mess and drunkenness". However, it seems as though Byron did manage to pass the time pleasantly enough. I'm not just talking about the pet bear he kept in his roans. He spent a great deal of time walking in the village.

It is also said that on occasion Byron swam naked by moonlight in the lake, which is now known as Byron's Pool. A couple of miles past Grantchester in the south Cambridgeshire countryside, the pool is surrounded by beautiful circular paths around the fields. The cries of invisible birds make the trip a lovely experience and on the way home you can drop into the village for afternoon tea. If you don't trust me, then perhaps you'll take it from Virginia Woolf一—over a century after Byron, she reportedly took a trip to swim in the same pool.


    The vast majority of people can buy pretty much anything they need. Not anything they want, necessarily, but anything they need to achieve a satisfactory degree of creature comfort: clothing, water, shoes and food.

    During my childhood, a Michael Pollan book would have been the prize of my year, were I to find it waiting under my Christmas tree or open it upon my birthday. I also used to be thrilled at receiving necessary things, like simple socks or gloves, as present. Nowadays I have too many gloves. I purchase leather gloves online that appear to be a good deal or just because I like their look.

    Prosperity (富足) is a good thing, right? Yes, of course. But for me, I find that the greater ease with which such a generous gift is purchased, the less significance it has when given. This is why I try harder at gifts.

    My first line of dealing with this problem is simply understanding the effect of a little time spent. Even writing out a thoughtful or funny card goes a lot further than a “cute top” purchased from a popular shopping website.

    Need help? Go to your printer. There's paper in there. Fold one sheet in half and draw a heart on the front. Open it up and fill the card with a poem or a few words of your own. Not only is it obvious that you took the time to select your words and write them down, but now you force the reader to stop for a short time and consider what you were trying to accomplish with them. The effort made by the two of you is the gift.

    No matter how you decide to spend a little more time on your giving, the point is just quite simply that you do. You don't have to give a person a handmade paper boat to get a reaction. But you won't be sorry if you do.


    Being sociable looks like a good way to add years to your life. Relationships with family, friends, neighbors, even pets, will all help, but the biggest longevity (长寿) seems to come from marriage. The effect was first noticed in 1858 by William Farr, who wrote that widows and widowers (鳏夫) were at a much higher risk of dying than the married people. Studies since then suggest that marriage could add as much as seven years to a man's life and two to a woman's. The effect can be seen in all causes of death, whether illness, accident or self-harm.

    Even if the chances are all against you, marriage can more than compensate you. Linda Waite of the University of Chicago has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart. Similarly, a married man who smokes more than a pack a day is likely to live as long as a divorced man who doesn't smoke. There's a flip side, however, as partners are more likely to become ill or die in the couple of years following their husband or wife's death, and caring for your husband or wife with mental disorder can leave you with some of the same severe problems. Even so, the chances favor marriage. In a 30-year study of more than 10,000 people, Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School describes how all kinds of social networks have similar effects.

    So how does it work? The effects are complicated, affected by socio-economic factors, health-service provision, emotional support and other more physiological mechanisms(生理机制). For example, social contact can promote development of the brain and immune system, leading to better health and less chance of depression later in life. People in supportive relationships may handle stress better. Then there are the psychological benefits of a supportive partner.

    A life partner, children and good friends are all recommended if you aim to live to 100. The overall social network is still being mapped out, but Christakis says: "People are inter-connected, so their health is inter-connected."


    Why do people lie? Many psychologists agree that it can start from childhood? There are various reasons why children make false statements. They usually tell untruthful stories to cover up the mistakes that they have done in the past. Lying is also a way to avoid receiving punishments from parents. If parents fail to reprimand their children for making up false stories, then there is a possibility that they will continue to lie during their teenage years.

    Teenagers lie because they want to be accepted by their friends. This is the main reason why they create stories that are not true just to become presentable and acceptable to other people. In some instances, teenagers tell untruthful statements to avoid criticisms from their families and friends.

    As teenagers grow, lying becomes one of your habits. Their knowledge on making up untruthful stories becomes more developed. People lie in workplaces if they fail to meet the deadlines and if they fail to accomplish and do their tasks efficiently. Some of the common lies made in workplaces are getting sick and having emergencies at home. The danger involved in frequent lying is when it, becomes a character. Frequent lying causes the development of the condition known to doctors as pathological(病态的)lying.

    Pathological lying is a mental health condition, which is associated with individuals who have the urge to tell untruthful statements. Patients suffering from it make up stories about everything and anything. These individuals lie to meet the standards of other people who they want to please. These patients deceive other people because it gives them an unexplained pleasure. One of the best ways of treating pathological liar is to help them tell true statements and stories at all times. This may be hard for them, but as they are accustomed to it, they will start to realize that they will be more accepted by their families and other people if they stop themselves from making up for stories


    Beneath the water in the China's Qiandao Lake lies a hidden treasure. The ancient city of Shi Cheng (also known as Lion City), located in the province of Zhejiang, has been submerged underwater for 53 years. Shi Cheng was founded about 1,300 years ago in a valley surrounded by the Five Lion Mountains. When the Chinese government decided they needed a new hydroelectric power station (水力发电站), a dam and man-made lake were constructed and the city was left at the bottom of this new body of water. Now, it sits at depths ranging from 85 feet to about 103 feet.

    Much like the Machu Picchu ruins in Peru, this underwater city remained forgotten until some renewed interests lead to its rediscovery. Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism thought about utilizing Shi Cheng for entertainment on the lake and as a destination for diving clubs. On September 18, 2001, scuba divers made their first attempt underwater. "We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick, "Qiu told Guangzhou Daily in an interview. More research was conducted, and it was discovered that the entire town was intact (1881), including wooden beams and stairs. After the initial findings, international archaeologists and a film crew then recorded the preservation of the lost ruins.

    Looking at surface of the lake, dotted with over 1,000 islands, you'd never know that an entire city was below.

    It's incredible to think that after all this time, the structure still remains intact and we could one day visit it. Until then, Shi Cheng will continue to remain inconspicuously submerged.

