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题型:阅读还原 题类: 难易度:普通



The popularity of online fitness (健身) increased greatly. The number of people using fitness apps has risen rapidly.  Even though people exercise separately at home, they often do it together through the Internet. Online fitness allows people to exercise at any time and anywhere without going to a gym (体育馆) or a fitness center.

According to a report from Douyin, the number of fitness videos in 2021 increased by 134 percent, while followers of fitness trainers went up by 208 percent compared with the year before.  These trainers do a great job in both teaching and leading people to exercise more.

In the past, TV exercise programs were popular, but now online fitness videos have made exercising even more popular because they are easy to learn.  He started an online fitness course to teach people how to exercise at home, and now his fans call him the "personal trainer champion (冠军)".

A report from Jingdong in 2022 showed that sales of yoga (瑜伽) and dance products have grown rapidly since March. 

The Chinese government has also organized online competitions. 

A. People often search online for simple exercises that are taught by personal trainers.

B. Sales of yoga bags increased by over 800 percent.

C. New styles of sports have appeared that people can do at home.

D. The games are made to encourage more people to take part in fitness activities.

E. Even famous players like Su Bingtian, a runner, are joining in.


    XBOX 360 Kinetic, RoboSapien, WiiParty, theseare just a few of the modern toys sold in recent years. But some of the most populartoys are actually quite old.

Gameshave been around for thousands of years. In 4000 B. C, Babylonians played a boardgame that was similar to chess. Yo-yos made of stone were first used in ancientGreece around 1000 B C. And kites appeared in China around the same time.

    Another famous game is Scrabble. It was inventedby an architect in the 1930s, but it didn't get popular until 1953 And since then,more than 100 million sets have been sold worldwide.

    As you can imagine, toys and games are a multi-billion-dollarindustry. Mr. Potato Head, the first toy advertised on TV, grossed more than $4million in its first year. Play-Doh made its inventor Joseph McVicker a millionaireby his 27th birthday, while Mattel sells 1. 5 million Barbie dolls each week (that'stwo dolls each second!).

    Some toys go out of fashion, but then becomepopular again, such as Rubik's Cube. Research says parents are increasingly choosingto buy toys they remember from their own childhood.

    These days, toys are not just for fun. RoboSapienis a remote-controlled robot that was launched in 2004. He can walk, turn aroundand do other poses. RoboSapien was designed by Mark Tilden, who once created robotsfor NASA space missions. He expected the toy to be used mostly by and scientists,but almost 2 million RoboSapiens have been sold worldwide since its launch as atoy?

    Fancy a game anyone?


The Chinese cheongsam, also known as qipao, is a traditional dress that first appeared in the early 20th century in Shanghai. It has become a symbol of Chinese culture and is worn by women around the world.

The cheongsam hugs the curves(曲线) of the body and is mostly made of silk or cotton. It's typical with a high collar(领), short sleeves(袖) and a short cut on the side of the skirt to make movement easy.

The cheongsam was first worn by wealthy women in Shanghai as a way to show their social positions and wealth. But it quickly became popular among all classes of women as daily clothes. During the 1920s and 1930s, the cheongsam experienced changes and became fitter and better designed with fashionable elements(元素). Nowadays, designers are creating new styles to follow modern fashion.

Today, the cheongsam is often worn for formal situations such as ceremonies, celebrations and cultural events in China. One of the most popular looks of the cheongsam is Anna Wong, a Chinese famous movie star. She often wears cheongsams on and off screen. Her look helps to make the dress win popularity in Hollywood and around the world.

The cheongsam is not just a symbol of fashion, but also of Chinese culture and history. It brings out that Chinese people can always keep up with  changing fashion over years.

The cheongsam has stood the test of time. It will continue to catch eyes of the public and give ideas to people for years to come.


Have you ever imagined being able to communicate with your pets at home and have them understand everything you say?It sounds too good to be true,but scientists have started using AIto help communicate with animals. 

Professor Bake told Scientific Magazine that AI allows humans to use technology to watch and understand the sounds and signals animals communicate with so we humans can try to speak back to them. She said trying to communicate in animals' language could be better than teaching them how to use human sign language. AI is already helping us communicate with bats and bees. This could change what we know about these animals and our relationships with them. 

Professor Bake explained how Scientist Tovel had used recordings and AI to understand bats. "Bats have their own language. They often argue over food. They have different names,or 'signature calls'," she said,mother bats lower their voice when speaking to their babies. Their voice can never be heard with human ears. But AI makes this possible because a computer can be trained to listen like a bat. "

Actually,AI has so far achieved a lot in this field. For example,the computer not only listens but also watches bees' body movement to understand what they are communicating. Bake said scientists now know how bees say things such as "be quiet" or "stop". Scientist Landlof even created a robot Honeybee that entered a bee's home and was able to communicate with other bees when it wanted them to stop doing something or fly. 

