
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In today's households where both parent go to work and kids have busy schedules with school homework and many afternoon activities, finding time for a gathering at the table seems all but impossible. Yet, studies have shown time and again that eating together has multiple benefits for family members, especially children.

    According to reports issued by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University(CASA), children who eat more with their family are at lower risk of developing poor eating habits, weight problems or alcohol dependencies. They tend to perform better academically than those who frequently eat alone. Family meals came into American life in the mid-20th century. In the 60's and 70's, social, economic and technological changes quickly dissolved the short-lived way of family meals. Restaurant visits, take-out and TV dinners have since become the norm.

    There are indicators, however, that the old customs are coming back. According to the latest CASA reports, 59% of surveyed families said they ate diner together at least five times a week, a significant increase from 47% in 1998. Whatever drives this trend, it is a development that should be welcomed.

    Eating together as a family is not just about food and nutrition. It is about teaching them how to become members of their society and culture. Food as become so easily and cheaply available that we no longer appreciate its significance. We have to rediscover its importance and its value. Sharing a meal with loved ones should be considered a special event, which can almost take on the form of a ceremony, as it was practiced by our ancestors for whom finding food was a constant struggle.

    Of course, there is no guarantee that the simple act of eating at home surrounded by family may make children more virtuous or socially more responsible. But it can lay the groundwork for a lot of things that point them in the right direction.

(1)、What does the underlined sentence suggest?
A、Dining at home would enjoy great popularity. B、The society was to develop at a rapid speed. C、This practice of family meals started to change. D、Americans would attach importance to take-out.
(2)、What is the writer's attitude towards eating together as a family?
A、Disapproving. B、Favorable. C、Reserved. D、Objective.
(3)、From the passage we learn our ancestors possibly ________.
A、valued the education of children B、liked struggling with each other C、appreciated the importance of food D、cared much about food nutrition
(4)、Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A、Family Dinners Benefit Kids B、Good Eating Habits Matter C、Meals Take on New Meanings D、Old Customs Are Coming Back

I told my friend Graham that I often cycle two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, "You mean fortunately." He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.

    My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to complain as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to lose weight and get fit. It will mean thatI live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally I comfort myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationery exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free. I have asmile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill.

Problems are there to be faced and overcome. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person togain a university degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational. She wrote, "Character cannot be developed in ease. Only through experiences of suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."

    One of the main determinants of success in life is our attitude towards adversity (逆境). From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. Some are of our making but many are no fault of our own. While we cannot choose the adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.

Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs cut off following a flying accident. He was determined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flyingaviators in the Battle of Britain with 22 aerial victories over the Germans. He was an inspiration to others during the war. He said, "Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do this or that. That's nonsense. Make up your mind, you'll never use crutches (拐杖) or a stick, and then have a go at everything. Go to school, and join in all the games youcan. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible."

    The biographies (传记) of greatpeople are full of examples of how they took steps to overcome the difficulties they faced. The common thread is that they did not become depressed. They chose their attitude. They chose to be positive. They took on the challenge. They won.

    Nevertheless, there is still the problem of how you change your attitude towards adversity.


    Prinker: Color Your Way

    Tattoos always look so cool, but actually getting one is quite a commitment. After all, apart from using expensive laser removal therapy, they stay on your skin forever.

    The Prinker is here to change the game. It is a device (设备) that lets you create or print any image or temporary tattoos within a matter of seconds. It is connected to your smartphone and you can select a bunch of preloaded tattoos available in the app.

    This device was exhibited at The International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year. It is manufactured by a Korean startup company called “SketchOn”.

    You can sketch your ideas out on your skin with this portable device that is almost twice the size of a computer mouse. This is a nice way to support your team in the match by printing its logo or design onto your skin. You can also share your tattoo designs with others through the app. It is also a fun and creative toy for kids to play with.

    In order to print the design, all you need to do is select or draw a design on your mobile and then press and rub the base of the device against your skin and you are done. These designs and images are water resistant but can be washed off with soap water. The ink of the Prinker is non-toxic and is made only from certified cosmetic ingredients. Each cartridge (墨盒) contains enough ink for about 1,500 tattoos, or as J+ R. Smith would call it, “a good start.”

    The Prinker is developed by a small team of five members. The company is planning to launch the device in China and then in the United States. The device is currently commercializing in Korea as a rental device. The agencies and organizations pay $150 for a day to use it in their events or marketing.

    The current version of Prinker is aimed towards business users (think festivals, carnivals, sports events, promotion campaigns). But the company is working on a home version, and hopes to have it available to buy before the end of 2018. SketchOn estimates the personal model will retail at $200. The company is currently seeking to partner with international agencies for distribution opportunities.

    Although Prinker is currently aimed towards novelty and creative purposes, its technologies could eventually be adapted for use by professional tattoo artists or medical professionals who provide tattoos for patients, such as after a breast cancer operation or skin graft.


    Eudaimonia is an Ancient Greek word, particularly stressed by the philosophers Plato and Aristotle, which deserves far more attention than it has because it corrects the shortfalls (缺失)in one of the most central, but troubling words in our modem language: happiness.

    When we nowadays try to clearly express the purpose of our lives,it is the word "happiness" that we commonly turn to. We tell ourselves and others that the most important principle for our jobs, our relationships and the conduct of our day-to-day lives is the pursuit of happiness. It sounds like an innocent enough idea, but too much reliance on the term means that we frequently unfairly tend to quit or, at least, heavily question a great many challenging but worthwhile situations. The Ancient Greeks did not believe that the purpose of life was to be happy; they proposed that it was to achieve Eudaimonia, a word which has been best translated as "fulfilment".

    What distinguishes happiness from fulfilment is pain. It is very possible to be fulfilled and—at the same time—under pressure, suffering physically or mentally, overburdened and, quite frequently, in an irritable (易怒的)mood. This is a slight psychological difference that is hard for the word "happiness" to capture, for it's tricky to speak of being happy yet unhappy, or happy yet suffering. However, such a combination is readily accommodated within the respected and noble-sounding idea of Eudaimonia.

    The word encourages us to trust that many of life's most worthwhile projects will sometimes be in conflict with contentment, and yet will be worth pursuing. Properly exploring our professional talents, managing a household, keeping a relationship going, creating a new business venture or engaging in politics... none of these goals are likely to leave us cheerful and grinning on a daily basis. They will, in fact, involve us in all manner of challenges that will deeply exhaust and weaken us, provoke (激怒)and wound us. And yet we will perhaps, at the end of our lives, still feel that the tasks were worth undertaking. Through them, we'll have achieved something deeper and more interesting than happiness.

    With the word Eudaimonia in mind, we can stop imagining that we are aiming for a pain-free existence—and then blaming ourselves unfairly for being in a bad mood. We'll know that we are trying to do something far more important than smile all the time: we're striving to do justice to our full human potential.


    TV, iPads, and computers are fun and sometimes educational, but many people think the technology is bad. My parents let me watch one or two shows or play a game on the iPad for an hour, but then make me find thing else to do, like read or draw a picture. They say that too much screen time won't help me become smarter.

    I think that it is okay to watch TV, but not too much. And some of my friends agree.

    "A tiny bit of screen time is okay," Mateo J., 7, said. "But too much of it is not good for your brain."

    Though my friends and I sometimes complain (抱怨), we think that it's good our parents limit our screen time.

    "Our parents should limit our technology time because otherwise you might get carried away and not even know that you've stayed inside all day watching TV," Naomi J. , 9, said.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP) used to recommend (推荐) that parents let kids have about two hours of screen time per day, but in 2016, they started recommending that parents of kids 6 and older decide for themselves how much time is okay, as long as the shows and games are appropriate. The AAP still says that kids 2-5 years old should have only about one hour of screen time per day, and kids under 2 no screen time at all. The AAP says that media you've stayed inside all day in all forms, including TV, computers, and smartphones, can affect how children feel, learn, think, and behave. However, parents are still the most important influence.

    I think TV shows like Brain Games and Cupcake Wars are inspiring. I've even learned some magic while watching Brain Games! Video games can be educational, as some TV shows are about nature, and other shows have useful messages. But some games and shows have bad things in them, like smoking.

    You can play outside instead of watching TV. Find other things to do. You don t have to be or screens all day.


    Josh Katz works at the New York Times. His common job is to use information to tell interesting stories. In December 2013, Katz built a quiz on the Times website. It asked people about the words they used to describe things and events. It also asked how they pronounced common words. The quiz then used people's answers to decide where in the United States they were from.

    The quiz got more than 350, 000 results. Katz turned the results into a book. In Speaking American, he studies regional differences in how Americans talk.

"A lot of people's language shows who they are and where they are from, in a very personal way", Katz said.

Katz says people are often surprised to learn that the way they talk can show where they grew up. Most Americans don't realize they use regionalisms — or words and phrases specific to a particular part of the country. But just about everyone does. Almost every major U.S. city has a few unique terms. For example, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the night before Halloween is known as Mischief Night. Anyone who calls it that is likely to be connected to the city.

    Katz himself was surprised by how many common words are regional. "There are a lot of words I use that I just thought were standard words," he says. "Then I found out some of these words were actually a product of my upbringing."

    For example, he says, "I thought everyone said 'sneakers' (运动鞋) and not 'tennis shoes'." But it turns out "sneakers" is connected mostly to the Northeast. That's where Katz is from.

    Some scholars think that language in the U.S. is growing more homogeneous (同类的). But Katz disagrees. "These regional differences are here to stay." he says.

    Not only are people still using common regionalisms, but there are new ones appearing all the time, according to Katz. There's no way to predict how language will change in the future. But Katz sees more changes coming. "The only sure thing about language is that it's going to keep moving." he says.

